Posts Tagged ‘Abortion’

Lena Dunham Apology Unacceptable

December 22, 2016

After receiving much criticism for saying “Now I can say that I still haven’t had an abortion, but I wish I had” in a podcast, Lena Dunham offered an apology: “My words were spoken from a sort of ‘delusional girl’ persona I often inhabit”. Remove the word “often” from that statement and it nails Dunham well.

Recognizing that many do not like anything she says, she added: “…this apology is for the women who have placed their trust in me”. This, too, is delusional since it is doubtful many women really place much “trust” in her. She is, after all, just another celebrity pontificating on political issues and only extremely ardent fans are gullible enough to treat a celebrity as being infallible.

Far too often the adulation celebrities receive from fans convinces them that everything they do or say is exceptional. Dunham is fully engaged with taking herself too seriously, believing everyone holds her in as high esteem as she holds herself. She has become “elite”. Because she speaks before thinking far too often, her apology for this latest distasteful and offensive comment lacks credibility and, therefore, is unacceptable.

Dunham is a hardcore feminist who proudly takes her feminism to foolishly unacceptable levels, often with man-hating and racist comments. She then finds it expedient to apologize afterwards but that has become very stale. There was no regard for the emotional upheaval abortion can cause or for the life that is snuffed out in her comment. There was only anger, insensitivity, and self-righteousness.

Until Dunham learns to contain her feminist-based anger and think before speaking, her apologies will remain meaningless. So, too, will much of what she spews.

David J. Hentosh

Denying Threats

October 5, 2015

When Romney said that Russia is the U.S.’s biggest geopolitical foe during a 2012 presidential debate, Obama scoffed, saying: “The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.” Voters ignored Obama’s inexperience and naiveté and he became president with a failed policy arrogantly and egotistically treating Putin as an insignificant threat.

During a recent GOP candidate debate, Marco Rubio (accurately) predicted Putin’s current actions in Syria and he, too, was ridiculed. President Reagan was vilified for daring to call the Soviet Union the Evil Empire. Pie-in-the-sky ideology does not recognize the existence of evil-doers – unless they are Republicans.

The Left downplays or completely ignores real threats to America because recognizing them would result in taking action and that could require use of military might which they loathe. In Obama’s case, it would also mean admitting his weak foreign policies have failed, especially with regard to Russia where relations have been “re-set” by his administration. The Left picks targets that are politically correct and safe.

During Obama’s administration our troops were prematurely pulled out of Iraq; the “red line” in Syria was crossed and ignored; ISIS developed and now violently rampages in the Middle East; Iran received more time to develop a nuclear weapon unimpeded; Putin invaded the Ukraine; illegal immigrants were encouraged to and allowed to invade our country; North Korea increased threats to South Korea; and China increased expansionist activities.

The Left, meanwhile, has concentrated on threats from: Israel; Christmas and crèches; traditional marriage; FOX News; border security; profiling terrorists; decreased government spending; voter ID cards; the Tea Party; a strong military; displaying the American flag; the Washington Redskins; limits on abortion; the police; school lunches; Republicans; lower taxes; the 2nd Amendment; Confederate flags and statues; Uber; coal; the Keystone pipeline; male and female rest rooms; and even children playing tag.

Feeling Safe?

David J. Hentosh

More Rights From the Left

September 19, 2015

Our government has now declared that it will begin using the term “sexual rights” in all discussions of human rights and global development. These “rights” will include the “right to have control over and decide freely and responsibly on matters related to their sexuality, including sexual and reproductive health, free of coercion, discrimination, and violence.”

The Center for Health and Gender Equity, admitting these “rights” are basically symbolic, considers the decision to be “the United States catching up with the rest of the world”, but it does not take much imagination to see how the progressive left, especially with regard to abortion, will use these “rights”. They will become de facto laws, and laws are always difficult to revoke once enacted.

Many assumed rights have materialized due to increasing government assistance programs and the influence of political correctness. Many now consider government-provided cell phones, food stamps, and other freebies to be “rights”. Even illegal aliens have been granted assumed “rights” as well as immunity from laws by the Obama administration.

These “sexual rights” are unnecessary, as laws already exist protecting everyone from discrimination, violence, and sexual harassment. This is nothing more than the government’s continuing effort to replace certain terms with PC jargon in its attempt to turn political correctness into the law of the land.

It is not progressive; it is repressive.

David J Hentosh

Pope Francis Becomes a Strange Bedfellow

January 27, 2015

Progressive liberals do not like religion, especially the Catholic religion, but they will embrace and exploit anything and anyone to advance their agenda. Pope Francis’ belief in man-made global warming and his chastising of mankind for spoiling the planet has now made him a strange bedfellow of Progressives.

Calling mankind “stewards of God’s creation”, Pope Francis stated: “When we destroy our forests, ravage our soil and pollute our seas, we betray that noble calling.” That certainly sounds very reasonable but, as they say, the devil is in the details.

Pope Francis did not elaborate and he did not provide evidence for global warming or for his belief that it is “mostly” man-made. One can say that being the Pope, he doesn’t have to, but this is not a religious matter and it is not covered in the Bible. It is a scientific matter and progressives should be upset with the Pope’s excursion into science.

After all, progressives are adamant that only science can determine when a fetus becomes a human being and they insist that the Pope’s beliefs are irrelevant on such a scientific issue. Therefore, they would have to include the science of global warming, but that may be too rational and not “nuanced” enough for progressives. In any event, the Pope has now tilted leftward far enough to cause many conservative Republicans consternation if not outright rebelliousness.

The Pope is considered by Catholics to be infallible on issues of the church, not on issues of science. His soon-to-be-issued encyclical on global warming will not be appreciated by conservative Republicans who make up a large segment of the Church’s base in the US. He has already alienated many and this will make him a “divider” rather than a “uniter” in their eyes.

Progressiveness excels at dividing and the Catholic Church is not immune. Sermonizing about global warming is sure to empty more pews and the Church can ill afford more empty pews. Pope Francis may be doing more harm than good by opening this progressive Pandora’s Box.

David J. Hentosh

Far-Left is Out-of-Touch

January 26, 2015

The far-left continues to act like it is mainstream but that is just a fantasy, like much of its agenda. They are out-of-touch with the majority, but screaming loudly gets attention in the sycophantic media and that makes them believe their views are popular. Reality, however, tells a different story.

The current film, “American Sniper”, is set to become the biggest war movie of all time and would easily win an Oscar for “best picture” if the public were allowed to vote. However, it is receiving criticism from some on the far-left because it presents an American soldier in a positive light while putting down Islamic terrorists. The fact is that a majority of Americans are patriotic and patriotic movies usually do well at the box office, but this does not jive with a military hating, America bashing vision.

Polls show that global warming is far down the list of public priorities but it is still one of the far-left’s highest. The media made much of NASA’s claim that 2014 set a new record for global warmth but it remains silent about NASA’s climate scientists admitting that they are only 38% sure this is true.

Terrorism has now become the top priority for a majority of Americans but the far-left won’t even admit who the terrorists are. A majority of Americans also believe Islam encourages violence but the far-left remains in denial, focusing on the economy instead. Lower unemployment numbers they tout, however, have been proven to be highly influenced by the ending of unemployment benefit extensions. It seems that those who no longer receive unemployment benefits go out and find a job. Imagine that.

Going further against the far-left’s agenda, polls show a majority of Americans: favor the pipeline; oppose closing GITMO; do not believe we won the Afghan War; oppose government funding of abortion; are against late term abortion: and believe race relations have gotten worse under Obama. Also, a majority of New Yorkers have an unfavorable opinion of Al Sharpton, but that should be a “given” by now.

Don’t you wish the far-left was as out-of-sight as it is out-of-touch?

David J. Hentosh

Angry Voters

October 28, 2014

A recent CNN poll found “nearly 7 in 10 Americans are angry at the direction the country is headed and 53% of Americans disapprove of President Barack Obama’s job performance”. Angry voters should direct their anger at themselves for having elected Obama – twice – after ignoring evidence of the direction Obama intended all along.

Details of Obama’s “transformation of America” were there between the lines of his campaign rhetoric but the mainstream media was intent on “making history” and pushing their own idealistic agenda, so they kept details hidden. Those trying to reveal the truth were labeled racists or right-wing radicals and were ridiculed. Far too many voters allowed themselves to be duped.

The black community overwhelmingly and blindly voted for Obama solely because he was black, willfully ignoring his radical background, inexperience, and intent. They certainly should be angry at themselves for allowing emotions and unrealistic expectations to overcome common sense. Obama’s policies, especially on immigration, have done more harm than good for the black community.

A majority of women, too, voted for Obama – twice. His administration’s politically manufactured “GOP war on women” is as insulting as treating women as if they are only concerned with birth control and abortion. Women should be angry at themselves for allowing such political manipulation to continue unchallenged.

Unfortunately, too many young voters have been indoctrinated by the liberal, progressive academia to know they should be angry. They have little personal experience of America’s greatness to understand the damage caused by Obama. They have been conditioned (brainwashed?) to government handouts and America-bashing and do not realize how demeaning that is. Someday, they may, but their votes are needed now, before it’s too late.

There are many valid reasons for voter anger, but action is needed rather than anger. It would be disastrous to allow voter anger to become voter apathy. The time to turn this around is now. Vote angry and vote wisely.

David J. Hentosh

Doom is Evident

May 1, 2014

Recent events make it clear that this country is doomed. We are closer to total demise than anyone wants to admit and it may be far too late to reverse course. Our government is no longer functioning in our best interests and Congress is polarized into inaction and powerless to curb a runaway administration.

The conservative watchdog group, Judicial Watch, obtained e-mails about Benghazi that an impotent Congress repeatedly asked for and never received. These e-mails make it clear that Obama administration officials deliberately attributed the Benghazi terrorist attack (where four Americans were killed) to an internet video so it would not be considered a failure of Obama’s policy. It was a White House cover up for political purposes.

The mainstream press which once forced President Nixon to resign over a much less serious cover up does not see this as an important story. Instead, it is obsessed with an NBA team owner’s racist remark made in a private conversation that was secretly taped. Abuse of power and invasion of privacy, such as the NSA and IRS scandals, are of little concern for the press since Obama took office. In this “post racial” era, race trumps all.

The American public is deliberately being misinformed and kept in the dark. News stories are being cherry-picked by ideologues whose intent is to mold public opinion rather than report news. We can no longer believe what is reported and things we should know are being withheld. The watchdog is dead and our government agencies are taking advantage of it.

Our very language has been distorted to obfuscate the truth. “Pro-choice” defines killing a fetus. “Access” to health care, which always existed, means “free” health care. The “Affordable” Care Act is not very affordable. “Diversity” means conform to minority wishes or be punished. “Fair share” means someone wants what you worked for. “Tolerance” means my way or no way. “Climate change” is man-made global warming. The list is endless.

Our children are indoctrinated (brainwashed?) by an education system long overtaken by those more interested in social engineering than education. They are not prepared to recognize, let alone repair, the problems they will inherit. We seem incapable and/or unwilling to do it; therefore, doom is imminent.

David J. Hentosh

The Fallacy of Fairness

February 18, 2014

Like children, progressive liberals often scream “unfair” when something doesn’t go their way. In fact, their entire agenda is built around the unrealistic assumption that life must be “fair” in all things and the government must make it so. This has produced a ‘tail wagging the dog’ situation in society, shredding the idea of a “common good” and producing a culture obsessed with victimhood.

Obamacare shattered our health care system and burdened everyone for the sake of 10% of the population that was uninsured. Our borders continue to be unsafely protected for the sake of amnesty for an estimated 18 million illegal immigrants. The institution of marriage is being re-defined to the detriment of the traditional family unit in order to appease less than 5% of the population. Abortion, utilized by less than 3% of the population, is being subsidized by all through taxes, ignoring all moral or religious objections.

While it is admirable to consider fairness for all, it is unreasonable to always expect it and the pursuit of fairness for “victims” often produces unfairness elsewhere. The current push for a redistribution of wealth only considers those without, ignoring any fairness for those who worked hard to achieve their wealth.

To be truly “fair”, those with wealth who pay most of the nation’s taxes should have their vote count more than those who pay no taxes. They have more skin in the game and should receive more representation because of it, especially since those without will always vote to get “assistance” from tax revenues. There are reasonable arguments for this type of higher representation, but those with wealth are never deemed “victims” and, therefore, do not deserve fairness.

Parents teach children that life is not always fair, but it seems that is too often forgotten by adults. The tail wagging the dog will one day find the dog torn away by so much wagging. What will be considered “fair” when that happens?

David J. Hentosh

The Return of Back-Alley Abortions?

August 28, 2013

Progressives have used the scare of “back-alley abortions” to promote legalized abortion for years. Every time there is a move to limit abortion in any way, this scare is pulled off the shelf, dusted off, and shoved into everyone’s face as a direct consequence from limiting abortions. Now, progressives are opening the door wide for a re-birth (no pun intended) of those amateur, back-alley abortions.

A bill has been approved by California’s State Senate allowing non-physicians to perform abortions during the first trimester of pregnancy. This approval brings the bill one step closer to becoming a law and brings back-alley abortions one step closer to revival.

The bill allows nurse practitioners, certified nurse midwives and physician assistants to perform the procedure, but we all know that the “slippery slope” is alive and well. We saw how legalizing only “medicinal” marijuana in California slid quickly down that slope into a pot free-for-all environment. It will happen with abortions, too, putting women at more risk rather than less.

California does not provide abortion reports to the federal government, so the exact number occurring in the state is not accurately known. Whatever that number is (and we can assume it is huge), it is not large enough to satisfy progressives’ desire for more. It wouldn’t be surprising to find this bill to be a proactive attempt to offset the dearth of doctors that Obamacare is sure to cause in order that abortions can continue undiminished. Such is the progressive’s thirst for abortions.

Unintended consequences from progressive policies abound because the idealism behind those policies requires blinders. Even when consequences are predicted, as with Obamacare, the blinders remain in place blocking reality. This California abortion bill is loaded with unintended consequences that our children will have to fix. The slippery slope is greased and waiting.

David J. Hentosh

Schumer’s Victory Dance

June 14, 2013

Sen. Chuck Schumer gleefully said on the Senate floor that “illegal immigration will be a thing of the past” once his immigration bill is passed. Where, exactly, is the pride in solving an illegal act by making it legal? Is that the best we can do? Apparently, it is, and it is one more sign of our escalating decline.

There is little doubt that if Schumer’s “solution” is put into place, border crossings will increase by those seeking the amnesty Schumer is eager to offer. Crossings are already rising in Texas. Schumer’s promise of securing the border later is as meaningful as “you can keep the health insurance you have”. Our government has a long history of reneging on promises and cutting funds.

When society stigmatized divorce, we made divorce easily obtainable. Today, 50% of marriages end in divorce and the family unit is crumbling. When illegal alcohol spurred out-of-control organized crime, we made alcohol legal again and organized crime flooded the country with drugs. We “solved” illegal gambling by making it legal through casinos and membership in Gambling Anonymous is steadily rising. When teen pregnancies increased, we handed out condoms in elementary schools and began actively encouraging their frequent use, resulting in a single motherhood epidemic. We “solved” the problem of dangerous back-alley abortions by making abortion legal, resulting in more and more abortions that have gone so far as murder outside the womb.

There is a pattern here. Society and our “leaders” are solving difficult problems with easy fixes and no forethought to consequences. The current easy fix being generated for our runaway drug problem is to make drugs legal. Does anyone really believe flooding the free market with legal, dangerous drugs (and that will surely be a result) will curtail their usage?

Chuck Schumer’s victory dance is not only premature, it is ridiculous. Amnesty, especially before securing the border, is a politically expedient fix for a difficult problem that will cause more problems. Obamacare is a perfect example of a hasty, politically expedient fix resulting in a nightmare.

When will we ever learn?

David J. Hentosh