PA Bill on Union Benefits before House; Phone Calls Needed

Dear Patriots,

It has been brought to our attention that here in Pennsylvania our State Representatives plan on passing LAME DUCK legislation.

HB 2497 is bad for Tax Payers because

  • Public employee unions helped craft HB 2497 and have spent millions in lobbying and campaign contributions to push this non-reform.
  • HB 2497 offers some benefit changes that some may celebrate as “reform.”
  • HB 2497 offers short-term political benefits-lower pension payments-by allowing lawmakers to procrastinate making the necessary tough decisions about how to fund pensions.
  • Those pushing the legislation hope to rush it through under lame-duck Gov. Ed Rendell, before a new administration-which would likely support real pension reform-takes office.

Please call your state Representative today!! We have been told they are only hearing from the unions.  Lets let them know that the Tax Payer and voter does not support this bill.

Contact information for the legislators can be found on the following website:

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