Archive for the ‘Military’ Category

Labels Matter

June 18, 2016

Obama scoffed at critics wanting to know why he will not use the label “radical Islamists” when speaking about terrorism. In a speech filled with ridicule, a standard leftist tactic, Obama asked: “…what exactly using this label would accomplish and what will it change”? This is as disingenuous as it is hypocritical.

What about illegal immigrants labeled as “undocumented workers”? How about “pro-choice” for killing the unborn? What about the “war on women” that is no war? How about the “Party of no” for the GOP? What about the “Affordable Care Act” that continues to increase rather than decrease health care costs? What about the most-used label of all, “racist”, for anyone who disagrees?

Obama and liberal progressives constantly use labels that accomplish masking reality and making an unrealistic agenda more palatable to the masses. Let’s not forget that Obama, who ran for office under the label “The One”, infamously labeled ISIS as the “JV team”. He has even used the vulgar label “tea baggers” in reference to the Tea Party.

It is necessary to identify an enemy in order to defeat it and Obama’s refusal to acknowledge radical Islamists as the enemy has his entire administration and the military concentrating on being politically correct and not offending anyone. The Homeland Security Advisory Council just released a report instructing the DHS not to use any language that might be “disrespectful” to Muslims, including (but not limited to) the words “jihad” and “sharia”, so it seems that labels DO matter as long as they advance the Obama agenda.

Because supporters have labeled him “supremely intelligent”, president Obama arrogantly spews whatever he wishes, expecting everyone to accept his spin as gospel. He has been pissing in our ears and telling us it’s raining for almost eight years, using sarcasm and ridicule to dismiss criticism. As a result, our enemy has been encouraged to escalate its war against us while our efforts have been spent trying not to offend them.

That deserves to be labeled “failure”.


David J. Hentosh

Obama is Endangering the Country

February 9, 2016

Individuals with connections to terrorist organizations have been apprehended crossing our southern border, illegal immigrants are being used by drug cartels as conduits for heroin, children are dying at the hands of human traffickers, and dangerous criminals are crossing into the United States. Obama’s response is to double down on his open border policy.

The Obama administration has just re-instated a ‘catch-and-release” policy ordering border agents to stop arresting and deporting many new illegal immigrants. Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, said instead of cracking down, the administration issued this order to avoid further embarrassment over the number of illegals not showing up for deportation hearings. Testifying before a House Judiciary Committee, Judd said that “Immigration laws today appear to be mere suggestions” and “that fact is well known in other countries.”

Drug cartels are flooding the border with illegal immigrants carrying heroin into the country, increasing supply and lowering cost. Deaths from heroin-related overdoses nearly quadrupled between 2002 and 2013 and Obama’s border policy is dangerously escalating the heroin epidemic sweeping throughout the country.

It is not just Obama’s immigration policies that are dangerous. He has succeeded in shifting the focus of our Armed Forces onto climate change, a nebulous threat he believes is more dire and imminent than ISIS and other terrorists. His desperate agreement (appeasement?) with Iran has resulted in the return of billions of dollars of frozen assets to Iran that will finance a continued quest for nuclear weapons. He has insulted allies and lowered respect for the US around the world.

On the home front during his administration, racial tensions increased; economic growth stalled; government spending and debt escalated; health care insurance became a quagmire; and the country became further divided. He seems oblivious to it all as he continues to “transform America” according to his personal vision, a vision born from radical propaganda he was subjected to in his youth.

The danger is real, the damage is real, and the denial is real. The “dream” is not. Vote wisely.

David J. Hentosh

A Bumpy Cruz to NY

January 15, 2016

Forget ISIS, unemployment, Obamacare, disastrous foreign policies, runaway illegal immigration, executive orders, Hillary scandals, Iran’s nuclear program, and even Donald Trump. The New York Daily News is in an uproar over Ted Cruz dissing New York during the Republican debate, declaring on its front page: “Drop Dead, Ted”. There goes Obama’s plea for political civility.

Cruz disparagingly accused Trump of having “New York values” which he defined: “…in New York City are socially liberal, are pro-abortion, are pro-gay-marriage, focused around money and the media”. These are the values behind NY Mayor DeBlasio’s attempt to ban large sodas and president Obama’s attempts to “transform America” according to his personal views – and they are the values known to be held by a majority in NY City.

Conservatives not from NY get it and understand what Cruz was saying. Those from NY City, both liberal and conservative, take it as a personal insult because many New Yorkers have the parochial view that the world revolves around NY City and everything outside the city limits is unsophisticated and crude. Consequently, saying anything negative about NY City or its residents may be the only thing that can bring New Yorkers from both sides of the aisle together in agreement – at least for a day or two.

Talking heads on FOX News, MSNBC, and all those in between are taking umbrage at Ted’s “insult”. Iran’s insult of capturing, handcuffing, then releasing 10 American sailors did not produce as much across-the-board outrage. In fact, Kerry and Obama praised Iran’s “diplomacy” over that incident in their continuing and embarrassing appeasement of Iran. One can image, then, their chagrin over Ted’s comments.

This is how far we have “progressed” under the political tutelage of the left-leaning media and the Obama administration. We may have “progressed” too far to turn back but the coming presidential election is the best shot to try to do so. Please vote – and vote wisely.

David J. Hentosh

Containment Folly

November 15, 2015

From NRO:

On the very day that President Obama declared ISIS to be “contained,” it reached hundreds of miles outside the borders of its so-called caliphate and struck the heart of Paris…This is what happens when terrorists are given safe havens, when they have time and space to recruit and train new fighters, and when they have time and funds to organize attacks…The idea that ISIS could be “contained” was folly from the beginning…A serious war requires a serious strategy, one not hamstrung by absurd rules of engagement that grant enemy fighters known safe haven, nor can it be bound by silly notions that President Obama has “ended” a war that is still burning hot…jihadists are still eager to fight, and wars do not end when one side grows tired of battle…French president François Hollande has vowed to wage “pitiless” war against ISIS. We must demonstrate the same resolve…

Read it all here: A Serious War


Denying Threats

October 5, 2015

When Romney said that Russia is the U.S.’s biggest geopolitical foe during a 2012 presidential debate, Obama scoffed, saying: “The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.” Voters ignored Obama’s inexperience and naiveté and he became president with a failed policy arrogantly and egotistically treating Putin as an insignificant threat.

During a recent GOP candidate debate, Marco Rubio (accurately) predicted Putin’s current actions in Syria and he, too, was ridiculed. President Reagan was vilified for daring to call the Soviet Union the Evil Empire. Pie-in-the-sky ideology does not recognize the existence of evil-doers – unless they are Republicans.

The Left downplays or completely ignores real threats to America because recognizing them would result in taking action and that could require use of military might which they loathe. In Obama’s case, it would also mean admitting his weak foreign policies have failed, especially with regard to Russia where relations have been “re-set” by his administration. The Left picks targets that are politically correct and safe.

During Obama’s administration our troops were prematurely pulled out of Iraq; the “red line” in Syria was crossed and ignored; ISIS developed and now violently rampages in the Middle East; Iran received more time to develop a nuclear weapon unimpeded; Putin invaded the Ukraine; illegal immigrants were encouraged to and allowed to invade our country; North Korea increased threats to South Korea; and China increased expansionist activities.

The Left, meanwhile, has concentrated on threats from: Israel; Christmas and crèches; traditional marriage; FOX News; border security; profiling terrorists; decreased government spending; voter ID cards; the Tea Party; a strong military; displaying the American flag; the Washington Redskins; limits on abortion; the police; school lunches; Republicans; lower taxes; the 2nd Amendment; Confederate flags and statues; Uber; coal; the Keystone pipeline; male and female rest rooms; and even children playing tag.

Feeling Safe?

David J. Hentosh

Obama Foreign Policy Disaster

September 30, 2015

President Obama brought his only experience, community organizing, along with his radical beliefs into the White House and foolishly applied both to foreign affairs. It has been a devastating failure.

Obama’s well-documented socialist (and communist) background shapes his social agenda and his belief that the U.S. should be less powerful and less influential around the globe shapes his foreign policy. He believes that the U.S. has done more harm than good and should be stripped of its power and dominant leadership role in the world.

With no thought given to consequences, Obama began a campaign to level the playing field and change the balance of power in the world. His aggressively dismissive attitude toward Israel not only alienated our staunchest ally in the region, it encouraged surrounding Arab states and Islamic extremists to ramp up engrained hatred for Israel and the Western world.

His hasty removal of all troops from Iraq satisfied his campaign promise as well as his distaste for the military and U.S. military power but it cleared the stage for Islamic extremists. His refusal to do anything about the increasing chaos allowed Putin to gain an influence in the Middle East that has been denied him for years. We have now lost our foothold in the Middle East as well as respect.

Obama’s idealistic deal with Iran will result in leveling the nuclear playing field in the Middle East as well. Iran will obviously continue a nuclear weapons program under the toothless deal forcing surrounding countries to counter the threat with nuclear weapons of their own. The Middle East is on the verge of going nuclear at a time when bloodthirsty terrorists are rampaging unimpeded.

European countries can no longer rely on the U.S. for protection and are now dangerously vulnerable. Obama’s weakness and the refugee influx from the disintegrating Middle East provide Putin with another opportunity to take advantage. Europe is now facing danger at a level not seen since WWII.

It took years to gain respect, power, and influence around the world and it will take years to regain what we have lost – if we can. The upcoming presidential election will determine whether we are going to try or just give up. Which way will you vote?

David J. Hentosh

Lest We Forget

August 10, 2015

From the far-left we continually hear about the sins of this country, complete with so-called “intellectuals” labeling the US as the biggest terrorist country in the world. Lest we forget, the lowest point in this country’s history was reached through the actions of the far-left.

Though certainly a contender, slavery was not this country’s lowest point. That was a very dark era, but slavery was not invented here and it was not unique in the history of the world. It was a major factor for the Civil War, another dark era but, again, not unique in world history. What was unique, however, was the turning of citizens against other citizens serving the country in the armed forces.

The hatred and actions from the left towards Vietnam servicemen in the late 60’s and early 70’s was despicable. It is true that there were occurrences in history where citizens feared, despised, and turned against their military, but it was always due to the military’s viciousness under the direction of a repressive regime. It did not and it should not occur in a country based on democracy and freedom – but it did.

It is estimated that 2/3 of the men who served in Vietnam were volunteers and those who were drafted went because they felt it their duty to serve when called. They were not responsible for the decisions leading to the war or the planning of military operations. They were young men (the average age of an infantryman in Vietnam was 22) willing to put their lives on the line to serve their country. They earned and deserved respect, honor, and decency from their countrymen – not vilification.

One can understandably argue about the legitimacy of the war, the actions of our government, and the motivations of those making decisions. Increasing protests during that period did just that, but the far-left fomented hatred and created an opportunity to begin a “transformation” that continues to this day.

The hatred shown by the far-left towards Vietnam vets during that time was as real as it was despicable – and it was the lowest point in this country’s history. With the aid of useful idiots such as Jane Fonda, those intent on tearing down this country made that hate seem legitimate, allowing it to spread with the growing distaste for the war. Though now hidden, it still exists.

Those who served in Vietnam will never forget the depth of depravity the far-left is capable of. Everyone needs to be mindful of it during the presidential campaign when the bashing becomes loudest and the hatred is bared.

David J. Hentosh

Wrong Lessons From the Vietnam War

May 21, 2015

Our abandonment of Vietnam in 1975 was a national disgrace. Scenes of helicopters on rooftops desperately trying to evacuate people at the last minute continue to haunt responsible Americans, especially those who served in Vietnam. There are many lessons to be learned from the entire fiasco of that war, but it seems the only lessons learned have been the wrong ones.

One of those wrong lessons has been to simply declare a war over when it is no longer popular and pack up and leave. In Vietnam, a pretense of a peace agreement was used to rationalize our abandonment along with a promise of aid if North Vietnam broke that agreement. Our abandonment became official when Congress refused to finance the aid promised.

In Iraq, Obama took that lesson further by declaring beforehand when the war would be over and pulling all our troops out at that designated time. The pretense of a peace agreement was replaced by the pretense of an Iraqi army capable of defending the country but the abandonment remained the same.

The task of evacuating those who helped us during the war was also abandoned in Iraq. Our attempt to evacuate those who helped us in Vietnam was honorable but there was little preparation and little time to accomplish it properly. Our hasty retreat caused chaos and thousands of those we left behind were tortured and killed because of our inability to get them out.

The lesson learned from that was to avoid the entire mess by not even trying. In Iraq, no preparations or efforts were made for evacuation. Collaborators were knowingly left behind to fend for themselves when our troops left, therefore, thousands died when we abandoned our honor along with our commitment – just to fulfill a campaign promise.

Allowing a president and his civilian, political advisers to form and dictate military strategy failed in Vietnam where rules of engagement based on political fallout and civilian casualties put our troops in danger and forced a stalemate. Rules of engagement have become even more politically based since then and politicians continue to subvert military experts’ strategies for political purposes. When will we ever learn?

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
– George Santayana

David J. Hentosh

Can We Survive This?

February 20, 2015

ISIS continues to grow in number and power, committing even more horrendous atrocities as it takes over more territory in the Middle East. In response, the Obama administration is ramping up its politically correct agenda of denial.

A White House spokesman said there is no particular “vulnerable community” prone to producing radical violence so they are looking to see how they can find those who are susceptible to recruitment to violence, adding that Muslims aren’t being targeted in this search. This fear of offending Muslims has become a driver for Obama and it hampers all administration efforts to fight terrorism.

State Department spokesperson Marie Harf said “we cannot win this war by killing them” and we need to go after the root cause such as “a lack of opportunity for jobs”. When challenged, Harf put on elitist airs and insulted the intelligence of critics saying her comments were too nuanced for them to understand.

This academic drivel is useless against the evil and violence of ISIS and it is a pitiful excuse for inaction. Obama’s distaste for U.S. military might was nurtured during his early association with radicals and it fueled his anti-America apology tour when elected. His only concern is social engineering and he tries to ignore threats rather than deal with them.

In the past, Obama told us that victory was not a goal in Afghanistan and that he didn’t even like the word “victory”. His inaction concerning ISIS, therefore, should not be a surprise, but the depth of his denial is astounding and his total immersion in political correctness has gone far beyond foolishness. Shunning victory can only result in defeat, and we are being defeated.

This all makes the latest Gallup poll finding Obama’s job approval at 50% mystifying and frightening, especially since a CNN poll found that 57% disapprove of his handling of ISIS. Is it really possible that more than half the people believe ISIS terrorism is a real threat but find Obama’s personal “transformation of America” more important – and acceptable?

If so, survival of this country is questionable.

David J. Hentosh

Wrong…Wrong…and Wrong Again

February 16, 2015

The U.S. embassy in Yemen is closing as turmoil in the country increases and security deteriorates. This is the same Yemen that President Obama held up last September as a successful model for fighting ISIS, the same ISIS he compared to a “JV team” a little over a year ago.

Obama is now seeking war powers from Congress to help in the fight against ISIS. His premature promise not to put boots on the ground (where there were already boots on the ground) is starting to look a lot like his promise of keeping your doctor and your health insurance plan. He is now considering “limited” ground combat operations against ISIS. Zero has turned into limited – and this is far from over.

He gave terrorists advance notice of when he was going to pull out of Iraq and then, ignoring military advice, pulled all of our troops out and proclaimed the war in Iraq to be over. As predicted, terrorists immediately began taking over Iraq. Obama denied this and began a victory dance over Osama bin Laden’s death and his self-proclaimed decimation of Al Qaeda, the same Al Qaeda that has tripled attacks since 2010 and just now seized an army base in Yemen.

In 2012, President Obama set the use of chemical weapons as a “red line” for using military force in Syria and then did absolutely nothing when chemical weapons were used. Later, in 2013, he tried to say he never set that red line in the first place, blaming the “world” for setting it. It is clear he set it and reneged, setting the stage for ISIS to grow into the world threat it has become.

This president has been horribly wrong on everything concerning the Middle East and terrorism. How wrong does he have to be for supporters and the media to hold him accountable and seriously question his leadership? How much more damage can he do while we wait for that to happen?

David J. Hentosh