Door-to-Door Murphy

From the NY Times

Congressman Patrick Murphy recently went door-to-door campaigning in Levittown and NY Times’ reporter Michael Sokolov went with him. The reception Murphy received is indicative of the regard Washington (and the present administration) is held by blue-collar workers and the battle Murphy and many Democrats have on their hands in November.

I walked with Mr. Murphy one evening for nearly three hours as he campaigned door to door in largely Democratic, vote-rich Levittown…The reception he got was eye-opening. The people Mr. Murphy encountered were angry, and none of them, as far as I could tell, were associated with the Tea Party Movement. The very first voter he talked to that evening was a man in his mid-70s who said he had paid more than he expected for a recent hospital stay because of the health insurance reforms passed by Congress…As Mr. Murphy moved from house to house, he tried to connect in any way he could…Very few people seemed to want to actually listen to him. They jumped in with long lists of grievances…Mr. Murphy never once mentioned the president’s name, and, oddly, over the course of three hours, neither did any of the Levittown residents. People just did not like their situation or the general drift of the country…Several people shook Mr. Murphy’s hand and commented on how cold it was…No one invited him in for so much as a cup of hot tea.

Read it all here: Door-to Door in Levittown


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2 Responses to “Door-to-Door Murphy”

  1. The Stupid Party | Snowflakes in Hell Says:

    […] We already know that Democrats in there area were angry and more than happy to vote against their party.  It was such a dramatic turnaround that even the NYT covered the shift. […]

  2. Signs, Signs, Everywhere There’s Signs | Snowflakes in Hell Says:

    […] looking pretty good here in Lower Bucks County. In the meantime, I’ll take some time to also enjoy this snippet from the NYT on the Democratic incumbent’s attempt to campaign in the darkest blue portions of the district and getting yelled at by nearly everyone in the […]

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