Archive for the ‘Catholicism’ Category

Profiling & Spin From the Left

November 6, 2017

The Left has a myopic view of profiling much like it has with almost everything. They consider profiling to be discriminatory and sometimes downright evil but it is overlooked or rationalized when they engage in it. They don’t believe they profile but actions tell a different story.

White males are profiled and demeaned by the Left and current complaints of “white privilege” take it even further to include all white people. Black Republicans are profiled as traitors to their race and women Republicans are profiled as traitors to women. Trump voters are profiled as dumb, ignorant racists; rioters in the street are profiled as social justice warriors; the rich are profiled as heartless, Christians are profiled as white supremacists; and illegal immigrants are profiled as ordinary immigrants.

There is no limit to the spin the Left will use to frame issues. Facts are ignored, news stories are manufactured, and words are re-defined. Thus, racism exists only in white people; illegal immigrants are undocumented workers; killing a fetus is pro-life; climate change means man-made global warming; comprehensive immigration reform is nothing but amnesty; free speech means shutting down opposing views; and voter ID is suppression.

Rights are even created to further the leftist agenda. Health care, banning opposition speech, free college education, birth control, and destructive civil disobedience have all been claimed to be “rights”. Meanwhile, our basic right to free speech has been deemed valid only for leftist views and all else is considered “hate speech”.

Rational debate has been replaced with hateful and personal attacks making it impossible to move forward or find compromise on issues. Washington has become ineffective because of categorical resistance from Democrats toward president Trump and his administration. False accusations and continuous calls for investigations keep elected officials from governing and hate is openly expressed toward the president.

This is a mess and people are finally getting tired of it. The country is suffering and the Left is losing respect, credibility, and relevance but they continue to ignore their self-inflicted demise. It needs to stop.

David J. Hentosh

Denying Threats

October 5, 2015

When Romney said that Russia is the U.S.’s biggest geopolitical foe during a 2012 presidential debate, Obama scoffed, saying: “The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.” Voters ignored Obama’s inexperience and naiveté and he became president with a failed policy arrogantly and egotistically treating Putin as an insignificant threat.

During a recent GOP candidate debate, Marco Rubio (accurately) predicted Putin’s current actions in Syria and he, too, was ridiculed. President Reagan was vilified for daring to call the Soviet Union the Evil Empire. Pie-in-the-sky ideology does not recognize the existence of evil-doers – unless they are Republicans.

The Left downplays or completely ignores real threats to America because recognizing them would result in taking action and that could require use of military might which they loathe. In Obama’s case, it would also mean admitting his weak foreign policies have failed, especially with regard to Russia where relations have been “re-set” by his administration. The Left picks targets that are politically correct and safe.

During Obama’s administration our troops were prematurely pulled out of Iraq; the “red line” in Syria was crossed and ignored; ISIS developed and now violently rampages in the Middle East; Iran received more time to develop a nuclear weapon unimpeded; Putin invaded the Ukraine; illegal immigrants were encouraged to and allowed to invade our country; North Korea increased threats to South Korea; and China increased expansionist activities.

The Left, meanwhile, has concentrated on threats from: Israel; Christmas and crèches; traditional marriage; FOX News; border security; profiling terrorists; decreased government spending; voter ID cards; the Tea Party; a strong military; displaying the American flag; the Washington Redskins; limits on abortion; the police; school lunches; Republicans; lower taxes; the 2nd Amendment; Confederate flags and statues; Uber; coal; the Keystone pipeline; male and female rest rooms; and even children playing tag.

Feeling Safe?

David J. Hentosh

Pope Francis Becomes a Strange Bedfellow

January 27, 2015

Progressive liberals do not like religion, especially the Catholic religion, but they will embrace and exploit anything and anyone to advance their agenda. Pope Francis’ belief in man-made global warming and his chastising of mankind for spoiling the planet has now made him a strange bedfellow of Progressives.

Calling mankind “stewards of God’s creation”, Pope Francis stated: “When we destroy our forests, ravage our soil and pollute our seas, we betray that noble calling.” That certainly sounds very reasonable but, as they say, the devil is in the details.

Pope Francis did not elaborate and he did not provide evidence for global warming or for his belief that it is “mostly” man-made. One can say that being the Pope, he doesn’t have to, but this is not a religious matter and it is not covered in the Bible. It is a scientific matter and progressives should be upset with the Pope’s excursion into science.

After all, progressives are adamant that only science can determine when a fetus becomes a human being and they insist that the Pope’s beliefs are irrelevant on such a scientific issue. Therefore, they would have to include the science of global warming, but that may be too rational and not “nuanced” enough for progressives. In any event, the Pope has now tilted leftward far enough to cause many conservative Republicans consternation if not outright rebelliousness.

The Pope is considered by Catholics to be infallible on issues of the church, not on issues of science. His soon-to-be-issued encyclical on global warming will not be appreciated by conservative Republicans who make up a large segment of the Church’s base in the US. He has already alienated many and this will make him a “divider” rather than a “uniter” in their eyes.

Progressiveness excels at dividing and the Catholic Church is not immune. Sermonizing about global warming is sure to empty more pews and the Church can ill afford more empty pews. Pope Francis may be doing more harm than good by opening this progressive Pandora’s Box.

David J. Hentosh