Posts Tagged ‘Tea Parties’

Labels Matter

June 18, 2016

Obama scoffed at critics wanting to know why he will not use the label “radical Islamists” when speaking about terrorism. In a speech filled with ridicule, a standard leftist tactic, Obama asked: “…what exactly using this label would accomplish and what will it change”? This is as disingenuous as it is hypocritical.

What about illegal immigrants labeled as “undocumented workers”? How about “pro-choice” for killing the unborn? What about the “war on women” that is no war? How about the “Party of no” for the GOP? What about the “Affordable Care Act” that continues to increase rather than decrease health care costs? What about the most-used label of all, “racist”, for anyone who disagrees?

Obama and liberal progressives constantly use labels that accomplish masking reality and making an unrealistic agenda more palatable to the masses. Let’s not forget that Obama, who ran for office under the label “The One”, infamously labeled ISIS as the “JV team”. He has even used the vulgar label “tea baggers” in reference to the Tea Party.

It is necessary to identify an enemy in order to defeat it and Obama’s refusal to acknowledge radical Islamists as the enemy has his entire administration and the military concentrating on being politically correct and not offending anyone. The Homeland Security Advisory Council just released a report instructing the DHS not to use any language that might be “disrespectful” to Muslims, including (but not limited to) the words “jihad” and “sharia”, so it seems that labels DO matter as long as they advance the Obama agenda.

Because supporters have labeled him “supremely intelligent”, president Obama arrogantly spews whatever he wishes, expecting everyone to accept his spin as gospel. He has been pissing in our ears and telling us it’s raining for almost eight years, using sarcasm and ridicule to dismiss criticism. As a result, our enemy has been encouraged to escalate its war against us while our efforts have been spent trying not to offend them.

That deserves to be labeled “failure”.


David J. Hentosh

Denying Threats

October 5, 2015

When Romney said that Russia is the U.S.’s biggest geopolitical foe during a 2012 presidential debate, Obama scoffed, saying: “The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.” Voters ignored Obama’s inexperience and naiveté and he became president with a failed policy arrogantly and egotistically treating Putin as an insignificant threat.

During a recent GOP candidate debate, Marco Rubio (accurately) predicted Putin’s current actions in Syria and he, too, was ridiculed. President Reagan was vilified for daring to call the Soviet Union the Evil Empire. Pie-in-the-sky ideology does not recognize the existence of evil-doers – unless they are Republicans.

The Left downplays or completely ignores real threats to America because recognizing them would result in taking action and that could require use of military might which they loathe. In Obama’s case, it would also mean admitting his weak foreign policies have failed, especially with regard to Russia where relations have been “re-set” by his administration. The Left picks targets that are politically correct and safe.

During Obama’s administration our troops were prematurely pulled out of Iraq; the “red line” in Syria was crossed and ignored; ISIS developed and now violently rampages in the Middle East; Iran received more time to develop a nuclear weapon unimpeded; Putin invaded the Ukraine; illegal immigrants were encouraged to and allowed to invade our country; North Korea increased threats to South Korea; and China increased expansionist activities.

The Left, meanwhile, has concentrated on threats from: Israel; Christmas and crèches; traditional marriage; FOX News; border security; profiling terrorists; decreased government spending; voter ID cards; the Tea Party; a strong military; displaying the American flag; the Washington Redskins; limits on abortion; the police; school lunches; Republicans; lower taxes; the 2nd Amendment; Confederate flags and statues; Uber; coal; the Keystone pipeline; male and female rest rooms; and even children playing tag.

Feeling Safe?

David J. Hentosh

GOP Problem With Amnesty

July 29, 2015

Listening to the media you would believe that everybody wants amnesty for illegal aliens, even the GOP. The problem is that the American public is not for it, especially the full-blown amnesty the left is demanding. Ann Coulter, as usual, spits it out plainly and takes the GOP to task for continuously trying to follow what they believe is popular.

From Ann Coulter

Washington has tried to sneak through three amnesties in the last decade…And every time, as soon as the public got wind of what was happening, the politicians scattered like roaches…Couldn’t Republicans spare themselves the embarrassment of having to say they “learned their lesson” by learning the same lesson of the last 17 guys to push amnesty?… In early June of 2007, a Rasmussen poll found that support for “no bill” beat support for the Senate immigration bill by 5-to-3. By the end of the week, “no bill” was winning 2-to-1, with 53 percent against amnesty and only 26 percent for it. Public opposition was so vociferous, the Senate didn’t even vote on the 2007 amnesty…erstwhile Tea Party darling Sen. Marco Rubio burst on the scene deciding he was going to be the one to enact amnesty…the public found out about it and, once again, an amnesty bill died…

New Jersey governor Chris Christie, was suckered into supporting the Schumer-Rubio amnesty by a mere 20-minute conversation with Schumer…He now claims he considers a path to citizenship “extreme” and accused Hillary Clinton of “pandering” by supporting a path to citizenship…Mike Huckabee denounced a bill to require verification of citizenship before registering to vote or applying for public benefits…His current presidential website denounces “the Washington establishment” for trying to “reward illegal immigrants with amnesty and citizenship…

Instead of having to keep apologizing for their positions on immigration, maybe Republicans should stop listening to political consultants who are paid by business lobbyists to dump millions of poverty-stricken, low-wage workers on the country…Americans can see they’re being forced to subsidize people who are being brought in only to outvote them, provide cheap labor, and change our culture.



Some Other Guy Did It

July 22, 2015

A standard tactic used in court by a desperate defense attorney trying to convince a jury that his guilty client is innocent is known as SOGDI – “Some Other Guy Did It”. It is a frantic, last ditch effort to evade responsibility that is as transparent as it is juvenile. When used repeatedly by the president of the United States it is embarrassing to the entire nation.

In an interview with John Stewart on the “Daily Show”, president Obama blamed Congress for the IRS tea party-targeting scandal, saying Congress “passed a crummy law” that provided vague guidance for IRS workers. He doubled down on his SOGDI defense by saying the “real” scandal is that the IRS is poorly funded.

The Justice Department continues to conduct a criminal investigation into the scandal and the IRS internal auditor found that the agency did, indeed, target the tea party and other conservative groups. However, president Obama refuses to accept his own administration’s findings, choosing instead the foolish SOGDI defense.

This administration is riddled with scandal and many of Obama’s policies are proving to be failures but the president refuses to accept blame or responsibility for any of it. His repeated reliance on SOGDI has placed blame on Republicans, Fox News, Bush, Congress, Wall Street, racism, and even the American People for misconstruing his explicit “You can keep your doctor” promise. Like a little kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, he denies, denies, and denies.

Also embarrassing to the nation is the willingness of his unconditional supporters, especially those in the media, to accept these blatant denials and pretenses. Even the most obvious SOGDI excuse is adopted as a talking point by biased “journalists” to combat even the slightest criticism. It is a commonly held rule followed by his devotees that there is to be no criticism of Obama.

There’s always some other guy to blame and coming from the White House, it is pathetic.

David J. Hentosh

Look Behind the Curtain

June 12, 2014

We are being told Dave Brat’s upset of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in the Virginia Republican primary was a Tea Party win. This comes after a long media campaign to convince us that the Tea Party is dead. The Tea Party was sneered upon and belittled at every opportunity in order to convince us it was irrelevant. Why, then, has there been such a quick and unanimous acknowledgment of its success?

Along with this acknowledgment comes a concentrated effort to discredit Cantor’s muddled stance on immigration as a factor and therein lies one answer. Amnesty for illegal immigrants is being rammed down the country’s throat with executive orders from president Obama who, unilaterally, is defining immigration policies his way. This has become more important than discrediting the Tea Party.

Brat made Cantor’s softness on immigration an issue. By trying to straddle the middle ground on immigration, Cantor alienated voters in his very conservative district as well as across the state. Had Cantor taken a definitive stance either way, he may have won. Lindsey Graham, an unapologetic champion of bipartisanship and compromise on immigration, won in South Carolina, proving that voters appreciate conviction. That win is being spun as a defeat for the Tea Party by those claiming Brat’s win to be a Tea Party success.

Political spin is everywhere and it is getting harder and harder to know what is and what isn’t. Our watchdog “fourth estate” stopped watching and is now part of the problem. We have a dysfunctional government led by a runaway administration backed by a sycophantic media. Voters need to look behind the curtain of propaganda to fully understand what is going on both here and around the world – and bring an end to this mess. If not, that curtain will solidify into an iron curtain, repeating a history – a history no longer taught in our progressive schools.

It not only can happen here – it IS happening here.

David J. Hentosh

Strouse Takes a Weak Shot

September 30, 2013

Democrat candidate Kevin Strouse, attempting to unseat Bucks County Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick, took a weak shot at Fitzpatrick in an opinion article in the Courier Times. His tirade, strict Democrat talking points, blamed Republicans for causing a government shutdown and chastised Fitzpatrick for playing politics with the shutdown and debt ceiling. Unfortunately, he exposed himself as another strict partisan unwilling to place any blame on his own party.

Congress, as whole, is playing politics with every issue it addresses and the chasm between the parties is growing wider and wider with less and less bipartisanship. Society, too, is splitting further apart and it is all being driven from the top downward. President Obama set the tone, refusing to listen to opposing views and demanding acquiescence to his views, never compromising. Futhermore, he demonizes all who dare challenge his policies, using the White House bully pulpit to spread fear and loathing.

His disdain for Republicans, disregard for the law, and his petty criticism of FOX News is unseemly coming from the White House and it has emboldened his unconditional supporters, and non-supporters, to follow suit. Consequently, we now have a mainstream media with no credibility and American voters unaware of the seriousness of administration failures.

If Kevin Strouse continues to carry Obama’s water, refusing to acknowledge Democrat’s part in this fiasco, his campaign will fail miserably. He need only ask Patrick Murphy how well hanging onto Obama’s coattails worked for him. Fitzpatrick has been taken to task for going against the grain of uncompromising Republicans several times, but that has not stopped him from doing what he, and not party hacks, believes is right. That is the best voters can ask of an elected official and it is what Bucks County, and the country, needs – not another meek, Obama sycophant.

Blaming Republicans for everything is just a repeat of blaming Bush. We have had enough of that. It is time to spread the blame around to all those who are guilty, and vote accordingly. Strouse and the Democratic Party need to look into a mirror and finally see their own reflection, not Obama’s.

David J. Hentosh

Is the Obama Administration Imploding?

May 13, 2013

The Obama Administration’s incompetence, arrogance, and mistakes are becoming too big to hide. The liberal media’s pretense that all is well is cracking as the public slowly becomes informed rather than misled.

“What difference does it make?” was Hillary’s arrogant attempt to dismiss Senate Foreign Relations Committee concerns on Benghazi and advance an administration cover-up, but her transparent act of being offended has now become offensive to many. Hiding facts surrounding the death of Americans does, indeed, make a difference.

Obama’s re-election was protected by the Benghazi cover-up but Hillary’s presidential bid may now be in jeopardy. Senator Durbin (D-Ill.) can pretend the GOP is conducting a “witch hunt” because of fearing Hillary in 2016, but the real fear is that the entire Democrat Party will face dire consequences – and it should. The rubber-stamping Obama received from Democrats made this all possible.

Revelations of the IRS targeting non-profit groups such as the Tea Party for political purposes are further proof of an administration out of control, but blinders remain. Carl Bernstein declared that he “can’t imagine” President Obama is possibly involved in this IRS infraction, though he had no problem imagining Nixon’s involvement in a minor, bungled break-in, and helping to bring about his resignation because of it.

Much of the public has been kept in the dark and, therefore, also “can’t imagine” the depths of this administration’s errors and political tactics. The facts coming forth now do not rely on one’s imagination and should shock all out of the political stupor that has taken hold, but perhaps that is too optimistic a view.

Hillary for president is being advanced even in the wake of her Benghazi debacle. Joe Klein, on the Chris Matthews show (soon to become the “Hillary-for-President Show”), began the erasure of the 2008 liberal campaign theme that experience doesn’t count by stating that Hillary is “…one of the most experienced candidates we’ve ever had running for president”.

One can hope that Hillary’s “experience” in the Benghazi cover-up will be remembered and will count. Perhaps Obama’s administration will have completely imploded by then – that is, if the media will allow it. There is “Hope” for “Change” in 2016.

David J. Hentosh

San Francisco PAC attacks Fitzpatrick

April 11, 2012

A super PAC of liberals from San Francisco created by the cell phone company Credo Mobile are opening an office in the area in an attempt to defeat Mike Fitzpatrick in the 2012 election. Credo has designated Fitzpatrick as one of their “Tea Party Ten” who need to be removed from office in order to further their “progressive” agenda.

Following standard progressive tactics, the first thing Credo did was hurl insults at their designated Tea Party Ten, calling them “racist, sexist, anti-science, hypocritical and downright crazy”. This clearly reveals the level of “debate” one can expect from this San Francisco PAC.

Fitzpatrick made Credo’s dubious list because he voted to defund Planned Parenthood, the progressive’s sacred organization. He also dared to vote for Paul Ryan’s “radical” budget plan, something the current administration still hasn’t managed to be able to devise after three years. For good measure, they threw in a couple of other exaggerated allegations such as redefining rape and wanting to destroy Medicare.

Coming from San Francisco, one expects Credo to be out of touch with reality and they have lived up to that expectation. Fitzpatrick was never a big favorite of the Tea Party, so labeling him as a Tea Party candidate is off target and foolish. He was highly criticized by the Tea Party for leaning left in his previous Congressional voting and many Tea Party votes he received were cast reluctantly, just to get rid of Patrick Murphy.

Nevertheless, Credo is setting up shop under false impressions and certain to make noise. They have already begun with the delivery of a giant, cutesy “pink slip” to Mike Fitzpatrick, firing him from his job. That may entertain San Francisco liberals and get media coverage, but it is doubtful it will impress Bucks County voters. Even Patrick Murphy wouldn’t resort to that kind of silliness – so far.

David J. Hentosh

Taking Responsibility for Nothing

August 8, 2011

“I believe this is, without question, the tea party downgrade” said Democrat Senator John Kerry, issuing the Democrat talking point that is to be echoed by all. David Axelrod, a former senior adviser to President Obama, quickly conformed by also calling it the “tea party downgrade”. You can bet Chris Matthews, not a very original thinker, will be calling it that, too, along with other liberal media parrots.

Barney Frank, senior Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee, decided to spread the blame around a little and put it in the military’s lap, saying that defense spending is responsible. His complaint about the U.S. being “the military policemen of the world” certainly rings true, but left unsaid is the fact that almost all “free” countries have diverted military funding to social programs and can no longer defend themselves properly. This is the road the Democrats seem to want the U.S. to take.

Military spending, the Tea Party, Bush tax cuts, Sarah Palin, Corporate jets, fat-cat CEO’s – all are responsible for the downgrade in the Democrats’ eyes, but entitlement discretionary spending, one of the S&P’s reasons for the downgrade, is not. Political bickering and posturing are also reasons, but the politics of re-election are still ruling the roost.

Until the finger quits pointing and blame is no longer the main attraction, there will be no progress. In the meantime, those still lucky enough to have a job will watch their 401K dwindle because of asinine bickering and ideological political nonsense. The world will continue to sneer at the imbecilic manner in which our “leaders” are dealing with this crisis and watch our way-of-life vanish.

Taking responsibility is the first thing that needs to be done. So far, the Democrats have made it known that their main thrust is to blame Republicans and the Tea Party. Republicans are concentrating on defending themselves against those accusations. One can only hope that voters will show more responsibility in upcoming elections.

David J. Hentosh

Failures of Obama Cannot be Ignored

August 7, 2011

In April, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner assured us that there is “no risk” of the U.S. losing its top credit rating – it was just political rhetoric and all we had to do was raise the debt ceiling. This is the “leadership” we are getting from the present administration. Geithner failed miserably and he must go – now. So, too, with Obama.

The “change” this administration has brought about has been devastating: We have lost respect around the world; many of our staunchest allies have been insulted or ignored; unemployment has topped 9%; spending and debt is through the roof; partisan bickering (along with racism and class warfare) has increased; medical insurance coverage is in turmoil; and weak diplomacy has allowed Iran to reach the brink of having nuclear weapons.

Now, for the first time in history, the U.S. has had its credit rating lowered because of the incredible debt which has increased astonishingly on Obama’s watch and his reluctance to rein in spending. The only economical solution he offers is to raise taxes. He is in way over his head and the entire country is sinking and treading water with him.

Still, Obama wishes to get re-elected and many in the media continue to carry his water. The NY Times, one of Obama’s most fervent backers, is downplaying the credit downgrade by telling us it carries “few clear financial implications”. In a case of the pot calling the kettle black, Paul Krugman tells us the fault lies with “the madness of the right” and then he says the rating agencies are ignorant anyway and the downgrade means little. The Tea Party, of course, is getting blamed as if it is in charge of the Senate, the House, and the White House.

Meanwhile, the fact remains that Obama is the president and the country is falling apart on his watch. The fact remains that he has not made good on many promises he made during his campaign and has shown the lack of leadership that his inexperience predicted. Nothing is getting better and much is getting worse, therefore, re-election makes no sense. Then, again, it made no sense to elect him in the first place, which validates the old adage that the people deserve the leaders they elect. The American people deserve better.

David J. Hentosh