“Phony” Scandals Panicking Phony President

President Obama “pivoted” from issues that are drowning his administration to smoke and mirror obfuscation or, in other words, to his sweet spot. In an overly-long speech meant to shift focus away from his failing administration, Obama repeated stale economic “hope and change” rhetoric that has no bearing on reality of or the muck of his administration.

Dismissing the chaos swirling around his administration as “phony scandals”, Obama is relying on unconditional support from blind admirers to keep him above the fray, but he is mired much too deeply in the morass. The only phony thing here is his presidency, and even some of his supporters are starting to realize it.

Obama was a phony presidential candidate in 2008, having little or no experience in anything that qualified him for the top job. His rhetoric and promises turned out to be phony and his policies have been driven by personal ideologies. Obamacare, his piece de resistance, was rashly pushed through Congress to gain a political success, camouflaged by a phony concern for the uninsured.

His foreign policies have been idealistic, naive, and amateurish, sneered upon by both allies and enemies who understood right from the start that he was out of his league. His phony diplomacy has been transparent and his inability to make decisions has lowered respect for the US around the world.

His flip-flopping on the Defense of Marriage Act over the years indicates that his present backing of gay marriage is phony. He has shown to be swayed by the political wind, not his conscience. Even his attendance at Columbia University is being questioned and his “superior intelligence” has yet to reveal itself.

It is an insult for this president to dismiss legitimate concerns about the IRS, NSA, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Snowden, Obamacare costs, HHS Secretary Sebelius, Holder’s Justice Department, Solyndra, and much, much more as “phony” scandals. One can only hope that voters will remember this insult at the voting booth and begin the recovery we desperately need.

David J. Hentosh

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One Response to ““Phony” Scandals Panicking Phony President”

  1. Bruce Says:

    Obama’s experience as a community organizer is helping him to direct his divisive messages to sympathetic political supporters. His messages are meant to balkanize our country, increase tensions, and cause distrust of our government. His tactics are based on established insurgency efforts. Forty years of liberal-progressive, public school , education has produced a fertile audience. Many young citizens know nothing about American history, our values, legal system, or government.
    Their education has trained them not to think critically; rather, they should join the collective and not have to worry about being shunned because of their beliefs.


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