Now What?

The 2014 elections are over and Republicans won big, obtaining control of the Senate and retaining control of the House. It was an enormous defeat for Democrats and Obama’s agenda, but it remains to be seen if it will change the way things work, or don’t work, at the White House.

In his post-election speech, Obama claimed to have heard the message voters sent and he claimed he was willing to work with Republicans. However, it seems all he really heard from voters was that he now has to double-down on forcing his personal agenda onto the American public.

He arrogantly warned Congress to adhere to his immigration views or he would just veto whatever they come up with and issue executive orders. That’s his way of working with Republicans (political blackmail) and it is his egotistical “up yours” response to voters. Once again, it was a classless act from a classless president who never listened to or worked with Republicans – ever.

This election was a firm rejection of Obama’s direction for the country. Opinion polls back this up showing 70% angry at the current direction. Many Democrats and hardcore liberals are trying to spin the outcome differently, but that is just the same denial that caused their defeat. Believing their views are the same as the majority of Americans fueled the “transformation” that is failing and causing such discontent. It is time for them to listen even if Obama won’t.

Perhaps a Republican Congress can force Obama to do the right thing, but don’t bet on it. He does not have to run for re-election so he has nothing to lose. It may take legal action to stop his unilateral orders but he has to be stopped. He can do a lot more damage in two years if left unchecked.

Democrats have been given notice: Stop listening to the far left screamers and start listening to the American public. Blindly backing the wrong horse brought this about and it’s time for a real “change”. One can only hope they listen. Obama sure isn’t listening.

David J. Hentosh

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One Response to “Now What?”

  1. Bruce Says:

    The democrat party will not change. They are now socialists who are seeking to change America into a socialist country run by “benevolent’ managers doing what is best for the collective.

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