Archive for the ‘Social Engineering’ Category

Democrat Denial

June 21, 2017

The Democrat Party is in disarray because they are mired in denial. Grieving from the trauma of Trump’s election, they are wallowing in anger and refusing acceptance. In order to preserve their fictional world of a mainstream liberal progressive agenda, they are blaming everything and everyone but themselves for continuing failure.

Obama’s election and re-election tricked the far left into believing their agenda was fully accepted so they began using bully tactics to force progressive social changes on society. To appease far left voters the Democrat Party shifted further left focusing on progressive social issues and echoing insults of Middle America’s core values. The result was the election of Donald Trump.

Instead of correcting mistakes and trying to reconnect with the American people after the presidential election, Democrats chose an arrogant path of resistance and denial. There has been very little, if any, willingness to accept responsibility for failure. They are placing blame everywhere but within their own party.

Hillary made a fool of herself re-appearing after her defeat blaming James Comey, Russian conspiracies, the DNC, Facebook, misogyny, fake news and voter suppression – everything but her own inadequacies and failing agenda. Her campaign consisted of “making history” rather than making sense while Trump addressed real issues concerning most citizens.

The media, after losing all credibility by being blatantly biased, is also in denial and continues to make excuses for Democrat failure. Rachel Maddow quickly tried to claim that bad weather was responsible for Democrat Jon Ossoff’s loss in the recent Georgia special election. Others are suggesting that he failed to attack president Trump viciously enough as if that is a winning strategy.

Democrats’ response to losing has been a doubling down on attacking Trump and blocking everything his administration attempts. They still believe their agenda is totally acceptable to mainstream America and needs no change. Until they get their heads out of the sand they will continue to lose and, unfortunately, they will continue to drag the country down.

David J. Hentosh

Labels Matter

June 18, 2016

Obama scoffed at critics wanting to know why he will not use the label “radical Islamists” when speaking about terrorism. In a speech filled with ridicule, a standard leftist tactic, Obama asked: “…what exactly using this label would accomplish and what will it change”? This is as disingenuous as it is hypocritical.

What about illegal immigrants labeled as “undocumented workers”? How about “pro-choice” for killing the unborn? What about the “war on women” that is no war? How about the “Party of no” for the GOP? What about the “Affordable Care Act” that continues to increase rather than decrease health care costs? What about the most-used label of all, “racist”, for anyone who disagrees?

Obama and liberal progressives constantly use labels that accomplish masking reality and making an unrealistic agenda more palatable to the masses. Let’s not forget that Obama, who ran for office under the label “The One”, infamously labeled ISIS as the “JV team”. He has even used the vulgar label “tea baggers” in reference to the Tea Party.

It is necessary to identify an enemy in order to defeat it and Obama’s refusal to acknowledge radical Islamists as the enemy has his entire administration and the military concentrating on being politically correct and not offending anyone. The Homeland Security Advisory Council just released a report instructing the DHS not to use any language that might be “disrespectful” to Muslims, including (but not limited to) the words “jihad” and “sharia”, so it seems that labels DO matter as long as they advance the Obama agenda.

Because supporters have labeled him “supremely intelligent”, president Obama arrogantly spews whatever he wishes, expecting everyone to accept his spin as gospel. He has been pissing in our ears and telling us it’s raining for almost eight years, using sarcasm and ridicule to dismiss criticism. As a result, our enemy has been encouraged to escalate its war against us while our efforts have been spent trying not to offend them.

That deserves to be labeled “failure”.


David J. Hentosh

Daryl Hall Gets It Right

May 16, 2016

In an interview with Salon, musician Daryl Hall (of Hall & Oates fame) responded to a left field question about “cultural appropriation”, the idea that white people should not appropriate the culture of ethnic and racial minorities. Daryl gave the interviewer a dose of rationality that cut right to the core:

“Are you trying to say that I don’t own the style of music that I grew up with and sing? I grew up with this music. It is not about being black or white. That is the most naïve attitude I’ve ever heard in my life.” When the interviewer said he agreed with him, Daryl responded: “I’m glad that you do, because anyone who says that should shut the f**k up.” Indeed.

After being told it was academia saying that, Daryl said academia was a “hotbed of idiocy”, the most accurate description anyone has ever provided. He further schooled the interviewer:

“Anyone who knows about music, about culture in general, understands that everything is much more natural. Everything is a mixture. We live in America. That’s our entire culture. Our culture is a blend. It isn’t split up into groups. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool – worse than a fool – a dangerous fool.”

In one brilliant statement, Daryl explained the nature of America’s “greatness” and one of the main reasons for the widening divide in our society. Shredding the idea of “cultural appropriation” in music, he exposed the foolishness of the entire concept and made it clear that it has gone too far.

Sane reasoning such as Daryl’s will not sit well with the unreasonable PC crowd, but it needs to be heard. The idea of “cultural appropriation” is very divisive and if left unchallenged, it will infect everything it touches and split the country to a point of no return. It is in direct opposition to the “melting pot” that built this country and could put us on a path to destruction. Sadly, that may very well be its intent.

Thank you, Daryl, for a much needed dose of reality.

David J. Hentosh

Read ‘Em and Weep – By The Numbers

April 28, 2016

The following is worth pondering:

Obamacare became law in 2010 primarily to provide health insurance for 30 to 40 million uninsured (approximately 10 to 12% of the population). Today, 20 million are still uninsured, health insurance costs continue to rise, and a growing number of illegal immigrants are obtaining free health care.

It is estimated that 3.5% of the population is homosexual. Only .3% of the population identifies as transgender but there is a push to pass new restroom laws in order to make them feel comfortable. Little concern is evident for the comfort of the other 99.7%.

Concern also seems to be missing for the 8.4% who have a substance use disorder, the 47,000 who died (in 2014) from a drug overdose, or the hundreds of thousands of veterans who died waiting for applications for care to be processed.

There were 12,942 gun homicides in 2015. There are over a million abortions, 41,000 suicides, 47,000 opioid drug deaths, and 88,000 alcohol-related deaths each year.

1.2 million high school students drop out each year. Only 37% of high school seniors are academically prepared for college but 65% will enroll in college after graduating and over 20% of them will take remedial classes.

Everyone from President Obama and John Kerry to Rachel Maddow uses the 97% scientist consensus to validate global warming, a percentage proven to be totally bogus.

The government claims a 5% unemployment rate but that ignores 94 million able-bodied people who can work but choose not to work or have stopped looking for employment. 34% of all Americans financially support the rest of the country.

According to Homeland Security, 99% of illegal immigrants who overstay visas aren’t investigated.

The top 1% earners pay 23.6% of taxes, amounting to 33.7% of their income. An estimated 45.3 % of households pay no federal income taxes.

An estimated $6 “billion” was spent in the 2012 political campaigns when 126 million people voted. That works out to $47.60 spent per voter. Approximately 93 million eligible citizens did not vote.

David J. Hentosh

How Did Trump Rise?

March 30, 2016

Progressive liberals fear a Donald Trump presidency more than conservatives once feared an Obama presidency. They are totally baffled by Trump’s rise and they are laying blame for it on the GOP, the media, and racism. They need look no further than at themselves.

Emboldened by one of their own in the White House and backed by a complicit media, progressive liberals began implementing their idealistic agenda, believing mainstream America was on board. They began forcing wholesale changes much too quickly on society using political correctness, class warfare, and allegations of racism to silence opposition.

While the media blindly praised the progressive agenda and Obama’s policies, mainstream America was busy struggling with a weak economy, unemployment, rising health care costs, increasing racial tensions, threats of terrorism, and illegal aliens pouring across our open border. Progressive liberals ignored these growing problems and continued focusing on social issues.

As Washington became more and more polarized and mired in bitter partisanship, President Obama, seemingly oblivious to it all, concentrated on pushing his personal agenda and building his legacy. He deliberately minimized the threat of terrorism in order to concentrate on “transforming” America. His failure in foreign affairs and his lack of leadership resulted in alienating allies, emboldening enemies, and reducing respect for the United States across the globe.

Since the DNC and the media refused to acknowledge administration failures or curtail changes being forced on society, it was inevitable there would be a backlash. The arrogance of the administration and progressive liberals created a fertile ground for a political outsider.

Ignoring political correctness and daring to speak candidly on issues, Trump addressed the frustration and fear growing throughout the country, increased awareness of our lack of responsible leadership, and pulled many out of denial. His stirring of the stagnant political climate has been a positive.

Trump may be egotistical, abrasive, and obnoxious, but he shocked a numbed population out of a complacency that allowed a progressive transformation to run wild. That transformation is the reason for Trump’s growing popularity.

David J. Hentosh

Obama is Endangering the Country

February 9, 2016

Individuals with connections to terrorist organizations have been apprehended crossing our southern border, illegal immigrants are being used by drug cartels as conduits for heroin, children are dying at the hands of human traffickers, and dangerous criminals are crossing into the United States. Obama’s response is to double down on his open border policy.

The Obama administration has just re-instated a ‘catch-and-release” policy ordering border agents to stop arresting and deporting many new illegal immigrants. Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, said instead of cracking down, the administration issued this order to avoid further embarrassment over the number of illegals not showing up for deportation hearings. Testifying before a House Judiciary Committee, Judd said that “Immigration laws today appear to be mere suggestions” and “that fact is well known in other countries.”

Drug cartels are flooding the border with illegal immigrants carrying heroin into the country, increasing supply and lowering cost. Deaths from heroin-related overdoses nearly quadrupled between 2002 and 2013 and Obama’s border policy is dangerously escalating the heroin epidemic sweeping throughout the country.

It is not just Obama’s immigration policies that are dangerous. He has succeeded in shifting the focus of our Armed Forces onto climate change, a nebulous threat he believes is more dire and imminent than ISIS and other terrorists. His desperate agreement (appeasement?) with Iran has resulted in the return of billions of dollars of frozen assets to Iran that will finance a continued quest for nuclear weapons. He has insulted allies and lowered respect for the US around the world.

On the home front during his administration, racial tensions increased; economic growth stalled; government spending and debt escalated; health care insurance became a quagmire; and the country became further divided. He seems oblivious to it all as he continues to “transform America” according to his personal vision, a vision born from radical propaganda he was subjected to in his youth.

The danger is real, the damage is real, and the denial is real. The “dream” is not. Vote wisely.

David J. Hentosh

A Bumpy Cruz to NY

January 15, 2016

Forget ISIS, unemployment, Obamacare, disastrous foreign policies, runaway illegal immigration, executive orders, Hillary scandals, Iran’s nuclear program, and even Donald Trump. The New York Daily News is in an uproar over Ted Cruz dissing New York during the Republican debate, declaring on its front page: “Drop Dead, Ted”. There goes Obama’s plea for political civility.

Cruz disparagingly accused Trump of having “New York values” which he defined: “…in New York City are socially liberal, are pro-abortion, are pro-gay-marriage, focused around money and the media”. These are the values behind NY Mayor DeBlasio’s attempt to ban large sodas and president Obama’s attempts to “transform America” according to his personal views – and they are the values known to be held by a majority in NY City.

Conservatives not from NY get it and understand what Cruz was saying. Those from NY City, both liberal and conservative, take it as a personal insult because many New Yorkers have the parochial view that the world revolves around NY City and everything outside the city limits is unsophisticated and crude. Consequently, saying anything negative about NY City or its residents may be the only thing that can bring New Yorkers from both sides of the aisle together in agreement – at least for a day or two.

Talking heads on FOX News, MSNBC, and all those in between are taking umbrage at Ted’s “insult”. Iran’s insult of capturing, handcuffing, then releasing 10 American sailors did not produce as much across-the-board outrage. In fact, Kerry and Obama praised Iran’s “diplomacy” over that incident in their continuing and embarrassing appeasement of Iran. One can image, then, their chagrin over Ted’s comments.

This is how far we have “progressed” under the political tutelage of the left-leaning media and the Obama administration. We may have “progressed” too far to turn back but the coming presidential election is the best shot to try to do so. Please vote – and vote wisely.

David J. Hentosh

Obama Failures Piling Up

December 11, 2015

Obama’s failed foreign policies have become widely acknowledged, especially with regard to the Middle East and ISIS. Recent attacks in Paris and the U.S. have made a mockery of his disregard of terrorist threats and his refusal to name the enemy. However, this is but one area where he has failed and we must not forget his other failures piling up.

According to Forbes, “Obamacare’s coverage expansion fell between 6 and 12 million short of expectations, while driving the growth of health spending to its highest rate in 7 years”. UnitedHealth Group has lost hundreds of millions of dollars from offering coverage on the Obamacare exchanges and is considering pulling out. The CBO says Obamacare will cause the loss of 2 million jobs over the next decade, shrinking the workforce by approximately 1%. Due to the high cost of health coverage, 32 million people remain uninsured. This is a failure by anyone’s standards.

Although there has been a slight increase in jobs, many people have stopped looking for employment and far too many can only find part-time employment. The numbers, therefore, are skewed and the 5% unemployment rate is misleading since 94.7 million working age Americans (29% of the population) are considered not in the labor force. Meanwhile, the national debt continues to rise.

Our border remains dangerously unsecured and the influx of illegals is sucking up government funds. Obama released terrorists from GITMO who return to the battlefield. His refusal to compromise has increased partisanship in an already partisan Congress. Racial unrest is increasing and his “Leading from behind” has become a joke, leaving our country leaderless and no longer trusted throughout the world. His focus on climate change (aka global warming), which he calls our biggest threat, has produced nothing and his rhetorical nuclear agreement with Iran is being ignored as Iran continues its nuclear weapons pursuit with impunity.

In the face of all these failures and more, Obama remains arrogantly aloof, out of touch, and fumblingly non-reactive. Democrats have blindly backed Obama through all of this and must be held accountable. One can only hope we can survive another year before voting for a change – and we must vote for a change.

David J. Hentosh

College Coddling

December 2, 2015

At Brown University, a debate between two women on whether or not there existed a “rape culture” on campus was felt to be too traumatizing for some students. Any criticism or doubt of the existence of a rape culture was felt to be “invalidating people’s experiences” and “damaging”, so the school set up a “safe space” for students complete with cookies, coloring books, bubbles, Play-Doh, calming music, pillows, blankets and a video of frolicking puppies.

This school-provided kindergarten atmosphere is little more than a coddling of students raised in a progressive, PC culture that considers differing opinions to be “hate speech”. Colleges once deliberately subjected students to differing opinions in order to broaden their minds. That was the very goal of a “liberal” education. Now, it seems to be the exact opposite and “safe places” are proliferating on college campuses across the country to protect students from the “hostile environment” created by differing opinions.

Colleges have gone from challenging students to coddling them and the idea of “higher learning” has been lost. Remedial courses are on the increase for students ill-prepared for college and the curriculum has been dummied down at many schools to keep students matriculating. After 12 years of an overwhelming progressive and liberal education, students entering college have been conditioned to one view of complicated issues with no tolerance for dissent. Colleges are continuing that conditioning.

The government helped create this college coddling of students with the Title IX demand that schools receiving federal money (pretty much all of them) assure that the environment does not become hostile to students. Although this was addressing sexual assaults on campus, schools are playing it safe by allowing students to define “hostile environment” and, of course, it has gone overboard.

Colleges are more concerned with money than prestige, so they are coddling students used to being coddled rather than make waves (or lawsuits) by trying to expand their minds with differing views. Thus, colleges are caving in to outrageous demands and allowing students to run the show. Parents paying for much of this are the ones truly in need of “safe places”.

David J.Hentosh


November 20, 2015

Black Lives Matter protesters disrupted students studying in the library at Dartmouth University by screaming obscene and racist remarks such as “F**k you, you filthy white f**ks” and “F**k you, you racist shits” and getting into physical altercations with the students. Dartmouth’s Vice Provost for student affairs, Inge-Lise Ameer, apologized…to the BLM protesters for the negative responses and media coverage that they received. WTF??

While French President Francois Hollande labeled the Paris attacks an act of war, President Obama called them a “setback” and Secretary of State John Kerry expressed surprise that the Paris attacks lacked the rationaleof the Charlie Hebdo murders. WTF??

Bloomberg columnist Margaret Carlson minimized the dangers of illegal immigration and Syrian refugees arguing that “maybe” terrorists sneaking into the US would become patriotically Americanized and their anger would go away because we have a history of successfully integrating immigrants. WTF??

In Lowell, Mass., Lindsay Miller has been allowed to wear a pasta strainer on her head in her driver’s license photo because she is a religious member, a “Pastafarian”, of “The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster”, officially recognized as a religion in Poland. WTF??

Colorado’s State Legislature will hold a vote in June on whether or not to legalize the purchasing, selling, and distributing, of hard drugs including heroin, meth, cocaine, and peyote. According to State Senator John Perry Barlow, legalizing these drugs will “empty out the dregs of our prisons and bring in millions of dollars in tax revenues for our state” and “make drug abuse treatment a more viable option for addicts and doctors alike”. WTF??

Princeton students are demanding the university “acknowledge the racist legacy of Woodrow Wilson”; University of Texas students are demanding a tuition-free education and cancellation of student debts; and Occidental College students are demanding campus safety officers stop wearing bullet-proof vests. WTF??

David J. Hentosh