Archive for the ‘Transformation of America’ Category

Deaf and Dumb Democrats

December 4, 2016

Democrats are understandably still stunned and upset over Trump’s win but that is no excuse for continuing to be politically deaf and dumb concerning the reasons for losing and the lessons that should be evident.

The re-election of Nancy Pelosi as House minority leader shows a complete denial of the Democrats’ need to change. Pelosi blindly backed the Obama administration, often making a fool of herself with inane explanations and excuses. Her major contribution to her party has been her ability for fund-raising but one of the lessons from this election is that money isn’t everything. Pelosi has the same elitist arrogance that turned people away from Hillary and it will now continue to be a bane for Democrats.

Trump’s election showed that identity politics is no longer an acceptable way to govern because it disenfranchised and demeaned a large portion of the population. Far too many Democrats are unwilling to accept that the tail can no longer wag the dog. Recounting votes and looking for ways to derail Trump before he takes office is not productive.

In full denial, President Obama blamed Trump’s win on FOX News foolishly stating that it is “in every bar and restaurant in big chunks of the country”, places he has obviously not visited in quite some time. Others are blaming the media (which was totally in the tank for Hillary), Jill Stein, James Comey, white supremacy, Facebook, Twitter, misogyny, racism, conspiracies, voter suppression, the Electoral College – anything other than identity politics, a runaway progressive agenda, or obsession with social issues.

Democrats rail against any mention of a “mandate” because Hillary had more popular votes but they are ignoring the many other GOP victories in this and the past mid-term elections. They refuse to acknowledge clear indications that the tide has turned and if they remain deaf and dumb, they will become less and less relevant. The country needs both parties. Democrats need to wake up.

David J. Hentosh

Snowflakes Are Melting

November 10, 2016

Many colleges across the country are witnessing the result of their liberal indoctrination and coddling of students. Faced with Trump’s win, many student “snowflakes” are melting, totally unprepared to deal with reality, adversity, and differing opinions.

Traumatized by the election result, students are being “supported” by the canceling or postponing of exams so that they may seek counseling. Cornell University held a “cry-in” for shocked and terrified students where they sipped Starbucks coffee and grieved together in a funeral-like atmosphere.

Bryn Mawr students demanded the canceling of classes because of depression and “safety concerns”, feeling their lives were now in danger from a Trump win. At American University in Washington, DC, angry students protested by burning American flags and shouting “f*ck white America”, putting the blame once again on racism.

The many “safe places” that colleges have been offering students on campuses kept them so totally out-of-touch and protected from differing views that they had no idea that Trump could win. They have been conditioned to believe they are right in all things.

It’s no wonder they are stunned. They have been indoctrinated with one view – and one view only. They have been bathed in identity politics, taught to believe only students of color, LGBTQ students, Native American students, and Latino students have the right to be heard. Freedom of Speech to them means freedom from speech they don’t want to hear and colleges have made sure unwanted speech is kept off campus. They have been deliberately isolated.

These “snowflakes” are one day going to inherit the country totally unprepared for the reality of everyday life and colleges are to blame for their fragile state. If losing an election is enough to “traumatize” them into counseling and therapy, how will they be able to handle true adversity? They have a lot to learn and, unfortunately, far too many colleges no longer offer the “liberal” education they really need.

David J. Hentosh

A Conservative View

October 28, 2016

We’ve had eight years of Obama and if Hillary is elected we will have four more years with much more corruption and deceit – and we may never be able to recover. Far too many Democrat policies are geared to getting votes with very little benefit for the country. More of the same may guarantee a one party rule for many years to come.

Most of the dire results of Obamacare that Republicans predicted have come to fruition. For the benefit of less than 10% of the population, everyone paying for health insurance is experiencing higher premiums and less coverage. Major insurance companies are pulling out of the federal exchanges, choices are being eliminated, and the promise of keeping your plan and doctors has been proven to be a lie.

Illegal immigration not only continues, it is increasing deliberately with assistance from the Obama administration. The federal government is ignoring immigration laws and allowing sanctuary cities to protect illegal immigrants and provide costly benefits. Allowing illegals to vote is even being seriously considered. Breakdown of security at the border is putting the country in danger from the illegal entry of terrorists and criminals.

Race relations have deteriorated and Obama’s promised “post racial era” never materialized. The administration has done very little to stop violent protests that have sparked the murdering of police in the name of social justice. Segregation is beginning to occur on many college campuses where white students are being denigrated, attacked, and taught by the faculty to be ashamed.

Free speech, especially on college campuses, has become a one-way street. Political correctness has become more important than reality and speech counter to the progressive agenda is being considered hateful, sexist, racist, and in some cases, unlawful. Fear is being used to suppress unwanted speech and ideas.

Much of the media has abandoned objective journalism and become overtly biased. Failures of the administration have been glossed over or ignored. The administration’s explanations of the economy, unemployment, terrorism, and foreign affairs have not been challenged even as all continue to deteriorate. Hillary has been given a pass on numerous scandals, allowing her to maintain a pretense of innocence. The GOP has been belittled and Trump has been demonized.

The federal debt is increasing enormously, unemployment remains high, good jobs remain scarce, manufacturers are moving out of the country, federal regulations are increasing, The VA is in disarray, terrorism is increasing, our education system and infrastructure is failing, class warfare is being encouraged, and the country is more split than it has ever been.

Meanwhile, taxes are rising, government benefits are increasing, US oil and gas production is being discouraged, billions are being spent on global warming, war is continuously being waged unproductively in the Middle East, the middle class is struggling, college educations are becoming more expensive and degrees useless, executive orders are becoming laws, and focus on social issues continues obsessively.

Washington is a mess and we are depressingly stuck (forced?) with a choice of Hillary or Trump for president. It is a given that Hillary would continue the path we are on. Trump, with all his character flaws, may be able to change that path and we desperately need a change.

David J. Hentosh

Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Hillary

August 18, 2016

Hillary Clinton continued her deaf, dumb, and blind campaign in Cleveland recently when she declared that she was a “no excuse person”. Facing criticism from even some in the liberal media over the many excuses she has offered for her e-mail fiasco, it is mind boggling that she would even go there. Yet, she did.

Regardless of reality, Hillary just keeps framing herself the way she would like to be seen in the hope that the American people will buy whatever she says because…well…because she’s “Hillary”. The media has certainly helped her but she has swept far too much under the carpet for even the most ignorant voter to ignore all the lumps.

Many will still vote for her regardless, but her public attitude of denial is insulting. Ever since she pretended along with Bill that he “…did not have sexual relations with that woman”, her deaf, dumb, and blind act has been a mainstay of her persona and it defines her. She now seems more tone deaf than president Obama and, like Obama, she continues to get a pass.

The only transparency in her campaign is the transparency of her character. She can no longer hide whom she is and she doesn’t even seem to try. The media has allowed her lies to go unchallenged for so long that she believes she can say and do anything she wishes, expecting everyone to just go along. Unfortunately, far too many do just that.

If enough voters continue following her dream, we may end up with a (another?) deaf, dumb, and blind president forcing an agenda that will “transform” the country fully into the progressive nightmare that has already begun. That would bring an end to this “experiment of democracy” that changed the world for the better.

Vote wisely in November.

David J. Hentosh

Stupidity on Parade

August 4, 2016

We are stuck with two candidates for president who continue to say (and do) stupid things. Right now, Trump is beating Hillary in stupidity and may lose an election that he could have run away with had he controlled himself.

Hillary’s scandals, lies, and denials put her in a very precarious position with voters. Long before her recent denial of Comey’s tacit indictment, she was finding it hard to become likeable or believable. Rather than admit any wrongdoing or apologizing for poor judgment, she doubled-down on lies and denial, treating the public like fools.

When she began attaching herself to Obama’s failing policies and adopting some of Bernie’s far-left ideas in a transparent effort to increase her base, it did little more than highlight character flaws that voters were finding distasteful. She was sinking and ripe for the taking.

Donald Trump, however, failed to take advantage. He stupidly continued to shoot from the hip with personal attacks and anything that popped into his head on the spur of the moment. Rather than act presidential and show an understanding and command of the issues, he continued to let his ego run wild and act like an ass.

His response to Khizr Khan’s speech at the Democratic Convention was, simply, stupid. Humbly accepting Khan’s anger for what it was, one of the stages of grief, and showing compassion for his loss would have not only been the high road to take; it would have spotlighted the Democrats’ unsavory use of the Khan family’s personal grief for political purposes. Trump showed nothing but a lack of control and, as a result, his poll numbers and chances for the presidency are diminishing.

The GOP has Trump as a candidate because the other candidates bought into political correctness and the left’s framing of social issues as most important – two reasons the Dems were on their way to losing the White House. In spite of scandals and lying, Hillary remains a candidate only to “make history” and continue Obama’s “transformation of America”.

Perhaps we are all stupid for allowing this to happen.

David J. Hentosh

Fantasy in Philly

July 28, 2016

Fantasyland at Disney World would have been a much more appropriate location for the Democratic Convention considering how much was ignored, denied, and forgotten inside the Wachovia Center in Philadelphia.

The initial dip into Lake Fantasy was spoiled by the forced resignation of the DNC chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, after leaked e-mails proved she, and others, had been less than impartial by working to rig the nomination for Hillary. An attempt to ignore it by allowing Debbie to open and close the convention before stepping down failed when Bernie’s enraged followers would not join the denial.

Having no coherent plan to deal with terrorism, the entire opening day of the convention went by with no mention of it – a continuation of Obama’s pretense that terrorism is insignificant. The first day also went by with no American flag onstage as if its presence would have been offensive for many in attendance – and there is little doubt it would have been.

Day two of the convention was all about “making history” and putting Hillary on a pedestal as the first female presidential candidate. Former president Bill Clinton gave a long (very, very long) and glowing recap of Hillary’s entire life; poignantly skipping the years she made a fool of herself backing up his lies about his sexual escapades. That was, of course, the elephant in the room (no pun intended) everyone pretended did not exist.

After vehement liberal media disgust over the mother of an American Foreign Service official killed in Benghazi speaking at the Republican convention, hypocrisy was on display (as always) with glowing admiration for speeches given by the mothers of blacks killed by police. Deliberately absent and ignored were mothers of the many police officers cold-bloodily murdered as a result of the fomenting of violence by black “leaders”. One should also remember the admiration held for Cindy Sheehan by the “impartial” media.

It was noticeable that so many speakers talked about “change” and how Hillary is such a great instrument for change. If the past eight years under the Obama administration were as great as they say and everything he did was so right, why would we need so much change? I guess you have to buy into the fantasy to understand that.

If you want to vote for change in November, it certainly shouldn’t be same old, same old Hillary.

David J. Hentosh

The Fix Is In – Transformation Complete

July 6, 2016

Looking as comfortable as a hostage reading an ISIS manifesto, F.B.I. director James B. Comey let Hillary off the legal hook for “extreme carelessness”, aka “gross negligence”, in her handling of confidential and secret e-mails. Also like a hostage, Comey tried to blink the message that Hillary is guilty and has been lying and obstructing justice right from the beginning of this fiasco. That, however, is too “nuanced” for true believers to see, so Hillary is now free to complete the “transformation” started by Obama.

If American voters are willing to accept this insult to their intelligence in order to “make history” by electing Hillary president, they will then deserve the consequences. Obama set the precedent of ignoring and changing the law from the White House and it has now become standard procedure throughout his administration. If elected, Hillary will cast that precedent in concrete and there will be no turning back.

Comey lamely gave lack of “intent” to do harm as an excuse but that is not the law. It certainly wasn’t the law in 2015 when Naval Reservist Brian Nishimura was sentenced to two years of probation and a $7,500 fine for a very similar incident. In that case, the FBI also determined that Nishimura did not “intend” to distribute classified information to unauthorized personnel, but Nishimura was not a player in the “transformation” so he had to pay.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch set the stage (and possibly wrote the script) for this pathetic play just a few days earlier after being caught having a “secret” meeting with former president Bill Clinton. She then tried to clear the mucky air by saying she would accept whatever recommendations the FBI offered, forcing Comey to do the dirty job for her. Somewhere, former USSR officials are smiling knowingly at the charade.

If this doesn’t wake up American citizens nothing will, and the country is lost.

David J. Hentosh

Labels Matter

June 18, 2016

Obama scoffed at critics wanting to know why he will not use the label “radical Islamists” when speaking about terrorism. In a speech filled with ridicule, a standard leftist tactic, Obama asked: “…what exactly using this label would accomplish and what will it change”? This is as disingenuous as it is hypocritical.

What about illegal immigrants labeled as “undocumented workers”? How about “pro-choice” for killing the unborn? What about the “war on women” that is no war? How about the “Party of no” for the GOP? What about the “Affordable Care Act” that continues to increase rather than decrease health care costs? What about the most-used label of all, “racist”, for anyone who disagrees?

Obama and liberal progressives constantly use labels that accomplish masking reality and making an unrealistic agenda more palatable to the masses. Let’s not forget that Obama, who ran for office under the label “The One”, infamously labeled ISIS as the “JV team”. He has even used the vulgar label “tea baggers” in reference to the Tea Party.

It is necessary to identify an enemy in order to defeat it and Obama’s refusal to acknowledge radical Islamists as the enemy has his entire administration and the military concentrating on being politically correct and not offending anyone. The Homeland Security Advisory Council just released a report instructing the DHS not to use any language that might be “disrespectful” to Muslims, including (but not limited to) the words “jihad” and “sharia”, so it seems that labels DO matter as long as they advance the Obama agenda.

Because supporters have labeled him “supremely intelligent”, president Obama arrogantly spews whatever he wishes, expecting everyone to accept his spin as gospel. He has been pissing in our ears and telling us it’s raining for almost eight years, using sarcasm and ridicule to dismiss criticism. As a result, our enemy has been encouraged to escalate its war against us while our efforts have been spent trying not to offend them.

That deserves to be labeled “failure”.


David J. Hentosh

Orlando Massacre Creates Politically Correct Circus

June 13, 2016

Political correctness fatally struck again in Orlando. Even though it is very early in the investigation into the tragic shooting, it has become clear that prior to the attack the perpetrator, Omar Mateen, was given a pass for his inflammatory and fanatical Islamic rhetoric and behavior because of political correctness.

Fear of being labeled a racist prevented anyone from seriously challenging or thwarting Mateen’s intentions. A former police officer who worked with Mateen as a security guard complained about Mateen’s racist comments and vocal desires to kill people but to no avail. This officer claims Mateen was given a pass because he was a Muslim, a claim heard all too often and ignored by a society mired in political correctness.

Inflammatory comments and actions by Mateen sparked two previous investigations by the FBI but nothing resulted. Law enforcement agencies across the country have become severely restricted by PC rules and regulations forced upon them by a society more concerned about offending than defending. Security has taken a back seat to fear of being labeled a racist.

President Obama, unwilling to utter the words “Islamic terrorist” or acknowledge that we are at war with fanatical Islamic terrorists, quickly placed blame on guns as if the fact that the killer’s fanatical Islamic rhetoric and backing of ISIS was just another coincidence. The liberal media followed his lead by blaming guns, the NRA, the GOP, and even Christians – everything but the obvious: Islamic terrorism. Is it really surprising that Trump rose to be a presidential candidate in this sewer of PC pretense?

Everyone knows that 99.999% of Muslims are peaceful and not to be blamed for the worldwide violence occurring. However, there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and if only .001% (1.6 million) share the beliefs of ISIS and abet their violence, the world has a massive problem that needs to be dealt with realistically. Denial is certainly not an answer.

Political correctness is, literally, killing us.

David J. Hentosh

Daryl Hall Gets It Right

May 16, 2016

In an interview with Salon, musician Daryl Hall (of Hall & Oates fame) responded to a left field question about “cultural appropriation”, the idea that white people should not appropriate the culture of ethnic and racial minorities. Daryl gave the interviewer a dose of rationality that cut right to the core:

“Are you trying to say that I don’t own the style of music that I grew up with and sing? I grew up with this music. It is not about being black or white. That is the most naïve attitude I’ve ever heard in my life.” When the interviewer said he agreed with him, Daryl responded: “I’m glad that you do, because anyone who says that should shut the f**k up.” Indeed.

After being told it was academia saying that, Daryl said academia was a “hotbed of idiocy”, the most accurate description anyone has ever provided. He further schooled the interviewer:

“Anyone who knows about music, about culture in general, understands that everything is much more natural. Everything is a mixture. We live in America. That’s our entire culture. Our culture is a blend. It isn’t split up into groups. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool – worse than a fool – a dangerous fool.”

In one brilliant statement, Daryl explained the nature of America’s “greatness” and one of the main reasons for the widening divide in our society. Shredding the idea of “cultural appropriation” in music, he exposed the foolishness of the entire concept and made it clear that it has gone too far.

Sane reasoning such as Daryl’s will not sit well with the unreasonable PC crowd, but it needs to be heard. The idea of “cultural appropriation” is very divisive and if left unchallenged, it will infect everything it touches and split the country to a point of no return. It is in direct opposition to the “melting pot” that built this country and could put us on a path to destruction. Sadly, that may very well be its intent.

Thank you, Daryl, for a much needed dose of reality.

David J. Hentosh