Posts Tagged ‘hail mary pass’

Putin 2, Assad 1, Obama 0, UN -2

September 11, 2013

The Middle East scores are in and Putin takes the lead handily from a fumbling Obama while the UN continues to be a useless waste of time and money. Syria’s Assad gets away with the use of chemical weapons and solidifies partnership with the clear winner, Putin.

In a speech to the nation, Obama explained why force against Syria is necessary and why he is asking Congress for approval. He also expounded on his personal reluctance to use force. Then, he postponed the Congressional vote to use the force he just told us is necessary, based on the hope that a Hail Mary pass from Putin will remove this distasteful burden from his shoulders and allow him to concentrate on transforming America.

Obama also told us that the use of chemical weapons by Syria broke international law and cannot be ignored. Where, then, is the UN? Isn’t this one of the reasons for its existence? Do we need any more proof that the UN is a useless organization.

Putin took an off-hand remark by Kerry, that Syria could avoid an attack by giving up its chemical weapons, and used it as a means of returning Russia to a leadership role in the Middle East, one that was lost for decades. Syria will follow Putin’s lead, pretending to give up its chemical weapons, because Russia is its only friend – and it will stop a military strike.

Furthering Russia’s influence and leadership in the Middle East, Putin is now going to renew a previously cancelled offer to supply Iran with air defense missile systems and a nuclear reactor. This puts Iran and Syria in Putin’s pocket. How long before Egypt sees the way the wind is blowing?

Obama’s handling of the Middle East removed us from Iraq without leaving even one military base (which would have come in handy right now); gave Iran more time to develop nuclear weapons; ignored the turmoil in Egypt; alienated Israel; reduced our influence; and emboldened Syria to use chemical weapons.

Unbelievably, Obama will now be praised by the left for handling the Syria crisis without military involvement and be given credit for Putin’s solution. Embarrassment over his bumbling lack of leadership will be forgotten and he will be put back up on the pedestal. How sweet that blindness must be. For the rest of us there is only disgust.

David J. Hentosh