Going Whole Hogg

It has always been said that “power corrupts” and one need only look at David Hoggs to see the validity of that axiom. With the help of an agenda-driven media, Mr. Hogg transformed quickly from a student “activist” into an angry, self-righteous firebrand demanding the world change to fit his views.

His experience of surviving the Stone Douglas High School shooting qualified him in the media’s eyes to be held up as an authority on gun-control issues and because he is so young he has also been granted immunity from criticism. The media has, of course, shunned fellow students who do not agree with his agenda. Hogg has now become convinced of his infallibility and is wielding his power with fist-pumping speeches filled with revolutionary rhetoric that will result in the sale of t-shirts bearing his image.

Mr. Hogg lashed out at Laura Ingram for daring to criticize him and then brazenly called for (demanded?) a boycott of Ingram’s show. Several advertisers acquiesced to the bully tactic, forcing Ingram to apologize – an apology Hogg quickly rejected. He also had the ego-driven audacity to refuse going to the White House to talk with president Trump, saying that the president should come to him if he wanted to talk. His arrogance is expanding with media coverage.

Eighteen-year-old David Hogg has now attacked or blamed president Trump, Governor Rick Scott, Senator Marco Rubio, Laura Ingram, Senator John McCain, and the NRA, all targets approved by the progressive agenda. He has placed no blame on his high school’s policy of not relaying information to police about troubled students, a policy that allowed shooter Nikolas Cruz to avoid a criminal record and pass a background check to purchase the weapon for the murders – a policy that could have prevented the massacre.

Some may sympathize and say the media is using David Hogg like a puppet but that is not the whole picture. He is a Teenlink reporter for Broward County’s Sun Sentinel who transferred to Stone Douglas High School because of the television production classes offered, so he has been actively engaged in pursuing a career in the media. This, then, looks much like a career move for Mr. Hogg which begs the question: Who’s using who?

High school students are now encouraged to go “whole Hogg” with walkout protests and it is not hard to imagine how quickly this could get out-of-hand. Progressive educators will certainly be selective concerning approval of the issues being protested but they will gleefully allow walkouts. They will be considered college preparation and credits will be earned with each walkout.

David J. Hentosh

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