Murphy is Walking the Fence

Congressman Patrick Murphy’s decision not to be at president Obama’s appearance in Glenside ( is evidence of his attempt to walk the fence of political issues. He has been tied to the coattails of the Obama, Reid, Pelosi troika for so long that it now becomes glaringly evident when he isn’t seen hanging on.

When the Tea Party Movement began creating a stir, Murphy bandied his “Blue Dog” designation around like a badge of honor. Seeing spending as a main complaint of the tea parties, Murphy began his mission of convincing the public of his fiscal responsibility while still voting along party lines for almost every spending bill the Dems put forth. Putting his name to the ranks of these so-called “moderate” Democrats (an oxymoron?), Murphy tried to influence the public’s perceptions.

He further used that tact when seeing the health care bill begin its descent from public approval. He came out demanding the health care bill be deficit neutral in order for him to vote for it (, but he has backed the health care bill continuously, even before it was written – or read.

Now that Obama is in steep decline in the polls, Murphy seems to be unclear on which direction to take. He is being challenged heavily for his seat in the PA 8th Congressional District and his popularity, too, is declining. Conveniently having a prior engagement to point to as an excuse for not attending Obama’s appearance in Glenside, Murphy is teetering on the political fence.

Perhaps president Obama, too, is now wondering which side of the fence Murphy will take. I’m sure he realizes clearly that his basketball buddy just fouled his own teammate.

David J. Hentosh

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One Response to “Murphy is Walking the Fence”

  1. Rats from a Sinking Ship | Snowflakes in Hell Says:

    […] Jefferson Club, one of our local tea party groups, is making note of the fact that our Congresman, Patrick Murphy, doesn’t seem to want to be see…. This is a smart move for Murphy politically, but it’s quite telling. Murphy is vulnerable […]

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