Posts Tagged ‘ISIS’


November 20, 2015

Black Lives Matter protesters disrupted students studying in the library at Dartmouth University by screaming obscene and racist remarks such as “F**k you, you filthy white f**ks” and “F**k you, you racist shits” and getting into physical altercations with the students. Dartmouth’s Vice Provost for student affairs, Inge-Lise Ameer, apologized…to the BLM protesters for the negative responses and media coverage that they received. WTF??

While French President Francois Hollande labeled the Paris attacks an act of war, President Obama called them a “setback” and Secretary of State John Kerry expressed surprise that the Paris attacks lacked the rationaleof the Charlie Hebdo murders. WTF??

Bloomberg columnist Margaret Carlson minimized the dangers of illegal immigration and Syrian refugees arguing that “maybe” terrorists sneaking into the US would become patriotically Americanized and their anger would go away because we have a history of successfully integrating immigrants. WTF??

In Lowell, Mass., Lindsay Miller has been allowed to wear a pasta strainer on her head in her driver’s license photo because she is a religious member, a “Pastafarian”, of “The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster”, officially recognized as a religion in Poland. WTF??

Colorado’s State Legislature will hold a vote in June on whether or not to legalize the purchasing, selling, and distributing, of hard drugs including heroin, meth, cocaine, and peyote. According to State Senator John Perry Barlow, legalizing these drugs will “empty out the dregs of our prisons and bring in millions of dollars in tax revenues for our state” and “make drug abuse treatment a more viable option for addicts and doctors alike”. WTF??

Princeton students are demanding the university “acknowledge the racist legacy of Woodrow Wilson”; University of Texas students are demanding a tuition-free education and cancellation of student debts; and Occidental College students are demanding campus safety officers stop wearing bullet-proof vests. WTF??

David J. Hentosh

Denial Of War

November 16, 2015

After the terrorist attacks in Paris, France’s Le Parisien daily decared: “This Time It’s War”. What, then, do we call all the other times terrorists attacked if not war? We have “progressed” so far that we no longer recognize war when it is right in our face.

War means killing your enemy before they kill you and doing it as quickly and efficiently as possible until they surrender. War is horrifically bloody, vicious, and often indiscriminate. War causes mass destruction and casualties that bring out the worst in human nature and offend all human sensibilities. Reluctance to wage war is wise and prudent. Refusal to do so when necessary is suicide.

There is no such thing as a humane war. That is an oxymoron impossible to achieve. The “war on women”, the “war on drugs”, and the “war on Christmas” are foolish hyperboles that have desensitized society to the true meaning of war. The bullshit of political correctness blinds us to reality and we have become paralyzed by it.

ISIS understands war, has declared war, and is waging war successfully. We have been told in no uncertain terms by ISIS that they are coming here to kill us. They are currently infiltrating Europe through its open borders, some masquerading as refugees. ISIS has not been “contained” and they are not on the run. They are on the attack and Paris is just the beginning.

Our “leaders” have been in denial for years, refusing to even acknowledge radical Islam as a threat. This denial has given Iran time and permission to develop nuclear weapons, allowed ISIS to grow into an active invading force, and kept our border open for invasion. Europe’s denial resulted in bringing the Middle East rampage of ISIS to Paris. That carnage was brought about by only a handful of extremists rehearsing tactics that they are going to bring here on a larger scale.

Climate change (aka global warming) is not the biggest threat we currently face. That, too, is denial. We are at war whether we like it or not and our first step is to kill denial before it kills us. We’ve been losing that battle, too.

David J. Hentosh

Containment Folly

November 15, 2015

From NRO:

On the very day that President Obama declared ISIS to be “contained,” it reached hundreds of miles outside the borders of its so-called caliphate and struck the heart of Paris…This is what happens when terrorists are given safe havens, when they have time and space to recruit and train new fighters, and when they have time and funds to organize attacks…The idea that ISIS could be “contained” was folly from the beginning…A serious war requires a serious strategy, one not hamstrung by absurd rules of engagement that grant enemy fighters known safe haven, nor can it be bound by silly notions that President Obama has “ended” a war that is still burning hot…jihadists are still eager to fight, and wars do not end when one side grows tired of battle…French president François Hollande has vowed to wage “pitiless” war against ISIS. We must demonstrate the same resolve…

Read it all here: A Serious War


The Iran Farce

March 31, 2015

No one really believes that Iran can be trusted and no one really believes Iran will give up its pursuit of a nuclear weapon. That makes the desperation in this administration’s courting of Iran embarrassing, confusing, and frightening – and a farce.

Obama has not only ignored Israeli concerns in his frantic attempt to reach an agreement, any agreement, with Iran; he took personal, vindictive swipes at Prime Minister Netanyahu and subtly attempted to influence Israel’s election against him. It is embarrassing to all Americans to see a staunch ally such as Israel being deliberately insulted.

At the same time, Obama seems to be trying hard to help Iran become a nuclear power. The delays in negotiations, including the latest one, have given Iran plenty of time to hide its nuclear bomb-making facilities while Obama continues to make beneficial concessions to Iran. As if that isn’t baffling enough, Obama has the US helping Iran fight ISIS in Iraq while we are fighting against Iran in Syria.

Saudi Arabia, fearing the inevitability of a nuclear Iran resulting from Obama’s negotiations, is now contemplating arming itself with nuclear weapons. The Middle East is on the verge of nuclear proliferation and becoming much more dangerous – with nukes available to Islamic fanatics who have vowed to annihilate Israel on their way to conquering the world.

Obama seems to be blind to it all and holding fast to a policy that is naïvely unrealistic. Regardless of any agreement that may be reached, the inevitable violations by Iran will be handled through the UN Security Council. This is sure to be a slow (and impotent) process that will guarantee Iran gets enough time to complete its quest for the bomb. It’s a win-win situation for Iran and total loss for the rest of the world.

A nuclear Middle East will become Obama’s legacy but by that time, he will be out of office and on the golf course, blaming whoever inherits the White House – and the media will back him up.

David J. Hentosh

No Dignity In Jihad

March 17, 2015

ISIS fighters are dressing as women in attempts to escape the battlefield and the Iraqi army. The humiliation for these terrorists who regard women to be beneath them must be, one can surely hope, intense. It is the least they deserve.

Some of these terrorists tried to maintain Muslim tradition by foolishly keeping their facial hair while dressing as a woman. Apparently, shaving a beard is a step over the line for those using women and children as human shields, beheading innocent people, and viciously slaughtering non-believers.

Being dragged away by Iraqi troops while dressed in drag must be very embarrassing for ISIS terrorists who have been projecting themselves as fierce, unbeatable warriors. How mortifying it must be to find there is no dignity in jihad. There is only ignorance, arrogance, and savagery – and eventual defeat.

David J. Hentosh

Wrong…Wrong…and Wrong Again

February 16, 2015

The U.S. embassy in Yemen is closing as turmoil in the country increases and security deteriorates. This is the same Yemen that President Obama held up last September as a successful model for fighting ISIS, the same ISIS he compared to a “JV team” a little over a year ago.

Obama is now seeking war powers from Congress to help in the fight against ISIS. His premature promise not to put boots on the ground (where there were already boots on the ground) is starting to look a lot like his promise of keeping your doctor and your health insurance plan. He is now considering “limited” ground combat operations against ISIS. Zero has turned into limited – and this is far from over.

He gave terrorists advance notice of when he was going to pull out of Iraq and then, ignoring military advice, pulled all of our troops out and proclaimed the war in Iraq to be over. As predicted, terrorists immediately began taking over Iraq. Obama denied this and began a victory dance over Osama bin Laden’s death and his self-proclaimed decimation of Al Qaeda, the same Al Qaeda that has tripled attacks since 2010 and just now seized an army base in Yemen.

In 2012, President Obama set the use of chemical weapons as a “red line” for using military force in Syria and then did absolutely nothing when chemical weapons were used. Later, in 2013, he tried to say he never set that red line in the first place, blaming the “world” for setting it. It is clear he set it and reneged, setting the stage for ISIS to grow into the world threat it has become.

This president has been horribly wrong on everything concerning the Middle East and terrorism. How wrong does he have to be for supporters and the media to hold him accountable and seriously question his leadership? How much more damage can he do while we wait for that to happen?

David J. Hentosh

Paris Rally Only a Gesture

January 13, 2015

The largest demonstration in France’s history was little more than a feel-good gesture. It was nice that it brought many world leaders together for a moment of solidarity against barbaric terrorism, but it would be nicer if they actually did something to stop terrorism. As long as political correctness continues to reign there will be no advance made against terrorism.

Political correctness continues to be more important than reality for far too many. From president Obama to Howard Dean to the NY Times, the mere mention of Islam or Muslims in relation to a terrorist attack brings more outrage than the bloody attacks themselves. There is more concern and debate about what not to call terrorists than how to combat them, and fear of offending Muslims is greater than fear of terrorism.

Many otherwise intelligent people have bought into this PC foolishness. It makes them feel good and righteous about themselves, but it is literally killing us. European countries are mired in political correctness and now they are becoming mired in terrorism. One follows the other and until the world sees this, the terrorists will continue to win – and they are most certainly winning. Our entire way of life has been disrupted and our freedom has become restrained because of terrorist victories.

The Paris rally did little against terrorism but it did highlight our administration’s continuing political bungling when only an ambassador was sent to represent the US. Obama’s fear of offending Muslims overcame his fear of offending the rest of the world. Yes, he has done more actually fighting terrorism than those marching, but it was still a political blunder.

Obama’s appearance with busloads of Secret Service agents was certainly not missed and Biden’s absence was more of a relief than anything else. However, Holder was right there in Paris and deliberately held back from attending by Obama. That was certainly a message being sent. Had this been a rally against police, Holder would surely have been ordered to lead the march. Sad, but true.

David J. Hentosh

Berkeley Sets Liberal Benchmark

December 16, 2014

Recently, Filmmaker Ami Horowitz went to the University of California’s Berkeley campus to conduct an experiment. Waving an ISIS flag, making remarks favorable to ISIS, and blaming America for world terrorism, Ami was ignored or encouraged, but never challenged by passing students.

When he later switched to waving an Israeli flag and denouncing Hamas, he was continually challenged, cursed at, and vilified. Students’ hatred and demeaning of Israel was vehemently pronounced while sympathy for Hamas seemed unanimous. Terrorist organizations such as ISIS and Hamas are unabashedly supported by Berkeley and academia in general.

Berkeley, California, of course, is a leader in “progressiveness” proudly forcing marijuana dispensaries to provide free medicinal marijuana to low-income customers, enacting a tax on soda, and putting warning labels on gas pumps. While the Berkeley campus prides itself on free speech, it hypocritically has no problem banning a speech by liberal Bill Maher solely due to his view on Muslims.

Ironically, Berkeley encourages students to embrace everything liberal while refusing to follow a local ordinance raising the minimum wage. Students speak out loudly and protest often concerning political issues, but very few students (14%) bothered to vote in the mid-term elections even though there were measures on the ballot affecting student life.

Berkeley’s liberalism has “progressed” to the point where victimizing criminals, as long as they are minorities, and bashing the USA are automatic reactions. Criminals or murderers who hate the USA, such as ISIS and Hamas, are ‘twofers’ and held in even higher esteem. Berkeley isn’t the only school actively indoctrinating students to sympathize with criminals and bash the USA, but it does set the benchmark for the liberal agenda at colleges and universities across the nation.

Schools in many Arab countries are encouraging students to hate Israel and the USA and adopt terrorism as a way of life. Schools in this country are encouraging students to hate the USA and rally with criminals against the evil American “system”. What kind of future does that predict for this country? With Berkeley leading the way, can there even be a future for this country?

David J. Hentosh


December 11, 2014

ISIS death squads have been on a rampage viciously killing women, children, and anyone who doesn’t bend to their will. They strap bombs to innocent children and use them as weapons. They have proudly published videos of the beheading of innocent Americans and they routinely ask, and receive, ransoms for captured European citizens, killing them brutally if refused.

Now, ISIS is trying to sell the remains of beheaded journalist James Foley to his parents or the US government for one million dollars. They are calling this horrific ransom attempt an “act of mercy” and a “humanity case”.

These are the “Islamic fundamentalists” the world is up against. These are the bastards that blind, ignorant fools refuse to call “terrorists”, insisting on using the innocuous term “militants” for politically correct reasons. These are the ones we’re supposed to try to understand.

And here, in the good old USA, we’re beating ourselves up, proudly proclaiming to the world how terrible we are and apologizing to all because we dared to waterboard one of these beasts in an effort to stop American citizens from being slaughtered? We’re the ones the far-left idiots living right here in this country condemn and have no qualms about calling terrorists. We’re the ones living in fear that waterboarding will make us as brutal and uncivilized as them while we keep sending drones, hoping to kill someone important.

We are living in a fantasy world where we are always the good guy and the good guy always wins. Meanwhile, our enemies are laughing at us and patiently awaiting the victory that our foolishness is sure to bring their way. We proudly accept allowing hundreds of the guilty to go free as long as we don’t wrongly convict one innocent and we are willing to allow thousands of innocents to be killed rather than waterboard one terrorist.

What are we transforming into?

David J. Hentosh

No Troops…No Troops…No Troops…

September 11, 2014

President Obama’s ISIS speech was less about his ISIS strategy than it was about his personal ideology. He made sure we all understood he was not going to send troops to Iraq and he assured us that ISIS is not Islamic. Ruling out troops twice in his speech emphasized his presumptuousness (which got us into this mess in the first place) and refusing to call ISIS Islamic was just politically correct nonsense.

Obama’s presidential campaign centered on pulling our troops out of Iraq, not winning the war, and he put a timetable on doing that with no consideration of future circumstances. He wasn’t interested in victory, having even stated his dislike for that very word and making sure it wasn’t a goal for the U.S. in Afghanistan. His given date for troop removal gave terrorists preparation time, a morale boost, and a goal.

Furthermore, he was not interested in having any troops remain in Iraq and he pulled them all out against military advice. Obama sees our military as representative of U.S. power and influence in the world – and he loathes it. On his “apology tour”, he made it very clear that he was embarrassed by past U.S. actions and promised he was going to “change” our ways. He has accomplished that and, consequently, the U.S. has lost credibility across the globe.

Obama’s distaste for the military is also behind ignoring the red line he set concerning Syria’s use of chemical weapons. His ideology does not allow use of U.S. power, so his red line was just rhetorical bluster which seems to be the bulk of his failing foreign policy. He has previously stated his belief that he was elected to stop wars, not start them, so he is desperately trying to avoid anything remotely resembling military might.

Obama’s ISIS speech was a result of reality forcing its way into his fantasy view of the world. Reluctance to face that reality was evident by his insistence on ideological notions that circumstances could easily prove to be very naive. Time will tell if reality will penetrate further but the “plan” has been revealed to ISIS in more detail than necessary and ISIS will be eager to test Obama’s resolve of no troops…no troops…no troops…

David J. Hentosh