Archive for the ‘Children’ Category

Going Whole Hogg

April 3, 2018

It has always been said that “power corrupts” and one need only look at David Hoggs to see the validity of that axiom. With the help of an agenda-driven media, Mr. Hogg transformed quickly from a student “activist” into an angry, self-righteous firebrand demanding the world change to fit his views.

His experience of surviving the Stone Douglas High School shooting qualified him in the media’s eyes to be held up as an authority on gun-control issues and because he is so young he has also been granted immunity from criticism. The media has, of course, shunned fellow students who do not agree with his agenda. Hogg has now become convinced of his infallibility and is wielding his power with fist-pumping speeches filled with revolutionary rhetoric that will result in the sale of t-shirts bearing his image.

Mr. Hogg lashed out at Laura Ingram for daring to criticize him and then brazenly called for (demanded?) a boycott of Ingram’s show. Several advertisers acquiesced to the bully tactic, forcing Ingram to apologize – an apology Hogg quickly rejected. He also had the ego-driven audacity to refuse going to the White House to talk with president Trump, saying that the president should come to him if he wanted to talk. His arrogance is expanding with media coverage.

Eighteen-year-old David Hogg has now attacked or blamed president Trump, Governor Rick Scott, Senator Marco Rubio, Laura Ingram, Senator John McCain, and the NRA, all targets approved by the progressive agenda. He has placed no blame on his high school’s policy of not relaying information to police about troubled students, a policy that allowed shooter Nikolas Cruz to avoid a criminal record and pass a background check to purchase the weapon for the murders – a policy that could have prevented the massacre.

Some may sympathize and say the media is using David Hogg like a puppet but that is not the whole picture. He is a Teenlink reporter for Broward County’s Sun Sentinel who transferred to Stone Douglas High School because of the television production classes offered, so he has been actively engaged in pursuing a career in the media. This, then, looks much like a career move for Mr. Hogg which begs the question: Who’s using who?

High school students are now encouraged to go “whole Hogg” with walkout protests and it is not hard to imagine how quickly this could get out-of-hand. Progressive educators will certainly be selective concerning approval of the issues being protested but they will gleefully allow walkouts. They will be considered college preparation and credits will be earned with each walkout.

David J. Hentosh

Obama is Endangering the Country

February 9, 2016

Individuals with connections to terrorist organizations have been apprehended crossing our southern border, illegal immigrants are being used by drug cartels as conduits for heroin, children are dying at the hands of human traffickers, and dangerous criminals are crossing into the United States. Obama’s response is to double down on his open border policy.

The Obama administration has just re-instated a ‘catch-and-release” policy ordering border agents to stop arresting and deporting many new illegal immigrants. Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, said instead of cracking down, the administration issued this order to avoid further embarrassment over the number of illegals not showing up for deportation hearings. Testifying before a House Judiciary Committee, Judd said that “Immigration laws today appear to be mere suggestions” and “that fact is well known in other countries.”

Drug cartels are flooding the border with illegal immigrants carrying heroin into the country, increasing supply and lowering cost. Deaths from heroin-related overdoses nearly quadrupled between 2002 and 2013 and Obama’s border policy is dangerously escalating the heroin epidemic sweeping throughout the country.

It is not just Obama’s immigration policies that are dangerous. He has succeeded in shifting the focus of our Armed Forces onto climate change, a nebulous threat he believes is more dire and imminent than ISIS and other terrorists. His desperate agreement (appeasement?) with Iran has resulted in the return of billions of dollars of frozen assets to Iran that will finance a continued quest for nuclear weapons. He has insulted allies and lowered respect for the US around the world.

On the home front during his administration, racial tensions increased; economic growth stalled; government spending and debt escalated; health care insurance became a quagmire; and the country became further divided. He seems oblivious to it all as he continues to “transform America” according to his personal vision, a vision born from radical propaganda he was subjected to in his youth.

The danger is real, the damage is real, and the denial is real. The “dream” is not. Vote wisely.

David J. Hentosh

Denying Threats

October 5, 2015

When Romney said that Russia is the U.S.’s biggest geopolitical foe during a 2012 presidential debate, Obama scoffed, saying: “The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.” Voters ignored Obama’s inexperience and naiveté and he became president with a failed policy arrogantly and egotistically treating Putin as an insignificant threat.

During a recent GOP candidate debate, Marco Rubio (accurately) predicted Putin’s current actions in Syria and he, too, was ridiculed. President Reagan was vilified for daring to call the Soviet Union the Evil Empire. Pie-in-the-sky ideology does not recognize the existence of evil-doers – unless they are Republicans.

The Left downplays or completely ignores real threats to America because recognizing them would result in taking action and that could require use of military might which they loathe. In Obama’s case, it would also mean admitting his weak foreign policies have failed, especially with regard to Russia where relations have been “re-set” by his administration. The Left picks targets that are politically correct and safe.

During Obama’s administration our troops were prematurely pulled out of Iraq; the “red line” in Syria was crossed and ignored; ISIS developed and now violently rampages in the Middle East; Iran received more time to develop a nuclear weapon unimpeded; Putin invaded the Ukraine; illegal immigrants were encouraged to and allowed to invade our country; North Korea increased threats to South Korea; and China increased expansionist activities.

The Left, meanwhile, has concentrated on threats from: Israel; Christmas and crèches; traditional marriage; FOX News; border security; profiling terrorists; decreased government spending; voter ID cards; the Tea Party; a strong military; displaying the American flag; the Washington Redskins; limits on abortion; the police; school lunches; Republicans; lower taxes; the 2nd Amendment; Confederate flags and statues; Uber; coal; the Keystone pipeline; male and female rest rooms; and even children playing tag.

Feeling Safe?

David J. Hentosh

Manipulating Children

February 12, 2015

There is a new Brownie troop formed in Oakland called the “Radical Brownies” which consists of 8 to 10 year-old girls learning and spreading social justice. Co-founder Marilyn Hollinquest says they are not telling the girls what to think, but listen to some of the things these children say and see if you buy that claim:

“White policeman are killing black young folks such as women, men and children”. “Mike Brown. He was shot because he didn’t do nothing. Only the police officer shot him because of his skin color.” “It’s really good for me because it brings out who I am”.

That doesn’t sound very much like independent thoughts of children. It sounds a lot more like brainwashing and propagandizing. These children have been taught that the police are racists and the enemy of the black community and it can only be a matter of time before hatred of the police begins to take hold. Who else will these children begin to hate “without being told”?

Hollingquest has these girls wearing berets similar to the Black Panthers’ berets because she feels it is “appropriate”, and the first badge the girls earned by marching in a Martin Luther King Jr. parade displays a fist and the words “Black Lives Matter”. Hollingquest says that “Kids already understand fairness and unfairness” but a child’s true understanding of “fairness” needs mature guidance and the type of guidance Hollingquest is providing does not seem appropriate.

We pride ourselves on being better than radical Islamic terrorists who brainwash their children to hate Jews and to kill anyone who does not believe as they do. The “Radical Brownies” are certainly a far cry from that and social justice is not akin to Sharia Law, but this does not feel like a good direction for children and it seems to many to be manipulative, abusive, and divisive. Nothing positive for race relations can result from this.

Children need to be children and they shouldn’t be used as puppets by adults with an agenda.

David J. Hentosh

“Free” Community College

January 16, 2015

The very basis for Obama’s “free” community college (as if anything from the government is “free”) is that college has become necessary for all, but that has gone unchallenged for far too long. Ann Coulter not only challenges that idea, she takes a look at the leftist politics involved. As usual, she nails it.

From Ann Coulter

Community college is already incredibly inexpensive. The only thing that will jack up the price is making it “free.”… The cost of a college education has increased by more than 1,000 percent only since 1978…People coming out of college in the ’50s knew more than any recent Yale graduate…They’re teaching gender studies, ethnic studies, moral equivalence and hatred of America…The fact that 80 percent of Weathermen – the violent ’60s radicals – are full college professors tells you all you need to know about the state of higher education today.

The cost of college spirals continuously upward…because college loans are backed by the taxpayer…(m)ore than half of recent college graduates are unemployed or underemployed, meaning they make substandard wages in jobs that don’t require a college degree…Democrats are colluding with colleges to create a market bubble for an increasingly worthless product…Why is the left not willing to admit that education is an industry, just like Lockheed Martin, Enron or Philip Morris?… liberals won’t make a peep about the College Industrial Complex because college professors are brainwashing students into leftist politics…Every year, another 10 million graduates emerge, hating God, their parents, America and Republicans…The education industry is how leftists make capitalists pay for socialism.



Berkeley Sets Liberal Benchmark

December 16, 2014

Recently, Filmmaker Ami Horowitz went to the University of California’s Berkeley campus to conduct an experiment. Waving an ISIS flag, making remarks favorable to ISIS, and blaming America for world terrorism, Ami was ignored or encouraged, but never challenged by passing students.

When he later switched to waving an Israeli flag and denouncing Hamas, he was continually challenged, cursed at, and vilified. Students’ hatred and demeaning of Israel was vehemently pronounced while sympathy for Hamas seemed unanimous. Terrorist organizations such as ISIS and Hamas are unabashedly supported by Berkeley and academia in general.

Berkeley, California, of course, is a leader in “progressiveness” proudly forcing marijuana dispensaries to provide free medicinal marijuana to low-income customers, enacting a tax on soda, and putting warning labels on gas pumps. While the Berkeley campus prides itself on free speech, it hypocritically has no problem banning a speech by liberal Bill Maher solely due to his view on Muslims.

Ironically, Berkeley encourages students to embrace everything liberal while refusing to follow a local ordinance raising the minimum wage. Students speak out loudly and protest often concerning political issues, but very few students (14%) bothered to vote in the mid-term elections even though there were measures on the ballot affecting student life.

Berkeley’s liberalism has “progressed” to the point where victimizing criminals, as long as they are minorities, and bashing the USA are automatic reactions. Criminals or murderers who hate the USA, such as ISIS and Hamas, are ‘twofers’ and held in even higher esteem. Berkeley isn’t the only school actively indoctrinating students to sympathize with criminals and bash the USA, but it does set the benchmark for the liberal agenda at colleges and universities across the nation.

Schools in many Arab countries are encouraging students to hate Israel and the USA and adopt terrorism as a way of life. Schools in this country are encouraging students to hate the USA and rally with criminals against the evil American “system”. What kind of future does that predict for this country? With Berkeley leading the way, can there even be a future for this country?

David J. Hentosh

Questions to Ponder This Week

October 8, 2014

Why is Jesse Jackson going to Texas to talk to the family of the Ebola victim? Is he a doctor? Is Ebola a racial problem? Or is it just because there are cameras?

Why did former CIA director Leon Panetta remain silent on Benghazi when he now admits that he knew from the “very beginning” (as we all did) that Benghazi was a “terrorist attack on our compound”? Was he silenced? Did he fear the administration? Or was he just waiting to reveal it in his book?

Why was Oprah surprised and upset when actress and singer Raven-Symone said she considers herself “American,” not “African-American”? Shouldn’t Oprah applaud such a post-racial idea? Does Oprah fear a color-blind society? Or does she believe that all black women must toe the liberal line?

Why does FBI director James Comey believe Americans fighting with terrorists in Syria are “entitled to come back” unless their passport is revoked? Is he just being politically correct? Does treason no longer exist? Or does he fear offending the left by being too judgmental?

Why does anyone care about Jimmy Carter’s criticism of Obama’s Middle East policies? Is it because Carter was such an expert on Middle East solutions? Or is it because compared to Obama, Carter is starting to look like a competent president?

With over 600 school districts (and counting) across the country dropping out of the school lunch program, why hasn’t it been overhauled or removed? Is it because Michelle Obama is a nutritional expert? Or is it because the liberal agenda requires unconditional support for the Obama’s and cannot admit failure?

Why is the producer of an anti-Obamacare movie being audited by the IRS? Is it just a coincidence? Or is it because the mantra “there is no scandal at the IRS” worked and the IRS is back to business as usual?

David J. Hentosh

Rising Censorship

September 25, 2014

River Springs Charter Schools in California instructed librarians to remove Christian-themed publications as well as any books written by Christian authors or distributed by Christian publishers from the shelves. One supposes the next step would be to burn them.

Imagine, if you can, that a school ordered the removal of books by gay authors, black authors, or Muslim authors. The uproar would be monumental and the media would swarm like bees. The very idea of banning books usually brings outrage but removing Christian books is not even news-worthy.

It wasn’t just subject matter determining removal. Mere association with Christianity was the criteria being used and that brings this to a new level that should be frightening to all. It puts Christianity on the same progressive-deemed evil level as guns, smoking, virginity, and American tradition. It also ramps up the far-left’s censorship campaign.

Blind to its own hypocrisy, the far-left continually tries to censor opposing views while forcing their progressive agenda everywhere. In schools, many books with homosexual, pro-Islamic, or pro-abortion content are pushed onto students and parent’s attempts to remove them are met with indignant diatribes on free speech and diversity. Crosses, bibles, prayers, or even American flags, however, are not allowed because they “might” offend someone.

This rise in censorship was encouraged by Obama’s election. The far-left felt that one of theirs was now in the White House and, therefore, believed the majority agreed with their agenda and silencing of the opposition. Obama started speaking out against FOX News and progressed to the point where reporters now say the White House demands they change their reports to be more favorable to the administration.

From the LA Times refusing to print letters from global warming “deniers” to network news shows ignoring stories unfavorable to the administration, attempts at censorship by the left are increasing. A change in Washington is needed to stem the tide of censorship. Use your vote wisely or that, too, could end up censored.

David J. Hentosh

When “Rights” are Wrong

September 4, 2014

In a Labor Day speech, Obama brought up the idea of “rights” for illegal immigrants. This goes far beyond amnesty. It is an attempt to sanction and even legalize the illegality of sneaking across our border, insinuating that everyone has a “right” to come here, even illegally.

The country is currently experiencing chaos and economic stress due to Obama’s refusal to enforce immigration laws. More than 70,000 children have illegally crossed the border this year and are being sent to states for shelter, benefits, and schooling without even notifying those states. In 2013 there were 36,000 illegals awaiting deportation proceedings released from detention, many who were convicted of serious and violent crimes, and ICE declined to bring immigration charges against 68,000 other illegal alien criminals who were detained and released.

School systems across the country are being flooded with illegal immigrant children causing economic stress to the point of possible bankruptcy. It has been estimated that it will cost $760 million dollars this year to pay for their education. When you add the estimated $252/day it costs to care for each child, the total cost to taxpayers this year is estimated to be $2 billion dollars.

In spite of this impact, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, head of the Democratic National Committee, said illegals are “part of the backbone of our economy”; AFL-CIO union president Richard Trumka said he would like to see “affirmative action” for illegal immigrants; and Democratic candidate for governor of NY, Zephyr Teachout, said she wants state citizenship for illegals. What they really want is votes (and unions want their dues), but that’s hidden between the lines.

Bowing to Obama’s de facto amnesty policy, immigration court judges are setting hearing dates four years into the future while deported illegal aliens are even being invited back for reconsideration. A recently signed Memorandum of Understanding with Mexico ensures Mexican Nationals will have workplace rights regardless of their immigration status.

Considering that the net job growth in North Carolina since 2000 went to immigrants, both legal and illegal, the idea of “rights” for illegal immigrants is an insult to native-born citizens, especially those who lost their jobs in Obama’s failing economy. Sadly, it has become common practice for Obama to insult traditional Americans and international allies. It’s all part of his “transformation of America”.

David J. Hentosh

Who Will Win?

August 10, 2014

The battle between good and evil never ends and it is always hard to predict the winner of any single clash. However, the current trend of politically indoctrinating children does not bode well for the success of good.

In the Middle East, children are being taught to hate Jews and continue jihad against the Western World. They are being inundated with lies and distortions that condition them to a future life of violence and hate. Children will learn whatever they are taught and they are being taught to kill and die for jihad. There is no hope for peace when generations continue this senselessness violence.

In North Korea, the same type of indoctrination takes place and children are brainwashed into believing all they are told about the outside world. The total control North Korea has over communications keeps people in the dark, often literally, and children are taught to fear and hate everything outside the country. It is hard to break that cycle when it is government controlled.

Here in the United States, our children are also being indoctrinated. Our schools are dominated and controlled by progressive liberals who believe social justice is more important than basic education. Our children are being inundated with the ideology of moral equivalence that scorns judgment of other cultures, even those based on violence. With the line between good and evil erased, our children will not even know they are in a battle when they reach adulthood. How, then, can they win?

Currently, the trend in schools is to teach history based on this moral equivalence, ignoring our country’s incredible contributions to the world and concentrating on our mistakes and “atrocities”. This is a deliberate attempt to reduce the standing of the US as the leader of the free world and to level the international playing field. Our children are being conditioned to actively pursue this, so who will stand against those being taught to kill and dominate?

Much of the free world has become dependent on US leadership and military strength. Our current administration has backed away from this responsibility and world chaos is increasing as a result. If our children continue to be taught moral equivalence while other children are taught the “righteousness” of their violence and killing, who do you think has a better chance of winning the battle between good and evil?

Your vote counts and it is the only way to secure the future for our children. Social justice will be meaningless if evil triumphs.

David J. Hentosh