Archive for the ‘Police’ Category

Black Lies Matter

November 12, 2015

Regardless of one’s opinion concerning the Black Lives Matter movement, disgraceful actions taken by members taints the entire movement and elicits scorn rather than respect. The movement’s intended message has been totally lost in a sea of ignorant acts.

The trampling and burning of the American flag outside the Republican debates is the latest example of such acts coming from movement members. Adding to their ignorance, some BLM protesters circulated rumors that police deployed tear gas on them when, in fact, the police were only using a fire extinguisher to put out the flames. Black lies matter, too, and they certainly don’t help credibility.

These acts cannot be passed off as exuberance or mere exaggeration on the part of the protesters. They come from a misguided hatred of the country instilled by lies and distortions from so-called “leaders” using victimization as a tool to advance their personal agenda. This victimization has been kept alive over the years by shifting blame from slavery to “whitey” to the government to the police and to the entire county. It now drives the BLM movement and valid complaints have been lost in the hatred.

This movement has tacitly and often vocally encouraged the killing of police officers and that encouragement has resulted in the murder of several police officers, the same officers who put their lives on the line to protect the community where the protesters live. They also protect the right of protesters to protest but that doesn’t “matter”.

The level this has reached is astounding and the consequences are frightening. Yet, it continues with no regard or respect for anything outside the narrow point-of-view dictated by “leaders”. Anyone daring to state the obvious, that all lives matter, is labeled a racist as is anyone who does not blindly follow the “leader”.

This is part of the far-left’s “transformation of America” and it has turned into the desecration of America, but maybe that was the intention all along. America-bashing has always been a favorite far-left pastime and, unfortunately, it is has now become part of the BLM movement.

David J. Hentosh

Myth-Making Media

October 26, 2015

Most media myths are agenda driven from the left and deliberately disseminated to mold public opinion. As a result, many people now believe, for example, that 10 to 25% of the population is homosexual, man-made global warming is a “settled” scientific fact, comprehensive immigration reform means amnesty, decriminalizing marijuana means legalizing it, and there is a war raging against women – all myths encouraged by the media. Some myths have seeped into our education system and are being presented as fact.

Even our president’s election was aided by a media myth. The media assured all, over and over again, of Obama’s “superior intelligence” while little was offered concerning his background or experience. Even after seven years in office absent any definitive display of this “superior intelligence”, the myth continues and has noticeably inflated Obama’s ego.

Although it is increasingly becoming recognized that the media no longer concerns itself with journalistic integrity, media myths remain circulating unquestioned by believers. Their influence is a major contributing factor to the widening rift in society and the political polarization in Washington – and they are dangerous.

Currently, the liberal media backs the myth that there is institutionalized racism permeating throughout our entire nation’s police force. This is fomenting wholesale rebellion against the police to the point where police officers are being murdered. Even EMTs and fire fighters are coming under attack as angry protests are evolving into outright anarchy.

The media needs to be held accountable but that presents a dilemma. In the past, we relied on the media to uncover and report lies, thereby, forcing change for the better. When the media is the perpetrator, who do we turn to? It is left up to all of us to take a stand. We need to stop supporting those in the media responsible and demand it be stopped.

David J. Hentosh

Denying Threats

October 5, 2015

When Romney said that Russia is the U.S.’s biggest geopolitical foe during a 2012 presidential debate, Obama scoffed, saying: “The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.” Voters ignored Obama’s inexperience and naiveté and he became president with a failed policy arrogantly and egotistically treating Putin as an insignificant threat.

During a recent GOP candidate debate, Marco Rubio (accurately) predicted Putin’s current actions in Syria and he, too, was ridiculed. President Reagan was vilified for daring to call the Soviet Union the Evil Empire. Pie-in-the-sky ideology does not recognize the existence of evil-doers – unless they are Republicans.

The Left downplays or completely ignores real threats to America because recognizing them would result in taking action and that could require use of military might which they loathe. In Obama’s case, it would also mean admitting his weak foreign policies have failed, especially with regard to Russia where relations have been “re-set” by his administration. The Left picks targets that are politically correct and safe.

During Obama’s administration our troops were prematurely pulled out of Iraq; the “red line” in Syria was crossed and ignored; ISIS developed and now violently rampages in the Middle East; Iran received more time to develop a nuclear weapon unimpeded; Putin invaded the Ukraine; illegal immigrants were encouraged to and allowed to invade our country; North Korea increased threats to South Korea; and China increased expansionist activities.

The Left, meanwhile, has concentrated on threats from: Israel; Christmas and crèches; traditional marriage; FOX News; border security; profiling terrorists; decreased government spending; voter ID cards; the Tea Party; a strong military; displaying the American flag; the Washington Redskins; limits on abortion; the police; school lunches; Republicans; lower taxes; the 2nd Amendment; Confederate flags and statues; Uber; coal; the Keystone pipeline; male and female rest rooms; and even children playing tag.

Feeling Safe?

David J. Hentosh

Holder Stirs the Racial Pot

August 20, 2014

Attorney General Eric Holder has made it known he believes racism is the reason for criticism of himself and president Obama. He refused to press charges against the Black Panthers for voter intimidation during the 2008 elections despite overwhelming evidence against them. He has plotted with president Obama and Al Sharpton to find ways to combat state voter identification laws, deeming them to be racist. His department’s Community Relations Service helped organize protests in the Trayvon Martin case in Florida, inflaming racial tensions.

Now, Eric Holder, along with his Community Relations Service, is going to Ferguson, Missouri to…well…it’s not really clear why. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are already there making sure this fiasco remains a race issue and the police officer remains guilty regardless of facts. Holder’s presence will only re-enforce that. No one believes he is going there to ensure the accused’s rights are upheld.

Ferguson is another example of top-down attitudes from this administration infecting the nation. Racism has been inflamed and kept in the forefront by president Obama and Eric Holder making it no surprise that the black community becomes inflamed at every opportunity. Obama’s attitudes toward social injustice, economic disparity, and America’s atrocities and “unfairness” have also seeped into society creating divisiveness, class warfare, and anger – all for political purposes and his personal agenda.

The incident in Ferguson has become a purely racial issue and will remain so throughout the trial that Holder, Sharpton, and Jackson are there to ensure will occur. Any facts that may not substantiate a trial or possibly indicate the officer acted properly will be labeled as a racist police cover-up. If such facts are not kept hidden, further rioting will occur until they no longer matter.

This is where we are today and Obama and his administration is at the very least partially responsible. We were once on the path to racial healing. Now we are in a “post-racial era” with wounds being rubbed raw once again. This is called progress.

David J. Hentosh

Here We Go Again

August 12, 2014

Ferguson, Missouri experienced looting and rioting after a young, unarmed black man was shot multiple times and killed by a police officer. It does not look good for the police officer at this time, but an investigation had barely begun when incensed locals (and many from out of town) decided the best way to deal with this was by looting and rioting. They are sure of what happened but if wrong, at least they will get some free stuff.

A free TV, free food, free cash from a busted ATM, or just the fun of burning down a local store and a few parked cars is the going rate of exchange for inner city rage (and sometimes for the celebration of a sports team championship). It doesn’t matter whose store is looted, or whose car is burned. In fact, it is the local community, the same community that is outraged, that will experience destruction.

Some in Ferguson are recognizing the stupidity of wrecking one’s own neighborhood, sending out on Twitter that the rioting needed to be done in white neighborhoods. Blaming all white people for the actions of one individual is not considered racist because racism, along with most looting, is a one-way street in today’s society. Some even believe that a black person cannot be racist but that is ignorantly wrong – and is a racist remark.

When a white policeman is gunned down in cold blood it never results in rioting and looting. In fact, the killing of a policeman is often celebrated in song with protests demanding the killer be set free – which brings us to Al Sharpton, now on his way to Ferguson.

Al Sharpton (appearing wherever there are cameras) was the spark that lit the fire in the Crown Heights riots of 1991 and the Freddy’s Fashion Mart massacre in 1995 – after making a fool of himself in the 1987 Tawana Brawley fiasco (which he still won’t admit was a hoax). Is there any reason to believe Sharpton will be a calming influence and bring civilized behavior back to Ferguson?

Welcome to post-racial America.

David J. Hentosh