Archive for the ‘Immigration Reform’ Category

Profiling & Spin From the Left

November 6, 2017

The Left has a myopic view of profiling much like it has with almost everything. They consider profiling to be discriminatory and sometimes downright evil but it is overlooked or rationalized when they engage in it. They don’t believe they profile but actions tell a different story.

White males are profiled and demeaned by the Left and current complaints of “white privilege” take it even further to include all white people. Black Republicans are profiled as traitors to their race and women Republicans are profiled as traitors to women. Trump voters are profiled as dumb, ignorant racists; rioters in the street are profiled as social justice warriors; the rich are profiled as heartless, Christians are profiled as white supremacists; and illegal immigrants are profiled as ordinary immigrants.

There is no limit to the spin the Left will use to frame issues. Facts are ignored, news stories are manufactured, and words are re-defined. Thus, racism exists only in white people; illegal immigrants are undocumented workers; killing a fetus is pro-life; climate change means man-made global warming; comprehensive immigration reform is nothing but amnesty; free speech means shutting down opposing views; and voter ID is suppression.

Rights are even created to further the leftist agenda. Health care, banning opposition speech, free college education, birth control, and destructive civil disobedience have all been claimed to be “rights”. Meanwhile, our basic right to free speech has been deemed valid only for leftist views and all else is considered “hate speech”.

Rational debate has been replaced with hateful and personal attacks making it impossible to move forward or find compromise on issues. Washington has become ineffective because of categorical resistance from Democrats toward president Trump and his administration. False accusations and continuous calls for investigations keep elected officials from governing and hate is openly expressed toward the president.

This is a mess and people are finally getting tired of it. The country is suffering and the Left is losing respect, credibility, and relevance but they continue to ignore their self-inflicted demise. It needs to stop.

David J. Hentosh

Myth-Making Media

October 26, 2015

Most media myths are agenda driven from the left and deliberately disseminated to mold public opinion. As a result, many people now believe, for example, that 10 to 25% of the population is homosexual, man-made global warming is a “settled” scientific fact, comprehensive immigration reform means amnesty, decriminalizing marijuana means legalizing it, and there is a war raging against women – all myths encouraged by the media. Some myths have seeped into our education system and are being presented as fact.

Even our president’s election was aided by a media myth. The media assured all, over and over again, of Obama’s “superior intelligence” while little was offered concerning his background or experience. Even after seven years in office absent any definitive display of this “superior intelligence”, the myth continues and has noticeably inflated Obama’s ego.

Although it is increasingly becoming recognized that the media no longer concerns itself with journalistic integrity, media myths remain circulating unquestioned by believers. Their influence is a major contributing factor to the widening rift in society and the political polarization in Washington – and they are dangerous.

Currently, the liberal media backs the myth that there is institutionalized racism permeating throughout our entire nation’s police force. This is fomenting wholesale rebellion against the police to the point where police officers are being murdered. Even EMTs and fire fighters are coming under attack as angry protests are evolving into outright anarchy.

The media needs to be held accountable but that presents a dilemma. In the past, we relied on the media to uncover and report lies, thereby, forcing change for the better. When the media is the perpetrator, who do we turn to? It is left up to all of us to take a stand. We need to stop supporting those in the media responsible and demand it be stopped.

David J. Hentosh

California Dreamin’ is Becoming a Reality

August 12, 2015

California Governor Jerry Brown signed a law (taking effect January 1) that bans the word “alien” from the state’s labor laws because it is a derogatory term and has negative connotations. Considering that the law also removes the state’s preference for hiring U.S. citizens on public works projects during periods of unemployment, he would have helped the state citizens much better if he signed a law just banning aliens.

One would think that the citizens of a state should naturally come first when hiring for public works projects, especially when there is high unemployment. Isn’t a governor supposed to take care of his state’s citizens? Instead, he is catering to illegal immigrants and encouraging them to invade the state – and it is very much like an invasion.

In Huntington Park, California where 97 percent of the residents are Hispanic (50% of them foreign-born), two illegal immigrants have been appointed to positions on the City Commission. They can’t vote, yet, but that is sure to change. State Senator Ricardo Lara is trying to get a bill passed allowing Obamacare for illegals even though that has been excluded from the national healthcare law. 52% of all new drivers’ licenses in the state this year have been awarded to illegal immigrants and 10% of the state’s total workforce consists of illegals.

California has 28 sanctuary cities, more than any other state in the country, and that means it is willfully allowing immigration laws to be ignored and broken more than any other state. Obama’s dream is California’s dream, which is not exactly clear, but it is becoming a reality by hook or by crook – and there will be dire consequences for the country.

Perhaps it is votes for the Democrat Party they are seeking by allowing free-for-all illegal immigration, but that is very shortsighted. If or when the population becomes predominately Mexican and South American, they will vote in ways that are sure to go against the current California Dream, whatever that may be. Then again, shortsightedness is a common trait for dreamers refusing to deal with reality and wanting to feel good about themselves.

David J. Hentosh

GOP Problem With Amnesty

July 29, 2015

Listening to the media you would believe that everybody wants amnesty for illegal aliens, even the GOP. The problem is that the American public is not for it, especially the full-blown amnesty the left is demanding. Ann Coulter, as usual, spits it out plainly and takes the GOP to task for continuously trying to follow what they believe is popular.

From Ann Coulter

Washington has tried to sneak through three amnesties in the last decade…And every time, as soon as the public got wind of what was happening, the politicians scattered like roaches…Couldn’t Republicans spare themselves the embarrassment of having to say they “learned their lesson” by learning the same lesson of the last 17 guys to push amnesty?… In early June of 2007, a Rasmussen poll found that support for “no bill” beat support for the Senate immigration bill by 5-to-3. By the end of the week, “no bill” was winning 2-to-1, with 53 percent against amnesty and only 26 percent for it. Public opposition was so vociferous, the Senate didn’t even vote on the 2007 amnesty…erstwhile Tea Party darling Sen. Marco Rubio burst on the scene deciding he was going to be the one to enact amnesty…the public found out about it and, once again, an amnesty bill died…

New Jersey governor Chris Christie, was suckered into supporting the Schumer-Rubio amnesty by a mere 20-minute conversation with Schumer…He now claims he considers a path to citizenship “extreme” and accused Hillary Clinton of “pandering” by supporting a path to citizenship…Mike Huckabee denounced a bill to require verification of citizenship before registering to vote or applying for public benefits…His current presidential website denounces “the Washington establishment” for trying to “reward illegal immigrants with amnesty and citizenship…

Instead of having to keep apologizing for their positions on immigration, maybe Republicans should stop listening to political consultants who are paid by business lobbyists to dump millions of poverty-stricken, low-wage workers on the country…Americans can see they’re being forced to subsidize people who are being brought in only to outvote them, provide cheap labor, and change our culture.



The Trump Card

July 21, 2015

According to the media, everyone is outraged over Donald Trump’s remarks concerning John McCain. According to the media, the American people would never vote for Trump and if he doesn’t apologize to McCain, he will have to quit the race.

The media, however, has no clue what the majority of American people think. The media has been making self-serving, biased claims for so long that it now believes its own hype. The media has bullied politicians into cowering in fear but Donald Trump is not cowering and not apologizing – and the media is stunned.

Donald Trump may not realistically have much of a chance of becoming president, but his continuing popularity baffles and scares those convinced everyone thinks as the media does. People, however, are tired of the media and Trump’s refusal to bow to media pressure, along with daring to speak his mind, is a breath of fresh air.

Hillary is trying to manipulate media exposure, isolate herself from the slime of her own scandals, and reinvent an acceptable image for voters. Bernie Sanders is moving the far-left boundary even further left, trying to take advantage of Hillary’s unpopularity and the left’s dissatisfaction with Obama’s failure to turn America into a progressive utopia. GOP candidates are shedding or concealing conservative principles as they try to attract minority voters who have been brainwashed into voting for Democrats regardless of qualifications or issues. Donald Trump is simply being himself – and that is intriguing to many.

Openly addressing our illegal immigrant and border problems may end up being Trump’s biggest contribution to the presidential campaign, but it is huge. Until Trump dared speak out, amnesty was THE immigration topic for the media while Mexico, illegal immigrant felons, refusal to enforce immigration laws, and sanctuary cities were downplayed as side issues. Trump spoke openly of reality and defied the media, changing the landscape for the presidential campaign.

The Trump Card has been played against the left’s Race Card and is proving to be powerful. For that, many are grateful.

David J. Hentosh

Politically Incorrect Facts

June 9, 2015

One of the few people courageous enough to be politically incorrect is Ann Coulter and she does it simply by stating facts – with an “in-your-face” attitude. For this progressive transgression she is scorned and demeaned, but rarely are her facts proven wrong. Currently, she is a voice of reason warning of the danger runaway illegal immigration brings but, unfortunately, far too many people are wrapped up in political correctness to listen.

From Ann Coulter

Although you will miss the lush analytical context of the full case made in my smash new book, “Adios, America : The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country Into a Third World Hellhole”, here are some more startling facts from my book that the anti-American crowd doesn’t want you to know:

Our ludicrous “anchor baby” policy was invented out of whole cloth by Justice William Brennan and slipped into a footnote in a Supreme Court opinion in 1982…If an illegal alien drops a baby on American soil, the entire family can access welfare programs that were supposed to be for U.S. citizens…On average, college graduates in the United States pay about $30,000 more in taxes each year than they get back in government services, while those without a high school degree get back about $35,000 more in government services than they pay in taxes…Only about 7 percent of Americans do not have a high school diploma…about 75 percent of illegal aliens do not have a high school diploma…after Israel completed a fence along its border in 2013, the number of illegal aliens entering the country dropped to zero (Contrary to repeated assertions that fences don’t work)… In 2010, New York state prisons held more than 4,000 inmates from 10 Latin American and Caribbean nations, and fewer than 150 inmates from all of Western Europe…There are already more Hispanics than whites in two states, New Mexico and California…



Deceptive Progressive Hype

March 30, 2015

Once again, we find progressives and the liberal media intentionally misleading the public. The current hype and furor over Indiana’s “Religious Freedom Law” is the latest in a long history of deliberate deception used to sway public opinion.

Indiana’s law simply says that no one can be forced to do something that is against their religion unless the state has a “compelling interest” to do so – and if one is compelled, the issue can be taken to the courts for a decision. This is not discriminatory or anti-gay. It just reaffirms one’s freedom of religion and it is very similar to laws already in place in 30 other states.

This law, like many other laws, could be misinterpreted and wrongly used in a discriminatory manner by nefarious individuals, but it is not discriminatory by itself and allows legal action to be taken if it used in that manner. Progressives know this but are deliberately misinterpreting the law to advance their agenda.

Unfortunately, this is a proven progressive tactic. It conditioned much of the public into believing decriminalization of marijuana is the same as legalization. It caused many to believe there really is a “war on women” and the police are all racists. It made immigration reform synonymous with amnesty and it convinced many that “access” to health insurance never existed for those unwilling to pay for it.

It is now trying to convince us that: Hillary did nothing wrong by erasing emails; Iran can be trusted with a nuclear program; Israel is the problem in the Middle East; Obama’s foreign policies have been successful; Obamacare is working well; Voter ID is voter suppression; and the economy is in great shape.

It is all liberal hype and it only works because both the White House and the mainstream media push it, repeating the hype over and over again until it becomes “fact”. It is nothing short of systematic brainwashing – the same brainwashing we saw in repressive countries and thought could never happen here.

If people continue voting to make history, hype will be all there is.

David J. Hentosh

Our Porous Border

March 18, 2015

In November of last year, President Obama issued a series of executive orders that he said would “crack down on illegal immigration at the border”. Almost everything contained in those executive orders pertains to some form of amnesty for illegal immigrants but nothing in them addresses securing the border.

Obama’s idea of “comprehensive immigration reform” is simply amnesty and there is nothing comprehensive about it. He has no interest in securing the border. In fact, his actions have actively deterred security at the border and enticed more to cross the border illegally in anticipation of amnesty.

It doesn’t really matter whether he is doing this because of ideological beliefs, out of sympathy, or for political gain (increasing Democrat voters). It is foolish and, more importantly, dangerous. Adding insult to injury, his administration continually misleads the American public by stating that the border is secure.

Recently, Chris Cabrera, a federal border agent testifying before the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, accused the Department of Homeland Security of manipulating border statistics to make the border seem secure and claimed that, at best, only 35 to 40 percent of illegal crossers are apprehended. That’s not even close to the 75% being claimed by the administration.

Cabrera further added that to keep illegal crossing numbers down, agents are punished if they report more than 20 illegal border-crossers at any one spot. This dove-tails with Obama’s warning to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement workers to implement executive amnesty, or else. Border security is being deliberately undermined while amnesty-by-executive-order is being aggressively enforced.

Border security is a prerequisite for comprehensive immigration reform; therefore, true reform will not be reached under Obama. Not only is border security not a priority for Obama, it is considered a detriment to his personal amnesty plans and his “transformation of America”. Terrorists know this and will certainly make use of it but that, too, is not a priority for Obama.

David J. Hentosh

Obamigration Update

February 10, 2015

President Obama, using executive orders and presidential memoranda, is fully engaged in changing, ignoring, and creating immigration laws as he sees fit. He has essentially given millions of illegal aliens immunity from deportation and, as a result, many more are flooding our border to take part in Obamigration.

Efforts to seal our border are practically non-existent and rather than trying to protect our country from the danger of criminals entering illegally, Homeland Security is setting up hotlines to help protect illegal immigrants who believe their rights have been violated. The Mexican government is doing its part by having its consulates in the U.S. issue birth certificates to Mexican citizens to help them squeeze whatever they can from our government.

It is not just Mexicans and South Americans coming here illegally. Since 2010, there has also been a 217% increase in Cubans crossing through our southern border because it is much easier and safer than any ocean passage. This will, no doubt, increase further due to president Obama’s normalizing relations with Cuba. Fanatic Islamic terrorists, too, are well aware of our porous southern border but that, as well as their very existence, is being denied.

As more Americans become alarmed, Obama has accelerated rather than curbed his personal immigration plan. His newest plan will allow illegals here to bring their children, their adult children, their grandchildren and even step-parents into the United States. It will also allow current unmarried illegals to marry someone in Central America then sponsor them for US citizenship.

The icing on Obama’s amnesty cake will come via the IRS. Illegal aliens benefiting from Obama’s amnesty plan will receive tax credits for as many as three years that they worked here illegally. In other words, they will not only be allowed to stay and get fast-tracked for American citizenship, they will be rewarded for having been here illegally.

Welcome to the “transformation of America”. You are obviously a racist if you do not like it.

David J. Hentosh

Forgetting Too Easily

January 5, 2015

As the economy begins to recover slightly, Obama’s approval ratings are also beginning to recover and it indicates how easily the American people forget. For years our poor economy was blamed on everything and everyone but Obama but now that it has stopped sinking, people are willing to give Obama credit for it and a pass on everything else.

Obama’s poor approval ratings were the result of his failure in almost everything, especially foreign affairs where he has lowered esteem for the US across the globe. He has demonstrated poor decision making skills, refused to take responsibility, and displayed a deliberate disregard of majority public opinion. He has refused to work with Republicans, demeaning them continuously, and has ignored his own party in favor of his personal agenda.

Under Obama, the workplace has “transformed” from an environment of full-time employment to part-time with many people having given up looking for a job. Decreased unemployment rolls are being spun as evidence of economic recovery but many unemployed have maxed-out on benefits and no longer count in the statistics. Wages are stagnant, jobs are still scarce, and college graduates are finding very few prospects.

Race relations in the country have worsened as Obama fuels the fire by partnering with Al Sharpton. Taxpayers and businesses are being negatively affected as Obamacare continues to dump its time-released provisions on the country. Our borders remain unsecured as Obama’s personal amnesty policy attracts more and more illegal aliens, burdening our social assistance programs further.

For all these reasons and many more, Obama’s approval ratings dropped considerably. Yet, far too many people are now willing to forget it all because of a “slight” improvement in the economy. How soon they forget and how easily they are fooled.

David J. Hentosh