Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

How Did Trump Rise?

March 30, 2016

Progressive liberals fear a Donald Trump presidency more than conservatives once feared an Obama presidency. They are totally baffled by Trump’s rise and they are laying blame for it on the GOP, the media, and racism. They need look no further than at themselves.

Emboldened by one of their own in the White House and backed by a complicit media, progressive liberals began implementing their idealistic agenda, believing mainstream America was on board. They began forcing wholesale changes much too quickly on society using political correctness, class warfare, and allegations of racism to silence opposition.

While the media blindly praised the progressive agenda and Obama’s policies, mainstream America was busy struggling with a weak economy, unemployment, rising health care costs, increasing racial tensions, threats of terrorism, and illegal aliens pouring across our open border. Progressive liberals ignored these growing problems and continued focusing on social issues.

As Washington became more and more polarized and mired in bitter partisanship, President Obama, seemingly oblivious to it all, concentrated on pushing his personal agenda and building his legacy. He deliberately minimized the threat of terrorism in order to concentrate on “transforming” America. His failure in foreign affairs and his lack of leadership resulted in alienating allies, emboldening enemies, and reducing respect for the United States across the globe.

Since the DNC and the media refused to acknowledge administration failures or curtail changes being forced on society, it was inevitable there would be a backlash. The arrogance of the administration and progressive liberals created a fertile ground for a political outsider.

Ignoring political correctness and daring to speak candidly on issues, Trump addressed the frustration and fear growing throughout the country, increased awareness of our lack of responsible leadership, and pulled many out of denial. His stirring of the stagnant political climate has been a positive.

Trump may be egotistical, abrasive, and obnoxious, but he shocked a numbed population out of a complacency that allowed a progressive transformation to run wild. That transformation is the reason for Trump’s growing popularity.

David J. Hentosh

The Demise of Greatness

September 26, 2015

Is it really surprising that a recent poll showed 72% of Americans believe this country is not as great as it once was? Greatness requires great leaders and our political atmosphere is not attracting our best.

Our brightest and most competent leaders are far too wise to subject themselves and their families to the mud slinging, dirty tricks, and media bashing that has taken over politics. Furthermore, experience and competence mean little to one-issue voters far more concerned with social issues than the country’s wellbeing.

The election of Obama, an inexperienced community organizer, for the sake of “making history” is a result, not the cause, of our declining greatness, but it has accelerated the decline. Obama caters to a society shunning the common good in favor of the individual; a society obsessed with the emotional satisfaction of legislating fairness for all, an unrealistic goal. His election legitimized political correctness, encouraging a denial of reality.

The Obama administration’s ineffective and unrealistic foreign policies produced a vacuum of leadership in the world and a loss of international respect. The White House, once a symbol of our greatness, has become a bully pulpit of pettiness and self-aggrandizement where sniping at critics and casting blame is commonplace. Social engineering is a priority and instead of sound economic policies, our floundering economy is being dealt with by rhetoric filled with a pretense of achievement. Nothing is real; nothing is true.

The building block of our nation, the family unit, is fractured and an agenda under the guise of “progress” is eradicating morality and common decency. Under this agenda, anything goes – but everything is going away. The mainstream media actively promotes this agenda, swaying public opinion toward accepting it by deceivingly “reporting” on its goodness.

If the 72% who see greatness dissolving vote wisely, this can change. Otherwise, this country’s greatness will exist only in history books – if “progress” allows history to remember it.

David J. Hentosh

Obamanet to Replace Internet

February 24, 2015

Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act passed by Democrats in Congress (no Republicans) who did not read what was in it, brought chaos to health insurance, reduced actual health care, raised premiums (and taxes) for those with insurance, and initiated the loss of millions of full-time jobs.

Now we are facing Obamanet, approved by the votes of three Democrat commissioners on a five-member Federal Communications Commission who followed Obama’s wishes. Backed by over 300 pages of new regulations, the internet will become government regulated and subjected to key provisions of Title II of the Communications Act of 1934 under which the FCC oversaw Ma Bell – or we should say “broke up” Ma Bell.

Unless Congress or the courts block Obamanet, everything on the internet will have to pass a “just and reasonable” test administered by government bureaucrats who are certainly not known for being just or reasonable. One can expect the internet will run with the same efficiency as the VA and the same simplicity as Obamacare. It will also run slower, similar to the internet in Europe where regulations have curtailed broadband’s reach and staunched new investments in broadband.

Once again this president is forcing his personal agenda onto the nation, bypassing Congress, and using executive orders, presidential memoranda, and departmental regulations to make new laws that affect the entire nation. His “transformation of America” is highly influenced by a Marxist-Leninist class-struggle point of view he embraced in college while associating with radicals. This view is also protected by an elitist ego denying the validity of criticism.

If our representatives in Congress do not stop this runaway administration, there will be more irreversible damage. If you do not see the danger, you are part of the problem.

David J. Hentosh

Far-Left is Out-of-Touch

January 26, 2015

The far-left continues to act like it is mainstream but that is just a fantasy, like much of its agenda. They are out-of-touch with the majority, but screaming loudly gets attention in the sycophantic media and that makes them believe their views are popular. Reality, however, tells a different story.

The current film, “American Sniper”, is set to become the biggest war movie of all time and would easily win an Oscar for “best picture” if the public were allowed to vote. However, it is receiving criticism from some on the far-left because it presents an American soldier in a positive light while putting down Islamic terrorists. The fact is that a majority of Americans are patriotic and patriotic movies usually do well at the box office, but this does not jive with a military hating, America bashing vision.

Polls show that global warming is far down the list of public priorities but it is still one of the far-left’s highest. The media made much of NASA’s claim that 2014 set a new record for global warmth but it remains silent about NASA’s climate scientists admitting that they are only 38% sure this is true.

Terrorism has now become the top priority for a majority of Americans but the far-left won’t even admit who the terrorists are. A majority of Americans also believe Islam encourages violence but the far-left remains in denial, focusing on the economy instead. Lower unemployment numbers they tout, however, have been proven to be highly influenced by the ending of unemployment benefit extensions. It seems that those who no longer receive unemployment benefits go out and find a job. Imagine that.

Going further against the far-left’s agenda, polls show a majority of Americans: favor the pipeline; oppose closing GITMO; do not believe we won the Afghan War; oppose government funding of abortion; are against late term abortion: and believe race relations have gotten worse under Obama. Also, a majority of New Yorkers have an unfavorable opinion of Al Sharpton, but that should be a “given” by now.

Don’t you wish the far-left was as out-of-sight as it is out-of-touch?

David J. Hentosh

“Free” Community College

January 16, 2015

The very basis for Obama’s “free” community college (as if anything from the government is “free”) is that college has become necessary for all, but that has gone unchallenged for far too long. Ann Coulter not only challenges that idea, she takes a look at the leftist politics involved. As usual, she nails it.

From Ann Coulter

Community college is already incredibly inexpensive. The only thing that will jack up the price is making it “free.”… The cost of a college education has increased by more than 1,000 percent only since 1978…People coming out of college in the ’50s knew more than any recent Yale graduate…They’re teaching gender studies, ethnic studies, moral equivalence and hatred of America…The fact that 80 percent of Weathermen – the violent ’60s radicals – are full college professors tells you all you need to know about the state of higher education today.

The cost of college spirals continuously upward…because college loans are backed by the taxpayer…(m)ore than half of recent college graduates are unemployed or underemployed, meaning they make substandard wages in jobs that don’t require a college degree…Democrats are colluding with colleges to create a market bubble for an increasingly worthless product…Why is the left not willing to admit that education is an industry, just like Lockheed Martin, Enron or Philip Morris?… liberals won’t make a peep about the College Industrial Complex because college professors are brainwashing students into leftist politics…Every year, another 10 million graduates emerge, hating God, their parents, America and Republicans…The education industry is how leftists make capitalists pay for socialism.



The ObamaCar – Another Ideological Failure

December 6, 2014

Michelle Malkin informs us that Obama’s predicted 1 million electric cars on the road by 2015 will fall about 826,00 cars short of the target. Obama’s pie-in-the-sky green agenda dumped lots of stimulus money into electric cars (or, as they should be labeled, ObamaCars) and the “consensus” is that it has been an economic failure – one of many.

Much of the current failure of electric cars to catch on is due to cost and the difficulty of producing efficient batteries. The Obama administration dumped $2 billion stimulus dollars into new battery companies in the “hope” they would produce a breakthrough to help fill the roads with his electric cars. That, too, failed.

Fisker Automotive, which received a $500 million stimulus loan to produce electric cars (in Finland, not in the USA), went bankrupt last year, adding to the long list of stimulus failures. After bailing out GM, Obama praised the Chevy Volt like a new car dealer, making a campaign promise to buy one after leaving office. His campaign promises, however, have flopped as badly as sales of the Chevy Volt, so don’t hold your breath.

Electric cars aren’t a bad idea and they do work, but they are not far enough along in their development to be our main mode of transportation. Progressives, who “know” what’s best for everyone, are pushing (forcing?) these cars on us for our own good. They don’t care about cost, efficiency, practicality, or anything else that doesn’t fit their beliefs.

Obama’s entire green agenda has been based on what “should” be and not what “is” and cost means nothing because it’s only government money. If the dream fails, it’s no big deal. He’ll be out of office soon enough and cruising down the highway in his brand new Chevy Volt – given to him, free, by GM. At least he won’t have to drive a Fisker.

Another daydream; another dollar…make that a trillion dollars – and counting.

David J. Hentosh

Arrogant Overreach

November 13, 2014

Fingers are being pointed and excuses are being drummed up as Democrats scramble to find reasons for the beat-down they received in the mid-term elections. If they would step outside their agenda for a moment they would see the one basic reason: arrogant overreach.

Arrogance is a far-left characteristic that Obama brought to the White House and it infected his administration and the entire Democrat Party. It fueled the false beliefs that Obama had a “mandate” to transform America and that his far-left social engineering agenda was acceptable to the majority.

Because of these false “beliefs”, Obama was given free reign from Democrats and the media to do whatever he wished. This allowed Obamacare to get hastily passed into law by a Democrat Congress ignorant of its contents and willfully blind to the deceit used to sell it.

The quick and successful passage of Obamacare convinced Democrats they had a righteous infallibility and when combined with arrogance, it compelled them to overreach on almost every issue. Critics were demeaned, silenced, and ignored as free birth control, abortions, open borders, amnesty, higher taxes, troop pullout, drones, part-time jobs, bailouts, increased food stamps, school lunch programs, and much more was dumped onto society.

Obama and Democrats arrogantly forced too much too quickly. It was political overreach. Failure of many of Obama’s foreign policies can also be attributed to overreach. The world doesn’t accept change any quicker than society does, especially without investigating the consequences.

This mid-term election was proof of the adage that “pride comes before the fall”. One can debate whether pride or arrogance comes first, but they are almost always found together. One can also debate Jonathan Gruber’s claim of taking advantage of the “stupidity of the American voter” but it is a known fact that taking voter stupidity for granted can be perilous. Just ask any Democrat.

David J. Hentosh

Yes – This Election Is About Obama

November 3, 2014

Many Democrat candidates now distancing themselves from Obama are trying to say that this election is not about Obama – but it is. How can it not be?

Democrats have unconditionally backed Obama’s agenda. That includes his executive orders, his failing foreign policies, his poor economy, his refusal to enforce the law or take responsibility for failure, his demonizing of FOX News, and his “transformation of America”. They even blindly backed Michelle’s unrealistic lunch program – the one now being dropped like a hot potato.

Many Democrats were elected to office riding the coat tails of the idealistic Obamacare, blindly echoing Obama’s ruse of keeping our health plans and doctors. Criticism of Obama was unabashedly attributed to racism and a “GOP war on women” was manufactured to scare up women’s votes. Democrats bought into it all and cannot now pretend otherwise.

Democrats were eager for power and wanted to “make history” so Obama’s inexperience and personal desire for social engineering was ignored. The mainstream media, predominantly Democrats, invested their journalistic integrity in Obama – and lost. This election is about them, too.

The Democrat House and the Senate were rubber stamps for Obama and when the House became a Republican majority, the Senate under Harry Reid’s dictate blocked everything sent their way, aided by House minority leader Nancy Pelosi. This election is about Reid and Pelosi, too.

Obama’s rallying cry of “hope and change” has become “I hope they change” from a majority of the American people believing the country is going in the wrong direction. They are right, but they need to come out and vote in order to begin to change that direction.

Yes, this election is about Obama – and the sycophantic Democrat Party. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.

David J. Hentosh

Hillary Economics

October 26, 2014

Hillary’s attempt to distance herself from Obama as she campaigns for the White House took an odd turn this week. In essence, she agreed with and furthered Obama’s claim that “If you’ve got a business – you didn’t’ build that – Somebody else made that happen” by stating: “Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.”

This is the same Obama narrative that government is great, provides everything good, and more government will be good for the economy. She furthered that narrative by stating raising the minimum wage doesn’t cost jobs, it leads to job gains.

It is a myth that one of the government’s functions is to create jobs. Growing the government larger, of course, creates government jobs, but that doesn’t help the economy recover because those jobs depend on taxes paid by people with non-government jobs. Government growth cannot be sustained that way and the economy cannot recover that way. Minimum wage increases do not create jobs, especially in the short run. If we fail to help the economy in the short run when it is failing so badly, there may be no long run.

Hillary economics looks a lot like Obama economics. Hillary is not the answer just as Obama has not been the answer. The answer is a change in direction from top to bottom. Vote wisely.

David J. Hentosh

NY Times Upset Over Democrat Panic

October 22, 2014

A recent NY Times editorial expressed dismay over the “panicky Democratic flight away from President Obama”, complaining that “nervous members of his own party have done a poor job of defending his policies over the nearly six years of his presidency” which allowed “a Republican narrative of failure to take hold”. That’s a lot of blind rationalization to swallow.

It is certainly not credible that a Republican “narrative” beat the media’s (especially the Times’) constant and unconditional positive spin on Obama. Who can really believe that Democrats (Pelosi, Reid, Chris Matthews, Barbara Boxer, etc.) didn’t defend his policies? That’s pretty much all they did while refusing to entertain or acknowledge any criticism. Only the Democrat panic part rings true.

The Times’ editorial board reached backward for successes but failed to see the failure those so-called “successes” have become. Pointing to the 2009 stimulus bill as a reason for economic recovery ignores the fact that our economy is still doing poorly and has not recovered. Boasting the creation of “2.5 million jobs” ignores that 75% of jobs created this year are part-time and that 9.5 million people have left the workforce under Obama’s poor economy.

Pointing to the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) as another “success” is laughable considering that it is a main factor responsible for all those part-time jobs and the exodus from the workforce. Rate increases, reduced coverage, policy cancelations, and uncertainty plague the nation (with more to come) in order to provide health insurance for approximately 10% of the population – and only 10% of those have actually obtained insurance so far. That’s one sad “success” story.

The NY Times’ editorial board makes no mention of foreign policy, Obama’s most glaring failure, or the continuing indecision he displays. Instead, they travel back to the good old days when blind faith in Obama ruled the day, all Democrats were in lock-step, and Obama’s word was sacred. Times have changed, but it seems that the Times hasn’t.

It’s time to vote for another “change”.

David J. Hentosh