A Message from Jeff McGeary, TJC President


Dear Patriot,
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
St. Patrick’s Day is a long-standing international and American holiday;
a celebration of the most recognized patron saint of Ireland.  In the
United States, the holiday actually began on March 17, 1762, with
Irish soldiers serving in the English military marching in downtown
New York City.  Since that time, the date has evolved as recognition
of the roughly 36 million Americans claiming Irish lineage and their
contribution to our Republic and its collective European core ancestry.
Our nation has also evolved a great deal over our short time of 235 years.
Here at the Thomas Jefferson Club, a portion of our mission statement reads…
“WE BELIEVE the United States is a highly successful Republic because
of the Western Culture and Values upon which our nation was founded.”
A culture drives a nation.  And every nation has a right to national
self-determination.  The United States is no different.  So the subject for
our next meeting, Wednesday, April 6th, is…
“Which Way Western Man?”
To discuss this subject we have two excellent presenters who will address
this question with facts, figures and solutions.
First up we will host Peter Brimelow, author of the national best-seller,
“Alien Nation: Common Sense About America’s Immigration Disaster”
and Editor of VDare.com.
Our second speaker will be Louis March, author of,
“Immigration and the End of Self Government”
and Chairman of the Representative Government Education Foundation.
Mr. March is a former senior staffer of Senator Jesse Helms.
Please join us Wednesday, April 6th, 7pm at The Temperance House
in Newtown.
The Temperance House is located at 5 South State Street in Newtown, Bucks County.
I look forward to seeing you on April 6th in Newtown!
All the best,
Jeff McGeary
President, Thomas Jefferson Club


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