Archive for the ‘Religion’ Category

97% Bull

October 9, 2015

It is ridiculous that global warming enthusiasts continue to use the “97% scientific consensus” myth as a fact. Not only has it been thoroughly debunked, common sense tells us it is almost impossible to obtain a 97% consensus on anything. Nevertheless, the farce continues.

Recently, Ted Cruz grilled Sierra Club President Aaron Mair on climate change data and was subjected to an embarrassing repeated recitation of the 97% myth as “preponderance” of evidence for man-made global warming. It is held like a religious tenet among believers and anything to the contrary is dismissed out-of-hand. Even president Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have cited the 97% myth as fact, giving it an aura of legitimacy that fuels the belief.

When evidence began to surface challenging the validity of man-made global warming, believers changed tactics. They began calling global warming “climate change”, an indisputable occurrence on earth that cannot be denied. They still mean man-made global warming but the name change allows them to fend off some criticism while remaining self-righteous.

Dr. David Evans, an Australian climate modeler and mathematician, recently found errors in the basic climate model used in climate science. When he corrected the errors, he found the climate’s sensitivity to carbon dioxide to be much lower than previously assumed, reducing estimated effects on global warming almost ten-fold. Errors in climate models are not unusual because the science behind the models is not “settled”. It is an ongoing process.

The media, however, has determined the matter “settled” and uses the 97% myth to deride anyone questioning that man-made global warming is occurring at a catastrophic level. It has become more a political issue than a scientific issue resulting in billions of dollars spent solving a problem that has not been scientifically validated. It does, however, fit a political agenda and that is reason enough to continue citing 97% consesus.

Politics and science do not mix well and under the umbrella of political correctness, reasonable debate on the issue has become stifled. Perhaps that’s deliberate. The progressive agenda does not like reasonable debate – about 97% of the time.


David J. Hentosh

Denying Threats

October 5, 2015

When Romney said that Russia is the U.S.’s biggest geopolitical foe during a 2012 presidential debate, Obama scoffed, saying: “The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.” Voters ignored Obama’s inexperience and naiveté and he became president with a failed policy arrogantly and egotistically treating Putin as an insignificant threat.

During a recent GOP candidate debate, Marco Rubio (accurately) predicted Putin’s current actions in Syria and he, too, was ridiculed. President Reagan was vilified for daring to call the Soviet Union the Evil Empire. Pie-in-the-sky ideology does not recognize the existence of evil-doers – unless they are Republicans.

The Left downplays or completely ignores real threats to America because recognizing them would result in taking action and that could require use of military might which they loathe. In Obama’s case, it would also mean admitting his weak foreign policies have failed, especially with regard to Russia where relations have been “re-set” by his administration. The Left picks targets that are politically correct and safe.

During Obama’s administration our troops were prematurely pulled out of Iraq; the “red line” in Syria was crossed and ignored; ISIS developed and now violently rampages in the Middle East; Iran received more time to develop a nuclear weapon unimpeded; Putin invaded the Ukraine; illegal immigrants were encouraged to and allowed to invade our country; North Korea increased threats to South Korea; and China increased expansionist activities.

The Left, meanwhile, has concentrated on threats from: Israel; Christmas and crèches; traditional marriage; FOX News; border security; profiling terrorists; decreased government spending; voter ID cards; the Tea Party; a strong military; displaying the American flag; the Washington Redskins; limits on abortion; the police; school lunches; Republicans; lower taxes; the 2nd Amendment; Confederate flags and statues; Uber; coal; the Keystone pipeline; male and female rest rooms; and even children playing tag.

Feeling Safe?

David J. Hentosh

Deceptive Progressive Hype

March 30, 2015

Once again, we find progressives and the liberal media intentionally misleading the public. The current hype and furor over Indiana’s “Religious Freedom Law” is the latest in a long history of deliberate deception used to sway public opinion.

Indiana’s law simply says that no one can be forced to do something that is against their religion unless the state has a “compelling interest” to do so – and if one is compelled, the issue can be taken to the courts for a decision. This is not discriminatory or anti-gay. It just reaffirms one’s freedom of religion and it is very similar to laws already in place in 30 other states.

This law, like many other laws, could be misinterpreted and wrongly used in a discriminatory manner by nefarious individuals, but it is not discriminatory by itself and allows legal action to be taken if it used in that manner. Progressives know this but are deliberately misinterpreting the law to advance their agenda.

Unfortunately, this is a proven progressive tactic. It conditioned much of the public into believing decriminalization of marijuana is the same as legalization. It caused many to believe there really is a “war on women” and the police are all racists. It made immigration reform synonymous with amnesty and it convinced many that “access” to health insurance never existed for those unwilling to pay for it.

It is now trying to convince us that: Hillary did nothing wrong by erasing emails; Iran can be trusted with a nuclear program; Israel is the problem in the Middle East; Obama’s foreign policies have been successful; Obamacare is working well; Voter ID is voter suppression; and the economy is in great shape.

It is all liberal hype and it only works because both the White House and the mainstream media push it, repeating the hype over and over again until it becomes “fact”. It is nothing short of systematic brainwashing – the same brainwashing we saw in repressive countries and thought could never happen here.

If people continue voting to make history, hype will be all there is.

David J. Hentosh

Pope Francis Becomes a Strange Bedfellow

January 27, 2015

Progressive liberals do not like religion, especially the Catholic religion, but they will embrace and exploit anything and anyone to advance their agenda. Pope Francis’ belief in man-made global warming and his chastising of mankind for spoiling the planet has now made him a strange bedfellow of Progressives.

Calling mankind “stewards of God’s creation”, Pope Francis stated: “When we destroy our forests, ravage our soil and pollute our seas, we betray that noble calling.” That certainly sounds very reasonable but, as they say, the devil is in the details.

Pope Francis did not elaborate and he did not provide evidence for global warming or for his belief that it is “mostly” man-made. One can say that being the Pope, he doesn’t have to, but this is not a religious matter and it is not covered in the Bible. It is a scientific matter and progressives should be upset with the Pope’s excursion into science.

After all, progressives are adamant that only science can determine when a fetus becomes a human being and they insist that the Pope’s beliefs are irrelevant on such a scientific issue. Therefore, they would have to include the science of global warming, but that may be too rational and not “nuanced” enough for progressives. In any event, the Pope has now tilted leftward far enough to cause many conservative Republicans consternation if not outright rebelliousness.

The Pope is considered by Catholics to be infallible on issues of the church, not on issues of science. His soon-to-be-issued encyclical on global warming will not be appreciated by conservative Republicans who make up a large segment of the Church’s base in the US. He has already alienated many and this will make him a “divider” rather than a “uniter” in their eyes.

Progressiveness excels at dividing and the Catholic Church is not immune. Sermonizing about global warming is sure to empty more pews and the Church can ill afford more empty pews. Pope Francis may be doing more harm than good by opening this progressive Pandora’s Box.

David J. Hentosh

PC Idiotic Denial

January 15, 2015

Aided by politically correct useful idiots, radical Islamists are winning their war of terror. While President Obama and the liberal media remain terrorized over labeling the killers “radical Islamists”, saner people around the world are becoming more terrorized by the increasing denial on display.

Even after al Qaeda proudly claimed responsibility for the Paris attacks, blame continues to be spread to everyone but Islamic terrorists. Israel is being blamed by former president Jimmy Carter; Abu Ghraib is being blamed by David Rothkopf of Foreign Policy magazine; the President of Turkey is blaming French security forces; Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is blaming Western leaders; University of London professor Gilbert Achcar is blaming the US; and, of course, some French Muslims are blaming “shape-shifting Jews”.

One would think that France’s tough gun laws would keep the anti-gun crowd on the sidelines in the wake of the Paris attack, but Hollywood’s Liam Neeson couldn’t help himself. He took this opportunity to come out screaming about “too many guns out there”. He also refused to accept that violence in movies has any influence violence in society. Liam is bathed in PC denial on many levels.

CNN unconditionally surrendered to the terrorists without a fight by refusing to show the latest cover of Charlie Hebdo, declaring: “…it is our policy not to show potentially offensive images of the prophet”. CNN has no problems with the infamous “piss Christ” or cartoons ridiculing Jewish people. It’s just the prophet they fear offending. The recent religious ruling from a Saudi cleric forbidding the building of snowmen (because they are anti-Islamic) will surely bring more protective pixelating from CNN.

Idiotic PC adherents fear offending Muslims much more than they fear terrorist attacks. The Obamedia continually frets over it and tries hard to deny radical Islamists have any association with Islam. With protection such as this, is it any wonder terrorists are winning?

David J. Hentosh

Where Are the Riots?

August 21, 2014

Where are the riots? Where is the outcry for justice? Where is the demand for action? Where are the protests? Where is our leadership?

ISIS, a savage terrorist group, beheaded an American citizen, James Foley, who was captured and held in captivity for two years. ISIS proudly put a video of the decapitation on YouTube for the world to see, stating that the murder was in retaliation for U.S. airstrikes against them in Iraq. Previously, they demanded a ransom for Foley’s release but that was refused by the U.S. They are now threatening to kill three other captured U.S. citizens.

Capturing and murdering American citizens is an act of war and an unambiguous and brazen declaration of war against the U.S. It is not a “crime” to be investigated by Holder’s Justice Department. Have we become so politically correct and impotent that we will hide behind an “investigation” rather than act firmly and immediately? Are we “transformed” to the point of allowing our citizens to be brutally murdered with impunity?

European countries have been paying ransoms to terrorists for captured citizens because they lack the military means and fortitude to do anything else. They have decimated their militaries by diverting defense spending to government assistance programs. Obviously, these ransoms have not deterred terrorism; they have just emboldened the terrorists and proven the weakness of those paying the ransom.

President Obama prematurely removed all of our troops from Iraq. It was a mistake and the rise and growth of ISIS is the result. This is not a small band of rag-tag terrorists. It is an army viciously taking over an entire country and openly declaring war on the U.S. Our foolishly open southern border, another Obama mistake, will not be ignored by these terrorists who are intent on killing Americans on American soil.

Will Obama show leadership, admit mistakes, and take firm and proper action? Will citizens rise up in protest and march in the streets (ala Ferguson) if he doesn’t? To quote vice president Biden, “This is big f**king deal”, and the answers will determine our future.

David J. Hentosh

Barbara Walters’ Messiah

December 19, 2013

Barbara Walters, when asked by CNN’s Piers Morgan why she didn’t put president Obama on her “Most Fascinating People of 2013” list, revealed buyer’s remorse by answering: “We thought that he was going to be – I shouldn’t say this at Christmastime, but – the next messiah, and the whole Obamacare, or whatever you want to call it, the Affordable Health Act, it just hasn’t worked for him, and he’s stumbled around on it, and people feel very disappointed because they expected more.”

This admission from Walters of religious-like adoration for Obama shatters any remaining illusion one may have had that she is, or was, an objective journalist. Stating that “we thought…” displays her left tilt and believing Obama was going to be “the next messiah” places her firmly in the far-left camp where unconditional adoration is the norm.

Walters caught herself violating talking points and tried to backtrack on using the now-shunned label “Obamacare” by saying “or whatever you want to call it”, but you could see her heart wasn’t in it. Her idealistic idol has fallen and her disappointment could not be contained. It took a long time, five years, for her to finally realize Obama is not a messiah.

It is interesting to note that Walters expressed disappointment that Obamacare “hasn’t worked for Him” rather than because it isn’t working for the country. This is political, religious, and idealistic adoration based on…well…nothing more than a dream. Obama talked a good game, failed to deliver, and she thinks it’s a shame HE is feeling the failure. It would be laughable if the damage to the country wasn’t so serious.

One may give Walters some credit for at least admitting disappointment, but she couldn’t get herself to say Obama failed. Instead, she said he “stumbled around on it” as if this, Obamacare, is just a small bump in an otherwise smooth road. Her choice of Hillary as not only the most fascinating person of 2013, but the most fascinating person of the last 20 years, proves she is already invested in a new messiah, so Obama will now be downgraded in her mind to just a prophet. Who says the left shuns religion?

David J. Hentosh

Politically Correct Halloween

October 24, 2013

Christmas, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, and most traditional holidays, have been targets of the “progressive” PC police in recent times, so it is not surprising to find Halloween under attack. It seems that those who self-righteously consider themselves champions of personal freedom are, once again, shamelessly trying to dictate everyone’s way of life and “transform” America.

The PC Command Center is our nation’s schools and it is there attacks begin. The Cumberland County, PA school district no longer allows costumes or parades for Halloween, citing “safety concerns” as reason for the ban. They do, however, allow dress-up days throughout the year for students to express individual creativity. That would probably include the PC-approved cross-dressing day held at a Milwaukee elementary school.

Inglewood Elementary School in the North Penn School District tried to ban Halloween using the popular and misinterpreted “Separation of Church and State” excuse. As extra ammunition, dietary concerns, specifically peanut allergies, were included. After an angry outcry from those whose sensitivities were supposed to have been rankled, the ban was lifted.

Colleges, however, have very little backlash when they “mold” the minds of students. Banning Halloween can be done in such a way that students do not even realize banning is taking place. The University of Colorado warns students to avoid costumes such as cowboys, Indians, white trash (which I’m sure includes hobos), over-sexualized themes (geishas, French maids), and anything portraying a culture (Pirates, gypsies, Mexican bandits?). The University of Minnesota allows cowboy costumes but not Indian ones or any that perpetuate racial, cultural, and gender stereotypes.

So, traditional baseball and football costumes are out because of the offensive Washington Redskins, Atlanta Braves, Cleveland Indians, and Kansas City Chiefs. Robots are offensive because they replace human workers. President Obama masks are racist and President Bush masks are…well, Bush is just plain evil. Darth Vader is synonymous with Dick Cheney and a witch is synonymous with Sarah Palin and, of course, any priest or nun costume is highly offensive to progressives.

Halloween is becoming as hollow as the PC movement and progressive ideology, but nowhere near as frightening.

David J. Hentosh

Religiously Rigid Liberals

January 21, 2013

Many liberals sneer at organized religion, yet, believe in their own liberal agenda with as much religious rigidity and fervor found in any clergyman. Many of these liberal “beliefs” are based on nothing more than idealistic wishful thinking and are immune to facts or reality.

Maureen Dowd, appearing on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, provided a liberal religious tenet and a prediction of the future based on that tenet saying: “…five years from now, you guys are going to be here and you’re going to be discussing Obama’s memoir, which he will have written, and it’s going to be the most brilliant political memoir outside of Ulysses Grant…you’re going to be saying…Why couldn’t he have applied that super-brain to Washington and gotten it to work better?”

The deliberately generated myth of Obama’s superior intelligence has become sacrosanct for many liberals in spite of the lack of proof to validate it. Dowd’s belief takes it one step further by assuring us that anything Obama does in the future will also be fantastic because of his “super brain”. She, along with many others, believes this fully. It is how Obama got elected and re-elected.

Al Sharpton, too, religiously believes in Obama’s superiority to the point of wanting him to be the next president carved onto Mt. Rushmore. Expanding on his ignorance in thinking there is a spot waiting for another president on the mountain; Sharpton doesn’t need to see what Obama’s second term brings before crowning him more deserving than Teddy Roosevelt. Sharpton created his own, personal liberal religion.

Liberal beliefs such as these have resulted in paralyzing Washington. There can be no compromise or solutions to real problems when fiction and blind faith rule the day. Obama legitimized and set the tone for this and it will remain until he is gone. By then, it may be too late.

David J. Hentosh

Say Goodbye to Christmas

December 1, 2012

It has become commonplace for the holiday season to bring furor and protests from progressives concerning Christmas trees, nativity scenes, and almost anything traditionally associated with Christmas. Even though polls show that a majority of people still favor those traditions, it is now inevitable that they will be eradicated.

On FOX’s “The O’Reilly Factor”, Jesse Waters reported back to Bill O’Reilly his results of random interviews on the streets of Rhode Island concerning the governor’s renaming of a Christmas tree as a “Holiday tree”. Waters reported that most people he talked to preferred Christmas tree to Holiday tree, except at Brown University. He reported: “Everyone I spoke to at Brown University was pro-holiday tree”. Everyone.

The take-over of this country’s education system by progressives has been complete for years and students at every level are fully indoctrinated with a progressive agenda that has been fed to them, unchallenged, their entire time in school. They are the future of this country and fully programmed to implement what they have been taught.

There will always be a few who will not accept such an agenda, but they will be ostracized and silenced, perhaps even jailed, by a majority indoctrinated (brainwashed?) to follow that agenda religiously. It has already become a substitute religion for many having blind faith in the veracity of its tenets.

With the minds and hearts of our youth hijacked by the progressive agenda, there is little hope that future generations will even look back on American traditions such as Christmas with anything but scorn. It will become an historical embarrassment eliciting even more guilt over this country’s evil past.

So, the train has left the station; the chickens have hatched; the cat’s out of the bag; the ship has sailed; the die is cast – pick whichever idiom suits you best because there is no turning back. Say goodbye to Christmas and much, much more. The battle for our children and our traditions has been lost before most even knew there was a war. The enemy within has won.

David J Hentosh

UPDATE: Liberal Censors on Campus