Posts Tagged ‘Democrats’

Going Whole Hogg

April 3, 2018

It has always been said that “power corrupts” and one need only look at David Hoggs to see the validity of that axiom. With the help of an agenda-driven media, Mr. Hogg transformed quickly from a student “activist” into an angry, self-righteous firebrand demanding the world change to fit his views.

His experience of surviving the Stone Douglas High School shooting qualified him in the media’s eyes to be held up as an authority on gun-control issues and because he is so young he has also been granted immunity from criticism. The media has, of course, shunned fellow students who do not agree with his agenda. Hogg has now become convinced of his infallibility and is wielding his power with fist-pumping speeches filled with revolutionary rhetoric that will result in the sale of t-shirts bearing his image.

Mr. Hogg lashed out at Laura Ingram for daring to criticize him and then brazenly called for (demanded?) a boycott of Ingram’s show. Several advertisers acquiesced to the bully tactic, forcing Ingram to apologize – an apology Hogg quickly rejected. He also had the ego-driven audacity to refuse going to the White House to talk with president Trump, saying that the president should come to him if he wanted to talk. His arrogance is expanding with media coverage.

Eighteen-year-old David Hogg has now attacked or blamed president Trump, Governor Rick Scott, Senator Marco Rubio, Laura Ingram, Senator John McCain, and the NRA, all targets approved by the progressive agenda. He has placed no blame on his high school’s policy of not relaying information to police about troubled students, a policy that allowed shooter Nikolas Cruz to avoid a criminal record and pass a background check to purchase the weapon for the murders – a policy that could have prevented the massacre.

Some may sympathize and say the media is using David Hogg like a puppet but that is not the whole picture. He is a Teenlink reporter for Broward County’s Sun Sentinel who transferred to Stone Douglas High School because of the television production classes offered, so he has been actively engaged in pursuing a career in the media. This, then, looks much like a career move for Mr. Hogg which begs the question: Who’s using who?

High school students are now encouraged to go “whole Hogg” with walkout protests and it is not hard to imagine how quickly this could get out-of-hand. Progressive educators will certainly be selective concerning approval of the issues being protested but they will gleefully allow walkouts. They will be considered college preparation and credits will be earned with each walkout.

David J. Hentosh

Profiling & Spin From the Left

November 6, 2017

The Left has a myopic view of profiling much like it has with almost everything. They consider profiling to be discriminatory and sometimes downright evil but it is overlooked or rationalized when they engage in it. They don’t believe they profile but actions tell a different story.

White males are profiled and demeaned by the Left and current complaints of “white privilege” take it even further to include all white people. Black Republicans are profiled as traitors to their race and women Republicans are profiled as traitors to women. Trump voters are profiled as dumb, ignorant racists; rioters in the street are profiled as social justice warriors; the rich are profiled as heartless, Christians are profiled as white supremacists; and illegal immigrants are profiled as ordinary immigrants.

There is no limit to the spin the Left will use to frame issues. Facts are ignored, news stories are manufactured, and words are re-defined. Thus, racism exists only in white people; illegal immigrants are undocumented workers; killing a fetus is pro-life; climate change means man-made global warming; comprehensive immigration reform is nothing but amnesty; free speech means shutting down opposing views; and voter ID is suppression.

Rights are even created to further the leftist agenda. Health care, banning opposition speech, free college education, birth control, and destructive civil disobedience have all been claimed to be “rights”. Meanwhile, our basic right to free speech has been deemed valid only for leftist views and all else is considered “hate speech”.

Rational debate has been replaced with hateful and personal attacks making it impossible to move forward or find compromise on issues. Washington has become ineffective because of categorical resistance from Democrats toward president Trump and his administration. False accusations and continuous calls for investigations keep elected officials from governing and hate is openly expressed toward the president.

This is a mess and people are finally getting tired of it. The country is suffering and the Left is losing respect, credibility, and relevance but they continue to ignore their self-inflicted demise. It needs to stop.

David J. Hentosh

Treason? Really?

July 11, 2017

Sen. Tim Kaine, Hillary’s running mate in her losing campaign, actually said that Donald Trump Jr. may have committed treason by meeting with a Russian lawyer. Kaine is a windbag of foolish hyperbole and this is a perfect example of the ignorant rhetoric being spewed from the left.

First of all, Donald Trump Jr. was a private citizen at the time, not a government employee, who met with a “lawyer”, not a Russian “government official”, and all involved said nothing came from that meeting. There were no secrets or documents bandied about and there are no allegations of any type of agreements being made during that meeting.

Secondly, attempting to get dirt on Hillary is not a crime, a misdemeanor, or anything of the sort. It is just common campaign activity that Hillary and Bill (and Kaine) certainly know about. According to a Politico investigation, Ukrainian government officials were passing documents to Hillary’s campaign in an attempt to help undermine Trump’s campaign. Where is the outrage?

Thirdly, treason is a high crime and it is very rare for someone to be convicted of treason. The last person to be convicted of treason was Tomoya Kawakita, a Japanese-American sentenced to death in 1952 for tormenting American prisoners. Treason is much too serious of an offense to be thrown around indiscriminately for political purposes.

If Tim Kaine wants to accuse someone of treason, perhaps he should look to Jane Fonda. Her actions in Hanoi in 1972 during the Vietnam War fell within the parameters of being treasonous. Henry Mark Holzer’s book, “Aid and Comfort”, is a detailed study of Fonda’s actions and it clearly shows that a case for treason could be made against her.

Had Jane been a Republican or a conservative instead of a far-left liberal, it is easily conceivable that she would have been charged and convicted of treason, spending the rest of her life in prison instead of making millions and being treated as an American icon.

Tim Kaine should put at least one foot in reality. He can keep the other one is in his mouth.

David J. Hentosh

Democrat Denial

June 21, 2017

The Democrat Party is in disarray because they are mired in denial. Grieving from the trauma of Trump’s election, they are wallowing in anger and refusing acceptance. In order to preserve their fictional world of a mainstream liberal progressive agenda, they are blaming everything and everyone but themselves for continuing failure.

Obama’s election and re-election tricked the far left into believing their agenda was fully accepted so they began using bully tactics to force progressive social changes on society. To appease far left voters the Democrat Party shifted further left focusing on progressive social issues and echoing insults of Middle America’s core values. The result was the election of Donald Trump.

Instead of correcting mistakes and trying to reconnect with the American people after the presidential election, Democrats chose an arrogant path of resistance and denial. There has been very little, if any, willingness to accept responsibility for failure. They are placing blame everywhere but within their own party.

Hillary made a fool of herself re-appearing after her defeat blaming James Comey, Russian conspiracies, the DNC, Facebook, misogyny, fake news and voter suppression – everything but her own inadequacies and failing agenda. Her campaign consisted of “making history” rather than making sense while Trump addressed real issues concerning most citizens.

The media, after losing all credibility by being blatantly biased, is also in denial and continues to make excuses for Democrat failure. Rachel Maddow quickly tried to claim that bad weather was responsible for Democrat Jon Ossoff’s loss in the recent Georgia special election. Others are suggesting that he failed to attack president Trump viciously enough as if that is a winning strategy.

Democrats’ response to losing has been a doubling down on attacking Trump and blocking everything his administration attempts. They still believe their agenda is totally acceptable to mainstream America and needs no change. Until they get their heads out of the sand they will continue to lose and, unfortunately, they will continue to drag the country down.

David J. Hentosh

Bully Puppets

February 15, 2017

Many liberal progressives have adopted bullying as their main political tactic and have become little more than puppets echoing talking points and false premises fed to them by the aggressive far-left agenda. They are oblivious to hypocrisy, irony, and reality as they allow themselves to be emotionally manipulated.

Very few can cogently explain the reasons behind their vehement protesting. Instead, many offer bumper sticker sentiments and senseless platitudes that do little more than roil their emotions. False facts, incredulous exaggerations, and calamitous projections are being used as the basis for protests that are becoming violent in nature.

Bullying, a serious concern sweeping the nation in recent years, has become a normal and advocated tactic for the far-left. Those expressing any approval whatsoever of president Trump or his administration have become targets for bullying or worse and it is treated as a proper and courageous response against all opposition. The irony, of course, is lost on the self-righteous perpetrators who are blinded by emotional turmoil.

In a very sheep-like manner, protesters are being driven into the streets over issues and concerns that they have been falsely led to believe jeopardize their very existence. This develops a sense of fear and urgency that common sense or rationality cannot penetrate. As a result, many of these protesters engage in mob behavior that brings destruction and violence.

The media cannot control its bias so they treat these “bully puppets” as simple grassroot protesters and make sure every celebrity’s political ranting is given extensive coverage. Boycotts, further attempts at bullying, are being called for against individuals, small businesses, and large corporations unwilling to join the frenzied tirade against Trump. Colleges are allowing, and often advocating, students to ban opposing views from campus and bully those who do not express hatred of Trump.

This disgusting behavior comes from those demanding inclusiveness while hypocritically labeling the silent (and peaceful) majority that elected Trump as Fascists, Nazis, sexists, racists, haters and misogynists. It is getting dangerously out-of-hand and there is little hope for a united society if these bully puppets continue raging.

David J. Hentosh

Angry White Man Blames Angry White Men

December 21, 2016

Former president Bill Clinton complained that angry white men were responsible for Hillary’s election loss. In complete denial he also blamed Comley and Russian hacking, totally ignoring Hillary’s flawed campaign or an overbearing progressive agenda. There is always something sad about an angry white man complaining about angry white men.

Those who made identity politics their entire belief system surrounded themselves only with others who were like-minded and became convinced that everyone held the same views. They cannot and will not accept the harsh reality that shattered their “dream” world so they are clinging to denial and spreading blame wherever they can.

Obsessed with racial issues, they embrace black anger along with its resultant violence while blaming white anger for Hillary’s loss. Russian hacking is their second-best culprit even though the hidden, damaging information that came from the hacking was true. Comey, treated as a hero for not prosecuting Hillary, also shares blame for not being totally partisan like everyone else in the liberal bubble – and they are desperately trying to keep that bubble intact.

There has been an embarrassing display of denial along with shameful attempts to somehow undo Trump’s election. Celebrities, out of touch with the real world, are pleading for some kind of do-over, trying to edit reality as if it were a movie. They have reneged on hollow promises to leave the country yet still believe they have credibility with the masses. It would be comical if it weren’t so sad.

Colleges are indoctrinating students on the evils of “white privilege”; the BLM movement is fomenting violence against white cops; Trump is being accused of wanting to bring back slavery; and anyone not in favor of everything Obama does is called a racist. It is no wonder that there is white anger, but it was not responsible for Hillary’s loss. She did that to herself – with a lot of help from the bubble people.

Angry white men, along with many others, voted to stop the runaway progressive agenda and identity politics that Hillary promised to continue.

David J Hentosh

Deaf and Dumb Democrats

December 4, 2016

Democrats are understandably still stunned and upset over Trump’s win but that is no excuse for continuing to be politically deaf and dumb concerning the reasons for losing and the lessons that should be evident.

The re-election of Nancy Pelosi as House minority leader shows a complete denial of the Democrats’ need to change. Pelosi blindly backed the Obama administration, often making a fool of herself with inane explanations and excuses. Her major contribution to her party has been her ability for fund-raising but one of the lessons from this election is that money isn’t everything. Pelosi has the same elitist arrogance that turned people away from Hillary and it will now continue to be a bane for Democrats.

Trump’s election showed that identity politics is no longer an acceptable way to govern because it disenfranchised and demeaned a large portion of the population. Far too many Democrats are unwilling to accept that the tail can no longer wag the dog. Recounting votes and looking for ways to derail Trump before he takes office is not productive.

In full denial, President Obama blamed Trump’s win on FOX News foolishly stating that it is “in every bar and restaurant in big chunks of the country”, places he has obviously not visited in quite some time. Others are blaming the media (which was totally in the tank for Hillary), Jill Stein, James Comey, white supremacy, Facebook, Twitter, misogyny, racism, conspiracies, voter suppression, the Electoral College – anything other than identity politics, a runaway progressive agenda, or obsession with social issues.

Democrats rail against any mention of a “mandate” because Hillary had more popular votes but they are ignoring the many other GOP victories in this and the past mid-term elections. They refuse to acknowledge clear indications that the tide has turned and if they remain deaf and dumb, they will become less and less relevant. The country needs both parties. Democrats need to wake up.

David J. Hentosh

Mainstream Media Malaise

November 12, 2016

The mainstream media was projected a Hillary win right from the beginning of her campaign even as she struggled for the nomination against Bernie Sanders. More concerned with “making history” than objective reporting, the media blatantly ignored voters’ distaste for Hillary and all the scandals swirling around her.

Sanders’ popularity was treated as an anomaly and dismissed as insignificant. Trump was continually demonized and Hillary was openly supported and praised. Much media “reporting” was based on the belief Hillary should/would win so conditioning voters to that “fact” formed the basis of campaign coverage.

The mainstream media is now shocked and dismayed by Trump’s win but bias continues as they now try to tell us the “country” is angry and upset. They continue with the false premise that everyone thinks as they do even though the “country” elected Trump. Not only are they continuing to demean Trump, they are demeaning those who voted for him and projecting dire consequences from a Trump presidency that has yet to begin.

Focusing reporting on those who are “traumatized”, depressed, and now protesting loudly (and some violently) is a continuation of the media’s anti-Trump campaign. Calls for unity from Obama, Hillary, and others are going unheeded because the media and the far left (redundant?) never wanted unity. They only want everyone to think and do as they say because they know best. This elite attitude is a major reason for Trump’s win.

Polls favoring Hillary were grossly wrong because they, too, were undertaken and interpreted with the foregone conclusion that Hillary would win. Margins of error that could indicate a Trump gain or lead were never interpreted that way. Many polling questions were worded in ways that were favorable to Hillary while suggesting Trump was a misogynist and a racist. Only those polls showing Hillary in the lead were taken seriously – and they were wrong.

The mainstream media went all in with Obama’s agenda and Hillary’s presidential run. They invested their professionalism, integrity, and credibility – and lost. They now refuse to accept that they are in disarray and as broken as the DNC.

This election result was a repudiation of Obama’s administration, Hillary, the media, and the progressive agenda. A clear message has been sent but will it be heard? Don’t bet on it.

David J.Hentosh

Snowflakes Are Melting

November 10, 2016

Many colleges across the country are witnessing the result of their liberal indoctrination and coddling of students. Faced with Trump’s win, many student “snowflakes” are melting, totally unprepared to deal with reality, adversity, and differing opinions.

Traumatized by the election result, students are being “supported” by the canceling or postponing of exams so that they may seek counseling. Cornell University held a “cry-in” for shocked and terrified students where they sipped Starbucks coffee and grieved together in a funeral-like atmosphere.

Bryn Mawr students demanded the canceling of classes because of depression and “safety concerns”, feeling their lives were now in danger from a Trump win. At American University in Washington, DC, angry students protested by burning American flags and shouting “f*ck white America”, putting the blame once again on racism.

The many “safe places” that colleges have been offering students on campuses kept them so totally out-of-touch and protected from differing views that they had no idea that Trump could win. They have been conditioned to believe they are right in all things.

It’s no wonder they are stunned. They have been indoctrinated with one view – and one view only. They have been bathed in identity politics, taught to believe only students of color, LGBTQ students, Native American students, and Latino students have the right to be heard. Freedom of Speech to them means freedom from speech they don’t want to hear and colleges have made sure unwanted speech is kept off campus. They have been deliberately isolated.

These “snowflakes” are one day going to inherit the country totally unprepared for the reality of everyday life and colleges are to blame for their fragile state. If losing an election is enough to “traumatize” them into counseling and therapy, how will they be able to handle true adversity? They have a lot to learn and, unfortunately, far too many colleges no longer offer the “liberal” education they really need.

David J. Hentosh

A Conservative View

October 28, 2016

We’ve had eight years of Obama and if Hillary is elected we will have four more years with much more corruption and deceit – and we may never be able to recover. Far too many Democrat policies are geared to getting votes with very little benefit for the country. More of the same may guarantee a one party rule for many years to come.

Most of the dire results of Obamacare that Republicans predicted have come to fruition. For the benefit of less than 10% of the population, everyone paying for health insurance is experiencing higher premiums and less coverage. Major insurance companies are pulling out of the federal exchanges, choices are being eliminated, and the promise of keeping your plan and doctors has been proven to be a lie.

Illegal immigration not only continues, it is increasing deliberately with assistance from the Obama administration. The federal government is ignoring immigration laws and allowing sanctuary cities to protect illegal immigrants and provide costly benefits. Allowing illegals to vote is even being seriously considered. Breakdown of security at the border is putting the country in danger from the illegal entry of terrorists and criminals.

Race relations have deteriorated and Obama’s promised “post racial era” never materialized. The administration has done very little to stop violent protests that have sparked the murdering of police in the name of social justice. Segregation is beginning to occur on many college campuses where white students are being denigrated, attacked, and taught by the faculty to be ashamed.

Free speech, especially on college campuses, has become a one-way street. Political correctness has become more important than reality and speech counter to the progressive agenda is being considered hateful, sexist, racist, and in some cases, unlawful. Fear is being used to suppress unwanted speech and ideas.

Much of the media has abandoned objective journalism and become overtly biased. Failures of the administration have been glossed over or ignored. The administration’s explanations of the economy, unemployment, terrorism, and foreign affairs have not been challenged even as all continue to deteriorate. Hillary has been given a pass on numerous scandals, allowing her to maintain a pretense of innocence. The GOP has been belittled and Trump has been demonized.

The federal debt is increasing enormously, unemployment remains high, good jobs remain scarce, manufacturers are moving out of the country, federal regulations are increasing, The VA is in disarray, terrorism is increasing, our education system and infrastructure is failing, class warfare is being encouraged, and the country is more split than it has ever been.

Meanwhile, taxes are rising, government benefits are increasing, US oil and gas production is being discouraged, billions are being spent on global warming, war is continuously being waged unproductively in the Middle East, the middle class is struggling, college educations are becoming more expensive and degrees useless, executive orders are becoming laws, and focus on social issues continues obsessively.

Washington is a mess and we are depressingly stuck (forced?) with a choice of Hillary or Trump for president. It is a given that Hillary would continue the path we are on. Trump, with all his character flaws, may be able to change that path and we desperately need a change.

David J. Hentosh